The Real Housewives of Dallas Cancelled: Newest Housewives Boring – Ratings Continue To Plummet

‘The Real Housewives of Dallas’ has only aired a few episodes and it’s already facing cancellation? The newest Bravo Housewives show reportedly has executives concerned because it’s not pulling in the ratings that were expected.

There was a lot of hype leading up to the newest entry into the Bravo Housewives franchise. It now appears as if ‘RHOD’ is a dud just like ‘The Real Housewives of Miami’ and ‘The Real Housewives of D.C.’

Real Mr. Housewife got the exclusive inside story about what’s going on behind the scenes. An insider divulged, “Bravo is not happy with the ratings on the show, as they began at a small number and have continued to drop week to week.”

The source told Real Mr. Housewife that Bravo executives hope the ratings will increase but “there are definitely concerns if the numbers continue to drop.” If viewers keep tuning out ‘The Real Housewives of Dallas’ faces cancellation.

What is the problem? Real Housewives fans are lukewarm to these new ladies and their storylines. So far things have been uninteresting. Three weeks of charity events and non-stop talk about the Mad Hatter’s tea has many fans bored to tears.

Brandi Redmond and Stephanie Hollman have potential to be interesting if they could lay off the “Jesus Juice” in the middle of the day, and the end of the day, and whenever they need a buzz.

We all love our crazy drinking Housewives like ‘RHONYC’ Ramona Singer and former ‘RHOBH’ Brandi Glanville. But these ladies managed to establish an interesting storyline before going off the rails with Pinot Grigio and tequila.

A former Dallas Cowboy’s cheerleader, Brandi married her childhood sweetheart, Bryan. However, he neglects her, leaving Brandi and their two young daughters’ home alone for what seems like weeks at a time. Best storyline for Brandi so far? Going to La Bare strip club, which infuriated her husband so much he was barely speaking to his wife.

The buzz is that ‘The Real Housewives of Dallas’ viewers do not like LeeAnne Locken. She’s either schooling all the other ladies about the etiquette of the charity luncheon or harping on her boyfriend Rick about getting married. Most viewers find her loud, obnoxious, and rude with little to no redeeming qualities.

Cary Dueber and her plastic surgeon hubby, Dr. Mark Dueber, are somewhat interesting. At least Cary has a job – she’s a nurse in Mark’s practice. Mark also chooses all Cary’s clothes, which is a little disconcerting. Mark really is trying too hard to make a name for himself on the reality show. He’s no ‘The Real Housewives of Orange County’ Dr. Terry Dubrow, that’s for certain.

Tiffany Hendra – she’s the former porn star/model married to an Australian rock star (we use that term lightly). Technically, she has a job too. She’s a fashion vlogger. So far, Tiffany has a been a huge yawn as she and hubby Aaron Hendra house shop and try to get his music career up and running in Dallas.

Are you tuning in or tuning out ‘The Real Housewives of Dallas’? Will Bravo cancel ‘RHOD’?

Olivia Marie:
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