The Good Wife Live Recap: Season 7 Episode 14 “Monday”

Tonight on CBS The Good Wife starring Julianna Margulies continues with an all new Sunday February season 7 episode 14 called, “Monday” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Alicia (Julianna Margulies) has trouble adjusting when she returns to work at Lockhart, Agos and Lee with Lucca. (Cush Jumbo)

On the last episode, Alicia argued against Judge Schakowsky when she learned that a former bond court client was wrongfully imprisoned. Meanwhile, Diane assisted the student editor of a college newspaper when the school threatened to fire her for writing a politically charged article. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Alicia has trouble adjusting when she returns to work at Lockhart, Agos and Lee with Lucca. Their first case, involving a secret new computer tablet, causes a rift within the firm.”

Tonight’s season 7 episode 14 looks like it is going to be great and we’ll be updating it for you beginning 9:00 PM EST. In the meantime, sound off your comments and below and tell us how much you are enjoying this seventh season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of “The Good Wife” opens with at Lockhart, Agos & Lee with Diane describing the firm to the new Associates.  She encourages the associates by telling them that one of the partners came from they are a mere 6-years ago.

Meanwhile Alicia is back at Lockhart, Agos & Lee and they wonder if they are making a mistake.  Cary is the first to welcome Cary back and she is feeling a bit weird.  Cary welcomes her back and tells her she will probably have to work on the 27th floor because they is no room on the 28th.

Howell runs into Alicia’s office and tells her he might have to hire her.  He is the technology director.  He has something to show her, something from the device show.  His girlfriend found found something on the floor, it is the Foil the new Chum Hum tablet.  Howell tweeted it and now tech firms are offering him $$$ to review it.  Howell needs to know if he can sell the gadget.  Alicia says he needs a minute.

Marissa is working at a juice bar and a guy comes to buy some juice and starts flirting with her he asks her for lunch.

Lucca and Alicia come to see Diane and Cary to speak to them about the found tablet.  Diane tells them by law Howell has to give the owner a change to claim it.  Lucca disagrees but goes and calls Chum Hum customer service and tells them they found a Foil Tablet the supervisor argues with Lucca that they did not find a tablet.  Lucca hangs up and Diane asks them to give Cary and her a moment.

Meanwhile, Marissa is eating lunch with the man she met at the juice bar telling him about being in Israel.  He wants to know if her parents were afraid when she was in Israel.  Marissa tells the man her father was Peter Florrick’s campaign manager and she was Alicia Florrick’s body manager.  The man (Scott) keeps asking questions and Marissa starts getting suspicious she asks the man about him and secretly she starts taping their conversation.

After work Marissa heads to see her Daddy, Eli and tells him a man called Scott Devereaux was asking a lot of questions about him.  Marissa shows Eli a picture of the man and Eli tells her he is a FBI agent.  Eli wants to know what Scott asked and Marissa starts playing the recording.  Eli is happy she recorded the conversation.

Jason comes to see Alicia at the office, they start flirting.  Alicia says, “We kissed, so what do we do not?”  Alicia wants to know if it will be weird.  Jason tells her he has to leave to work.

Felicia gets an email that says they are dropping the Howell case.  Alicia goes to see Cary and tells Alicia it makes them nervous they are in a weird place with Chum Hum.

Cary and Felicia see several men walking in and go out to see them Diane asks the men who they are they say, “We have an arrest warrant for Howell for trafficking in stolen property.”  Diane asks to see the warrant and Diane tells Howell not to say anything.

Diane, Cary & Alicia come to see Howell and they want to give him 3-years.  They tell Howell to not speak to anyone without them.  Mr. Gross owner of Chum Hum comes into the room and says they will drop the charges if they give him back the tablet and the name of the person who took it.  Howell won’t give up his girlfriend.  Cary & Diane wonder how Mr Neil Gross got permission to come in the room where Howell is being held and is being given permission to make an offer.

Eli comes to visit Judge Don Schakowsky – the judge asks Eli if he is wearing a wire and the judge says he is not either.  Eli tells the Judge that the FBI are probably investigating them.  The judge agrees that FBI agent Rowan was there asking him questions about Alicia.  Eli is surprised.

Jason gets info on TAPS the people who had Howell arrested it seems they came into town by Mr. Gross private plane.  Judge Ferris comes into court and Alicia request that the US Attorney show probable cause or release Howell.  Agent Dunst tells the judge that he was contacted by Mr. Gross about a stolen Foil.  Apparently Howell was on the offenders list he release game info early and they saw the tweet Howell made about having the tablet.

Alicia tells the Judge that Mr. Gross owner of Chum Hum works on the steering committee that runs Taps.  Agent Dunst admits that he does work for Mr. Gross.  Alicia tells the Judge that Taps works as Mr. Gross personal security company.  The Judge says it is all true but Taps is a legitimate agency but the only question her is if Howell can be held for good reason.

Lucca walks by Diane and Cary and they tell her they don’t want her working with Alicia they want her working with Monica.

Blake one of the designers of the Foil is on the stand and he says he did not leave the Foil sitting around it was in his backpack.  Alicia asks Blake if he ever removed the Foil from his backpack and Blake says no and then Alicia reads a post from a girl who says Blake showed her the Foil.  Alicia shows Blake a text from his co-worker and asks Blake to read it.  The text says, “I have to tell Neil Gross and he is going to kill me.  My bad.”  Alicia accuses Blake of fabricating his story.  Alicia sits down and Howell asks if they are losing.

