The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap 8/21/16: Season 7 Episode 6 “Swimming With the Gefilte Fishes”

Tonight on Bravo The Real Housewives of New Jersey starring Teresa Giudice and the rest of the housewives continues with an all new Sunday, August 21, Season 7 episode 6 called, “Swimming With the Gefilte Fishes.” On tonight’s The Real Housewives of New Jersey recap, free at last! After being on home confinement for over a month, Teresa Giudice says goodbye to her ankle bracelet and the ladies plan a trip to celebrate.

On the last episode, the honeymoon was over when the Lauritas hosted the Giudices for dinner and old tensions between the ladies quickly boiled over. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed The Real Housewives of New Jersey recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode, “free at last! After being on home confinement for over a month, Teresa says goodbye to her ankle bracelet and the ladies plan a trip to celebrate. Siggy returns to her religious roots and hosts a family dinner, and Dolores makes progress on renovating her home. Meanwhile, Melissa confronts Jacqueline about involving Joe Gorga in her fight with Teresa.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be filled with more crazy housewife drama that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of the show tonight at 8 PM EST! While you wait for our The Real Housewives of New Jersey recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

On this week’s episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey, Dolores is having house remodeled, but she is not happy because her ex-husband Frank is not working on it to look the way she wanted it to. Siggy shows up and sees her frustration.  She tells her “Ok we have to get out of here right now.”  They head over to Jacqueline’s house and see her outside shoveling snow. When all three ladies head outside Siggy asks her “How was dinner with Teresa?” Jacqueline tells them how the dinner deteriorated.  Siggy tells her “You two both have your trigger points. She uses yours against you, and you use hers against her.”

Meanwhile Melissa and Joe are talking at home. Joe says “They took something I said and completely twisted it around.” Melissa tells him “Jacqueline never should have called you and put you  in the middle of this. It creates an issue between us and Teresa, but you and Teresa will be fine in a couple days. The issue between Teresa and I will end up going on for about four years.” She then tells Joe “I am going to text Jacqueline and have a meeting with her.”

Teresa and her husband Joe are both excited because she is having her ankle bracelet removed. Teresa says “I am so happy because now I can come and go as I see fit and not have to tell people what I am doing for the week.”

Melissa and Jacqueline meet up to have lunch and discuss the situation with Teresa. Melissa tells Jacqueline “I am your friend. You never should have called my husband and put him in the middle of that. Instead, you should have called me.” Jacqueline responds “I don’t need you to be his voice. I am friends with him too. I have done a lot for your family and you need to remember that.” Melissa gets very upset and feels very offended at the way Jacqueline is speaking to her. Melissa tells her “You were wrong for involving him in all of that.” Jacqueline responds “Teresa was the one who said that your husband told her not to trust me.” Melissa seems shocked to hear this. Jacqueline tells her “Maybe it’s just best that you and I don’t discuss Teresa.” Melissa says “I don’t want that. We are finally in a good place and I just don’t want to do anything to damage that.”

Siggy is preparing for her daughter’s Bat Mitzvah. She talks to her dad and tells him “I realized that I never had one.” He tells her “That’s true. When we came over from Israel it wasn’t customary for young women to have one. Later that day Siggy and her ex are having dinner with their daughter and her boyfriend. The two have decided that they want to move in together. While they are sitting down together he mentions that he wants to get Ashley a ring. Ashley starts to cry.

Melissa, Joe, and Teresa are hanging out after Teresa has her ankle bracelet removed. Melissa tells Teresa “I had lunch with Jacqueline the other day. What happened?” Teresa says “Jacqueline likes to plant the seed and then step back and watch it spread. She likes to play the victim.” Then she says “I need to go do Yoga.” Joe asks “So does this mean you two aren’t going to be friends anymore or what?”

Frank has finally finished the renovations to Delores’ house. She seems very happy and thanks him for all of  the work he has done.

Siggy is planning her first religious family dinner to try to teach her children what is really important in life. She tells her children “No phones at Kiddish.” The family gets together and prays in Hebrew.

Teresa calls a family meeting to allow her daughters to express their feelings. She tells them “This is our family and we are going to love each other no matter what we do or say.” Melania tells Teresa “Mom, when I talk to you, you don’t listen to me. You are always on your phone.” This astounds Teresa who seems blindsided. She tells her “When we are having a conversation I will try not to answer my phone anymore.” Gia tells her mom “You need to work on your temper and your language.” Teresa says “What are you talking about? I have been much more mellow since I have been home.”

Siggy continues to have issues with her children and their unappreciativeness. She tells them “You need to put down your phones. When you spend all your time on your phone you become disconnected from life.” She also tells them “When I was growing up I was growing up I was very appreciative of everything my parents did for me. “ Her ex-tells her “Josh isn’t going to be the type of kid to kiss your butt. He just isn’t made that way.”

Teresa and Joe are celebrating Melania’s birthday with the family. They are having a blast indoor skydiving.

Pete and Ashlee are out shopping for rings. He says “This is the woman I want to marry and this is something that I want her to enjoy for the rest of her life.” Delores says “I have seen Ashlee come full circle and these are happy tears.”

Teresa asks Melania “Was your birthday special?” She says “Yes, but for my 11th birthday I want to go real skydiving.” Teresa tears up. She says “Joe won’t be here for her birthday next year.” Joe tells his daughter “I am going to try and come out as fast as I went in. You saw how fast Mommy’s time went by.” Melania still looks sad.

Delores is dealing with her dog’s kidney failure. She says “I don’t want him to die, but this is part of my journey of letting go and starting over.” She says “I need this house to feel new in order for me to move forward.” Delore’s business partner calls and she tells him “I know I haven’t been there.” He tells her “You need to be here because the gym depends on you being here to merchandise.” Siggy tells her “You need to go to work and establish your independence.  What happens if Frank can’t give you any more money one day? Monday morning you are going to work.”

Melissa goes to visit Teresa. She tells her “We have decided to go away on a retreat and we want you to come with us.” Teresa looks a bit skeptical. She asks Melissa “You want me to spend my first weekend of freedom with Jacqueline?” Melissa says “Yep, but it’s not like you’ll be alone. You’ll have the support of all of us there. We really want you to come. It will be all of the OG’s.” Teresa is still apprehensive. Melissa takes the bull by the horns and tells her “You’re coming.”

Teresa is so excited when she receives the advance copy of her book in the mail. Joe asks her “How many times have you made the New York Times Bestseller List?” Teresa says “I made the list three times.” She tells joe “I want to have a book party to celebrate and not have any drama.” She also tells him  We are all going on a spa weekend and I am not looking forward to spending time with Jacqueline.” Joe tells her “I understand how you feel. Just be the bigger woman.” Teresa says “i will. I don’t take my problems out on other people.”..


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