The Catch Recap 5/12/16: Season 1 Episode 8 “The Package”

Tonight on the ABC The Catch airs with an all new Thursday May 12, season 1 episode 8 called “The Package.” On tonight’s episode, Ben (Peter Krause) tackles a risky situation plotting someone’s escape from FBI custody.

On the last episode, the team took on a missing-child case involving divorcing parents whose split was far from amicable. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed the episode we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “Ben tackles a risky situation plotting someone’s escape from FBI custody. Meanwhile, Sophie seeks the team’s help in getting her pal get out of a regretful contract, and in the process, she reveals some maneuvers she’s been hiding.”

Tune in tonight to catch the season 1 episode 8 of The Catch on ABC – we’ll be right here recapping it for you live!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the Most Current Updates!

Rhys had finally told his sister all about Alice Vaughan on tonight’s episode of “The Catch” and apparently the two were in agreement about one thing. They both felt like they needed to get rid of Alice, but they knew that neither of them could be the one to actually kill her because that would only drive a wedge between them and Ben. So before they did anything else, Margot felt it would be in their best interests’ to at least find out what Ben had told his little girlfriend. And so she decided to impersonate Alice’s therapist.

The same therapist that Valerie had recommended to Alice because she felt like her friend needed to open up to someone if not her and so she told her friend that she could trust the therapist that she had been seeing. Who happened to have helped her through her separation from her husband and was known to be discreet. However, the actual therapist had eventually been bribed and threatened into staying away. So Alice walked straight into a trap when she sat down in front of Margot and not the woman that was supposed to help her because she had tried to taking Val’s advice and be open with someone.

So Alice probably told Margot a lot more than either of them had expected. After all, Margot hadn’t even thought that Ben’s relationship with Alice had gone as far as them wanting to run away together yet it had. Alice told Margot that he wanted to start over with her and leave everything else behind. Including his friends and former lifestyle. Both of which being directly connected to Margot and the relationship Ben had with her.

And so it was rude awakening for Margot though she remained clam enough not to give the game up to either her patient or Ben. Margot had realized that she couldn’t stop the “therapy” sessions because she still wanted to know everything else that Ben had been willing to sacrifice for Alice. So she stuck around and kept on impersonating the therapist even as she went on to call Ben on what he was doing by trying to get rid of her.

Ben it seems had talked Rhys into considering a deal where they all rejoin the Kensington Firm and that way he could stay in charge of the West Coast operations while Margot took control of the East Coast. Yet, Margot had seen right through his ploy and she told him that she wasn’t going to be rejoining the firm. And that the only reason he had tried to make a deal with her brother was because he wanted to stay in LA with his girlfriend, but send far away in order to get rid of her.

But funny thing is Ben soon came to regret wanting to rejoin the firm when he agreed to pick up a package for Rhys and found out the package was in fact a woman.

A woman that was in the custody of the feds. So not only was the package surrounded by federal protection, but she was also proven to be difficult. She didn’t want to make any agreement or sign a single thing until Ben and his partner agreed to her demands. Such as killing someone for her, giving her percent of the end take, and getting her dog. The dog also being in federal custody, just not held somewhere else.

So the entire thing with the “package” was ludicrous. However, Rhys still wanted to complete the job so he told Reggie and Ben to stay on guard while he went to go speak with his sister. Margot though didn’t want to help him with his con. She had been continuing Alice’s therapy sessions so she found out that Ben had told Alice his real name and, because of that, both she and her brother ultimately saw Ben as the problem. Not Alice!

Now that didn’t stop the therapy sessions yet did make thing complicated on Rhys’s end. Rhys had always viewed Ben as his golden boy so it had actually affected the way he viewed him after he found out about Alice. And it also made Rhys second guess Ben’s every action to the extent that he threatened Alice’s life if they didn’t get their hands on “package”.

Although they didn’t have to worry about said “package” for long. The counterfeiter that Rhys wanted to break out of federal protection had already made her an escape by time he and Ben had showed up to free her because Margot had stolen her from under all of their noses. So the guys were left dealing with some very upset the U.S. Marshals that Margot had knocked out and left for them. And their delay in “dealing” with the problem nearly led them to getting caught by Agent Dao and Alice.

Fortunately, though, Reggie had come through for them and he had gotten the men out of there before they could get caught. Yet, after that experience, Alice felt like she was done with the investigation and with Ben. She had seen the bodies of the dead U.S. Marshalls that Rhys had left behind and that gave her a much needed wakeup call. So she decided to stay away from the Kensington Firm and go back to her regular life as a private investigator.

Sophie’s friend had come to the firm because she thought her record company wasn’t releasing her album on purpose yet the truth was that her producer didn’t want to release her album until he had released her secretly recorded sex tape. That she hadn’t known about, but that he hoped would help garner more press and sales of her latest album. Though Kelsey felt like her producer’s actions crossed a line so Alice and Val helped the rising star cut ties with him when they called the feds. And reported him for secretly recording sex with an underage minor involved.

But Alice was in for a surprise later because even as she was telling Ben that she was done and that she wanted to get on with her life, he and Agent Dao showed up at her place as a sign of good faith. Apparently Ben wanted to be done with his old life as well. So he’s willing to work with Agent Dao to bring down the Kensington Firm to prove to Alice that he wants to turn over a new life. And that he’s serious about her.


Kristine Francis:
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