Eli comes into the juice bar and asks Marissa if the agent asked about Alicia.  Marissa says no but the Agent asked her out again and she can go and get more info.  Eli tells her to be careful.

Eli is lying down in Alicia’s office – Eli tells Alicia he thinks the Feds are investigating her.  Eli tells her to call him if Roland comes by.  Alicia says, “It never ends!” Mr. Dubowitz barges into Alicia’s office and tells her Mr Gross is a Fascist.  Mr. Dubowitz has come to, “Stand up to the Bully!”


Mr. Dubowitz comes to court to testify and tells the Judge that it is all a Marketing stunt.  The lost Foil etc. was conjured up by Neil Gross.  Lucca tells the Judge if it is a marketing stunt there is no crime.  Mr. Dubowitz says that Chum Hum security is really tight but the Foil is the umpteen tablet on the market and no one cares. The prosecutor questions Mr. Dubowitz about the security at Chum Hum and Mr. Dubowitz admits he does not know what it is.   The prosecutor asks him another question and he asks Neil Gross if he wants him to go there.  All of a sudden the Prosecutor decides she does not want to question Mr. Dubowitz anymore.

Eli comes to his office and Ruth is there she tells him she has a bad feeling.  Ruth asks Eli If he is out to get her.  She tells Eli she got a grand jury subpoena from the FBI.  Eli tells Ruth not to make too much of it but he promises if he gets an inkling she is in trouble he will let her know.  Ruth leaves.

Eli calls Marissa and he tells Marissa that she needs him to call Scott/Rolland for another date.

Cary comes in to see Monica asks where Lucca is and she tells him that she was on another case.  Cary looks up and men Agents from Taps are walking in the office.  They have a warrant to search the offices for the missing Foil prototype. Lucca tells the agent they are Mr. Howells lawyers and anything they find is work product.  Diane tells the Agent that Mr. Howell’s work station is downstairs but the agents tell them they will search where they want.  The agents leave to search and Lucca tells Cary they won’t find anything.  Cary wants to know how she can be sure.

Lucca tells Cary she has the foil.

Cary & Diane scold Lucca for taking the Foil.  Alicia tells Diane they are losing their probable cause case.  Diane asks Alicia if she has a minute.  Diane tells Alicia they have to find a rhythm.  Diane was nervous when Alicia came back there would be bumps.  She tells Alicia that Lucca is not her associate she is the firms associate.  Alicia apologizes and Diane tells Alicia Lucca has to understand she works for the firm and not Alicia.

Alicia tells Diane she is back and she feels Lucca should not be given grunt work.  Diane thanks her for her advice and dismisses Alicia.

Alicia goes up to Neil Gross and tells him, “Hypothetically if I knew where the Foil was and I could convince my client to return it would you convince Tapps to drop the charges?”  Mr. Gross agrees he would as long as he got the Foil and he also finds out how Howell got the Foil.  Alicia says, “No Way!”

Mr. Gross is testifying and aggrandizing.  The Prosecutor asks Mr. Gross if the theft was a Marketing Stunt and Mr. Gross denies it.  Mr. Gross then claims the Foil is defective and he would not release it because it is not perfect.

The judge says that he has heard enough and he is convinced that the theft of the Foil was not a Marketing Stunt and he is entering a finding of Probable Cause, trial is in 6 months.

Eli sits down with the FBI Agent Rolland and tells him he is wasting his time because Ruth is as upstanding as they come.  Rolland is surprised that Eli would defend Ruth.  Eli asks Rolland what he wants and Rolland tells him he will find out soon enough and the FBI always gets what they are after.

Jason comes to see Alicia and tells her he is sorry he also tells her Howell will have the bail money because the Tech Blog has upped their offer for the Foil to $250,000.  Alicia leaves and goes to see Lucca and asks if she has been negotiating.  She tells Lucca she cannot do it.  Lucca tells Alicia she has found her guilty party.

Eli tells Ruth it is Peter they are trying to bring down another governor. Eli tells Ruth that she is right Peter had a target on his back.

Back in Court the Judge comes in.  The judge asks Alicia about her new defense and Alicia tells the Judge that Mr. Howell is a journalist and his tweet about the Foil was shared and it sparked public debate.  The Prosecution argues the point.  The Judge agrees his tweet added to public discourse and the court considers Mr. Howell a journalist and he can go free.  Howell hugs Alicia.

Later Cary comes to Lucca and tells her the Journalist idea was a home run and she thanks him.  Cary tells her he now needs her to do something else.  Lucca comes into the boardroom to work with Monica.

Ruth comes to visit Alicia and bring her an office warming present.  Ruth tells her she was surprised she came back she thought she revelled in her independence.  Alicia asks Ruth what she is up too.    Ruth tells Alicia, “Mrs. Florrick I don’t want you to get too comfortable.”  Alicia is confused.  Ruth tells Alicia that Peter has a target on his back.  Alicia says anyone in public life does but Ruth says not like this.  Ruth tells Alicia Peter could hurt her, drag her down, not only destroy everything she has done but everything she wants to do.  Ruth tells her to, “Cash out while she still can.”


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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