The Good Wife Recap 4/17/16: Season 7 Episode 19 “Landing”

Tonight on CBS The Good Wife starring Julianna Margulies continues with an all new Sunday April 17 season 7 episode 19 called, “Landing” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, Alicia (Julianna Margulies) and Lucca (Cush Jumbo) fly to Toronto to represent an NSA agent who was detained by customs officers when he attempted to re-enter the U.S.

On the last episode, Alicia and Diane defended the privacy rights of a therapist whose neighbor flew a drone over his home office. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Alicia and Lucca travel to Toronto to represent NSA Agent Jeff Delinger (Zach Woods) who was detained by customs officers while attempting to re-enter the United States. Also, Diane grows concerned when her husband, Kurt McVeigh (Gary Cole), decides to retire and sell his business to Holly Westfall (Megan Hilty), a rival business owner, and Peter contemplates an uncertain future when he faces possible arrest.”

Tonight’s season 7 episode 19 looks like it is going to be great and we’ll be updating it for you beginning 9:00 PM EST. In the meantime, sound off your comments and below and tell us how much you are enjoying this seventh season.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of The Good Wife kicks off with Dellinger at a Toronto Airport – he calls Jeff and asks him if it is safe for him, Jeff reassures him that he is old news and no one cares about him anymore. Dellinger hangs up on Jeff and starts heading through customs – then he panics and tries to leave. The Canadian police and American security both start fighting over Dellinger, they apparently recognize him and they both want to take him in to custody.

Meanwhile, Alicia is in bed with Jason. She warns him that she has something that she has to talk to him about. Alicia blurts out that she is getting divorced. She insists that it has nothing to do with their relationship – it’s a decision that she made on her own and discussed with Peter.

Alicia’s phone stats ringing – it’s eff Dellinger, he’s panicking and tells Alicia that he is at the airport. Eli calls Alicia next, he’s freaking out too, apparently the Grand Jury’s verdict has come in and Peter is going to be arrested for accepting campaign bribes. Eli and Peter’s lawyer sits down the FBI to argue over how and when peter will be arrested.

Lucca and Alicia head to the airport in Toronto, where the US and Canada are still arguing over who’s jurisdiction Dellinger is in. Alicia calls Diane and asks her if there is any one at the firm who is knowledgeable in foreign law. Sadly, Cary was their go-to-guy. Diane thinks that Alicia should call Jason – she has no idea that Alicia just crawled out of bed with Jason. Meanwhile, Diane is dealing with some personal stuff of her own. Her husband is selling his business so they can spend more time together. He wants Diane to go over the contracts for him.

Alicia and Lucca are free to leave the airport. Apparently, they are bringing in a justice tomorrow to decide who gets Dellinger – Canada or the US, and holding Dellinger over night. Lucca volunteers to say with Dellinger. Alicia rushes back home to check on Peter. Eli and his lawyer are briefing him on his perp walk in the morning, he is turning himself in.

While they are talking, the FBI marches in with a warrant and arrests Peter right there in Alicia’s kitchen. They even called the press, and there are camera crews waiting outside. Eli is furious that they didn’t wait until the morning. Alicia rushes to cover up Peter’s handcuffs with his jacket and puts a tie on him. The FBI agent grumbles that he is going to jail – this isn’t a photo-op.

The Justice Of The Peace arrives at the airport in the morning. The US is arguing that they detained him in customs for the United States, so technically he was in their jurisdiction. After Peter’s arrest, Alicia rushes back to Canada to help with Dellinger. The US lawyers are busy trying to prove that they had legal reason to detain Dellinger in customs.

Meanwhile, Jason gets stuck working no Peter’s case – which is definitely a conflict of interest. Jason tracks down Cary to question him about the Richard Locke case that Peter is being accused of accepting a bribe for. The judge issued a mistrial, and the FBI is arguing that Peter helped make sure that the bullets went missing from the evidence room, that is why Richard Locke was allowed to walk. Afterwards, Jason warns Eli that they should be concerned about Cary – there is a chance that he will testify against Peter.

At the office, Diane sits down with Holly Westfall, the woman that is trying to buy her husband Kurt’s company. Diane is shocked when she hears that Kurt was going to sell to his very young and attractive pal Holly his company for $600,000 less than it is worth. Diane shuts down the deal on her husbands behalf and Holly is furious.

In Toronto, Lucca and Alicia are still arguing with the Canadian judge over Dellinger. Alicia is shocked when she realizes that Dellinger is really guilty – and he is the one that leaked information to the press about her panel over whether or not to kill Massad Touhan. Captain Hicks was forced to resign and accused of being the leak, but it turns out that it was Dellinger and Tyler at NSA that were behind the whole thing. It is safe to say Alicia isn’t too pleased with her client right now. But, Lucca is furious – she thinks they should drop Dellinger, Lucca tells Alicia that he just committed treason.

Diane confronts he husband and tells him that she knows he is underselling his business. He argues that Holly was his student and now she is one of the top ballistics’ agents in the country. Alicia’s homes isn’t too happy either. Peter sits her down and tells her that he is looking at three years in prison – and apparently the FBI has a solid case against him.

In Toronto the next day, the judge announced that they have decided to grant Dellinger asylum in Canada and America can’t have him. Apparently, the Canadian CSE has decided that they want Dellinger for themselves.

Kurt stops by Diane’s office, he apologizes for their huge fight over Holly. He tells her that he has made a decision and he is going to look for another buyer, he doesn’t want Diane to feel uncomfortable about him and Holly.

Alicia gets home from work and Jason is waiting in her apartment – she’s surprised to see him. He congratulates her on her sort-of victory in Toronto. Alicia tries to talk to Jason about why things are so weird between them – she thinks it is because she told him that she was divorcing Peter. Once again, Alicia argues that she is divorcing Peter for herself – not him. Jason says he just wants things to be simple … Alicia agrees that at the end of the day, all she wants is Jason.


Amanda Austin:
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