The Family Recap 4/10/16: Season 1 Episode 7 “All the Livelong Day”

Tonight on ABC The Family returns with an all new Sunday April 10, season 1 episode 7 called “All the Livelong Day.” On tonight’s episode, Flashbacks show Adam’s return to Red Pines set against the backdrop of Willa’s secrets and lies; what Adam went through in captivity; and Hank’s state of mind while incarcerated.

On the last episode, Nina and Clements designed a plan to lure the pock-marked man, Doug, using Adam as bait. However, things went awry when Adam spots Doug in the mall. He becomes sick and was taken to the hospital while the police continue their pursuit of Doug. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the ABC synopsis, “flashbacks show Adam’s return to Red Pines set against the backdrop of Willa’s secrets and lies; what Adam went through in captivity; and Hank’s state of mind while incarcerated. In other events, John drops a bombshell on Claire, which forces her to make a difficult decision about the future of her family.”

Tune in tonight to catch the season 1 episode 7 of The Family on ABC – we’ll be right here recapping it for you live! While you wait for the recap, let us know what you think of The Family so far down below!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The secret is out on tonight’s all new episode of “The Family”. Apparently “Adam” is not Adam, his real name is actually Ben and Ben had known the real Adam. The two had been imprisoned together and so Ben knew better than anyone else what happened to Adam. Which he must have told Willa about at some point. And yet what didn’t make sense was Willa and the part she played in the charade.

Willa had gone to great lengths to lie about her brother returning and she had also faked a DNA test in order to fool her whole family into believing Ben was Adam. And so Claire had to ask her daughter why. Why did Willa put her family through this again when she knew the truth would make them feel as if they lost Adam all over again?

And the answer shocked Claire. At first she thought her daughter was cruel and was simply thinking about the election, but it turns out Ben had told Willa about how Adam had gotten sick and that their captor had claimed he couldn’t save him. So it’s pretty clear that the young woman took over from there. She didn’t think it was fair for her family to mourn Adam again and therefore she lied about Ben.

Adam had unfortunately died in captivity after being held for nearly ten years and so Willa didn’t want her family to know that they could have had a decade with Adam if they hadn’t stopped looking for him. Or if John and Will hadn’t framed Hank for Adam’s murder. And so Willa made a decision that was the wrong one.

But why did Ben choose to go along with her plan? In a series of flashbacks, it was revealed that Ben had tried to make the best of their situation for Adam’s sake if not his own. So he had tried to protect Adam and the two had formed a bond however Adam eventually got sick. It seems he and Ben had been trying to tunnel themselves out of the hole when they realized that there was a metal wall behind all that brick.

And so that had discouraged Adam. He didn’t want to pretend anymore afterwards that they were living any semblance of a life or that their “friend” wasn’t the monster that he was so Adam had pretty much given up. He had caught a bad cold, probably from tunneling in a damp environment, and the only help they could get was from their kidnapper. Who did take Adam out of the hole and who most likely pretended as if he was going to get Adam some actual help.

Though Doug later came back and he told Ben that Adam had died yet he also reassured Ben that he was going to be getting a new friend soon. So Ben knew what that meant. It meant Doug was going to kidnap another little boy and so that’s when Ben formed a plan. He tricked Doug into believing that he had put on the chain as normal and then he attacked him. And made a run for it.

Only Ben hadn’t gone to the police straightaway. He had gone to Adam’s house because he had wanted to tell them himself about what happened. However, he ran into Willa and she ended up putting him up in a motel while she verified the fact he knew her brother. Then, once he did prove that he was telling the truth, she had asked him to lie.

Her parents were about to get a divorce and Danny was still spinning out of control. So Willa fabricated a story and, as she would tell her mother, she gave their family a second chance. They got to get Adam back and her mistake from all those years ago in letting Adam wander off would somehow be corrected.

Yet, what about Ben? Willa had managed to convince him to play his part because she said her family shouldn’t be hurt and Ben didn’t have family anyways. The latter part being something that Ben had told her, but did she even look into that? Ben had probably been told by Doug that he didn’t have family and so that could have been a lie as well.

And there had also been Hank. Willa should have done something about his incarceration the second she had figured out Ben was telling the truth though she left him there in prison. Even as she came up with a fake story and later when she had a change of heart because Willa did eventually have a moment of sanity. Where she knew what she was doing was wrong.

But that doesn’t mean she came to common sense. Willa had changed her mind about Ben impersonating Adam however her new plan didn’t involve calling the police about Doug or getting Ben the actual help he needs. Her plan involved simply giving him ten grand and telling him to get on a bus out of town.

So Willa didn’t truly care about what happened to him or getting justice for Adam. She was upset about her family, but she was just fine with letting things continue as they were rather than speaking up. And therefore it was Ben that had gone ahead on his own. Pretending to just having escaped and that he was Adam.

And Willa truly didn’t understand how much he needed help until he did because he wasn’t only pretending. Ben seriously wanted to be Adam. He wanted that caring family around him and there could be part of him that felt like he deserved it. Ben had been held captive since he was a small child and he had nowhere else to go. Or people to even care.

Nevertheless, though, Claire had been lied to and Will can only see now after the fact that her mother should have been told the truth from the very beginning.

Claire had gone out drinking following her conversation with her daughter and she had spiraled out of control. Yet, she soon picked herself and surprisingly she later chose to maintain the lie. At least for now that is. And she was going to let Been keep calling her mom though he suspected that she knew the truth. So he went to the same place he’s always goes at night.

He went to the same motel that Will had dropped him off in and there he looked at the money she gave him as if he was thinking about finally leaving town.


Kristine Francis:
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