The Real Housewives of New Jersey LIVE Recap: Season 7 Episode 5 “Dinner Interrupted”

Tonight on Bravo The Real Housewives of New Jersey starring Teresa Giudice and the rest of the housewives continues with an all new Sunday, August 14, Season 7 episode 5 called, “Dinner Interrupted.” On tonight’s The Real Housewives of New Jersey recap, the honeymoon is over when the Lauritas host the Giudices for dinner and old tensions between the ladies quickly boil over.

 On the last episode, the ladies of New Jersey were working it with Melissa’s boutique, Envy, officially opening for business, Teresa recording her audio book. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed The Real Housewives of New Jersey recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode, “the honeymoon is over when the Lauritas host the Giudices for dinner and old tensions between the ladies quickly boil over. Elsewhere, Siggy’s kids confront her with shocking news, Dolores starts the journey toward financial independence, and Melissa’s kids walk in Fashion Week. With everything going on, Teresa and Melissa find themselves growing closer.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with more crazy housewife drama that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of the show tonight at 8 PM EST! While you wait for our The Real Housewives of New Jersey recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey!

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On this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey Teresa gets a call from Melissa. She asks if Melania and Teresa wants to come watch her children walk in New York Fashion week this year. Teresa says “Yeah, that would be great.”

Delores and her family are sitting down having a meal. She is wanting to redesign the house a bit. She tells Frank “I want a buffet, a new fireplace and a new living room.” Delores says ” Frank has his own business and it’s time that I had my own business without Frank’s help. Going into business without Frank is pretty scary, but I need to do something to establish my financial independance.”

Melissa and Joe are taking the kids to the fitting for the fashion shows for New York Fashion Week. Melissa says “Things have been hectic since I have opened my own clothing store and I am trying to manage three kids at home.” She asks her daughter “What happens when daddy drops you off at school?”

The little girl says “Daddy drops us off at the wrong school sometimes.” Later Joe and Melissa are talking. Joe asks her “Did you invite anyone to this event?” Melissa tells him “I called your sister and invited her.” Joe says “That’s good. It’s good to see you two having a more positive relationship with each other.” Siggy is still happy to have her daughter Ashley back home. She says “When Ashley was being disrespectful I told her she had to leave the home because I wouldn’t tolerate that behavior, but since she has been home and making her own money things have been better. Although she still has a problem when I try to pull rank and act like her mom.”

Siggy is still happy to have her daughter Ashley back home. She says “When Ashley was being disrespectful I told her she had to leave the home because I wouldn’t tolerate that behavior, but since she has been home and making her own money things have been better. Although she still has a problem when I try to pull rank and act like her mom.” Jacqueline goes to visit her husband and they talk about how they are stillworking catch up on things. They also talk about the situation between them, Teresa and Joe. He tells her “You have to remember that if they act a certain way it may just be tension.” Jacqueline says “Yeah because he is going away for like three and a half years and that is alot of stress.”

Jacqueline goes to visit her husband and they talk about how they are still working catch up on things. They also talk about the situation between them, Teresa and Joe. He tells her “You have to remember that if they act a certain way it may just be tension.” Jacqueline says “Yeah because he is going away for like three and a half years and that is a lot of stress.”

Siggy has to go pick up her daughter Sophie from school when she gets detention after being caught in school with her phone. While they are in the car she tells her daughter “I am taking away your phone indefinitely.” Sophie seems completely indifferent. She asks her mom “Can we stop at Dunkin Donuts?” This frustrates Siggy even more. She tells Sophie “I send you to school so that you can get an education and go to college an so that you don’t have to be dependant on a man or your parents.”

Teresa and Melania show up to New York to support Melissa and Joe’s daughters as they walk in New York fashion week. After the show Joe tells Teresa “I am so happy to see my two favorite women, other than my mother and my daughter, come together. I hope this is the start of many more times.” Teresa says “I was glad we could be here to support you guys.” Even Melissa chimes in and tells Teresa how happy she was that she and Melania came out to see the children.

Delores heads to the gym to meet with her business partner. He tells her that he wants to sign up between fifteen hundred and two thousand members in the first month. Delores tells him “This gym is now a symbol of my independence and I want to put as much into this as I did into my children.”

Siggy is having lunch with her daughter and her son Joshua. She asks Sophie “How are you doing this week without your phone?” Sophie tells her “I’m mad at you.” She wonders why the kids are always on their phones when they are with her, but when they are with their dad they are totally tuned in to him. Joshua tells her “When we are with dad he actually listens to us and lets us talk. He doesn’t just overwhelm us.” Siggy tells them “It’s easy for him to be that way and to not yell at you to get off your phone or your Xbox. He doesn’t have to take care of the little stuff. When things go wrong I am the one they call and when you have Drs appointments I have to deal with them so it’s not always easy for me.”

The kids tell her “We are going to tell you things for the next five minutes and you can’t respond or react.” As the kids start talking Siggy tries to hold her emotions in check but finds that she can’t. Joshua tells her “See that’s why we don’t talk to you because you overreact.” Siggy vows to try and listen to her children and be more open with them.

Teresa and Joe arrive at Jacqueline’s house for dinner. Everyone seems happy to see each other as they greet each other. Jacqueline is very emotional watching Teresa interact with her son Nicholas. The men head off to the bar to fix drinks while the ls women stay in the kitchen to finish fixing dinner. Teresa tells Jacqueline “I want to make sure that I keep any toxic people away.” Teresa tells her “The last time I was here I felt ganged up on.” Jacqueline says “No one was ganging up on you.” The two women begin to argue.

Jacqueline tells her “I was just asking you about an article I had seen in a magazine.” Teresa fires back and tells her “There must have been a serious disconnect between us because my real friends knew what was going on.” Jacqueline tells her “I had no idea what was true and what wasn’t.” Teresa says “Our true, true, true friends would never go against me and Joe told me not to trust you.” Jacqueline calls Joe on the phone and confronts him about Teresa’s comments. Joe tells her “I never said that and even if I did it was probably when we were not in a good space.” The argument continues and Teresa finally decides that she has had enough after Jacqueline hits below the belt. Teresa tells her “You hit below the belt.”

Jacqueline accuses Teresa of blaming other people. Teresa asks “Who did I blame?” Jacqueline tells her “Well you tried to blame your brother, and you also tried to blame Melissa.” Teresa is really getting upset and she storms out of the house. When they are in the car Teresa says “I don’t think I could’ve stood there one more second. She called my brother. She knows my brother and I are trying to make peace, why would she want to stir up trouble?” Joe says “If she wants to bring up the past and keep this stuff going who needs that? If she can’t leave the past alone then you don’t need her. I was having a good time, but forget about it.”


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