The Catch Recap 4/7/16: Season 1 Episode 3 “The Trail”

The Catch Recap 4/7/16: Season 1 Episode 3 "The Trail"

Tonight on the ABC The Catch airs with an all new Thursday April 7, season 1 episode 3 called “The Trail.” On tonight’s episode, Valerie’s (Rose Rollins) estranged husband hires the team to look into a big pharmaceutical company after his sister experiences bad side effects from an MS clinical trial.

On the last episode, Alice and the team took on a very public client, a husband who was wrongly imprisoned for murdering his wife. Alice, however, was distracted with a mission of her own: track down Ben and figure out his next move. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed the episode we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “Anderson Vaughan Investigations takes on a case that hits close to home when Valerie’s estranged husband, Gordon, comes to them for help after his sister suffers horrible side effects in a Multiple Sclerosis clinical trial by a big pharmaceutical company. Meanwhile, Alice is following her biggest lead yet in tracking down Ben, as he’s in the midst of luring their next victim, Princess Zara Al-Salim, into a multimillion dollar fraudulent real estate investment.”

Tune in tonight to catch the season 1 episode 3 of The Catch on ABC – we’ll be right here recapping it for you live!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Alice had realized that her former fiancée was going to use the name Michael Thorne before he had even picked it himself. Apparently Ben was predictable on tonight’s episode of “The Catch”. He literally picked names out of the same paper and he used the same criteria. The men he chose to impersonate had no living relatives and they all recently passed. So just as Alice thought she had a lead on Ben, she inadvertently gave it away.

Agent Jules Dao has secretly been listening in on Alice’s phone calls so he heard the moment Alice and Sophie had found out about a “Michael Thorne” opening up a three new credit cards. Yet, unlike the ladies, the Interpol agent could actually do something about that. He called his people to get an official warrant for Michael Thorne’s credit cards and he’s preparing to find Ben before Ben moves on from his current con.

However, Ben and his friends ran into a few hiccups. They had needed ten million dollars to recover what they lost and so they chose to con an Arabic Princess and the general in charge of ruling her family funds. And while the Princess was easy to deceive, Qasim Halabi was outright suspicious of Ben. So Qasim chose to do something about it.

Qasim had once beheaded eighteen dissidents that had threatened the Royal Family so he was loyal as well as ruthless. But Ben hadn’t thought Qasim would be a concern for him seeing as he was only flirting with the Princess rather than trying to act on it. Therefore, he and Margot later changed up their plans to use Qasim’s insecurity against him and sadly for the royal family the cons ended up bilking them out of a lot money that was never going to pan out into multi-million dollar apartments.

Though, Agent Dao had missed his chance at capturing Ben before someone else got hurt seeing as he had been running after Alice. The agent had wanted to warn Alice that she couldn’t capture her “Mr. X” on her own. He said that the man she had known as Christopher had killed before and that he had even known the victim.

The bureau however did not that Dao had a personal stake in capturing Ben. So that had made everything that the agent had said suspicious and Alice knew that she was going to have to check out what happened to the young woman he mentioned. Agent Dao had said that Nathalie had been killed by her con-artist yet there was nothing that Alice could do with that information because she was working on a case close to her and the firm.

Val’s soon to be ex-husband and her sister-in-law had gone to Val and Alice to ask for help. Apparently the poor woman had recently been diagnosed with MS and so she had gone to a pharmaceutical company that had promised to mitigate the symptoms. Instead, however, the company nearly killed Susan and everyone involved with the testing trials.

So Susan and her brother Gordon had wanted to sue. Yet, they were able to do so because of a waiver she had signed and the thing about the waiver is that there was a way out of it if Susan or in this case Val and Alice could prove that there hadn’t been another testing group. And that had the company had willfully played with her life.

And to do that, Alice had to go in undercover. She went to the pharmaceutical company pretending that she wanted to join the next testing group and she had later been a tad too late in stopping the nurse from giving her the drug. So Alice got what her friends needed which was proof the doctor in charge had purposely been tanking the trial, but she withheld the part about getting the MS drug and so that came back to bite her.

Alice, you see, hadn’t just gone home afterwards or even thought about visiting the emergency room. She actually followed up on her lead with Ben and had found him at the very same restaurant that he had been courting a princess and Qasim had died. Though the latter part hadn’t exactly been planned.

Ben and his friends had apparently realized that Qasim had been conning the royal family that he was supposed to protect. So Ben had told the princess everything. Like how Qasim had used the apartments to steal six million dollars from her family (though he and his friends had stolen ten) and that made her look into other business deals that Qasim had performed on behalf of her family. And eventually the princess found a pattern.

So Qasim was done with the Royal Family and they probably had something big awaiting him when he got back. Yet, rather than go back, he tried to kill Ben. Quasim had recognized a fellow con man so he knew that Ben had gotten him out of the way in order to get closer to the princess. And take even more from her family.

And so Qasim wanted revenge yet Margot had shot him before he could actually hurt Ben. Therefore, Reggie and Margot needed to hide a body out in the desert and Ben needed protect what he had with the princess. So he led Alice down a fake trail that just happened to be covered in blood and that more than anything else convinced her to finally team up with Agent Dao.

But with Reggie off getting rid of any evidence of Qasim, there had been no one left behind to police Ben’s actions and so he called Alice.

And he warned her about Agent Dao!