The Strain LIVE Recap: Season 3 Episode 9 “Do or Die”

The Strain LIVE Recap: Season 3 Episode 9 "Do or Die"The Strain LIVE Recap: Season 3 Episode 9 "Do or Die"

Tonight on the FX Network The Strain returns with an all-new Sunday, October 23, 2016, episode and we have your The Strain recap below.  On tonight’s The Stain Season 3 episode 9, Justine, (Samantha Mathis) Gus, (Miguel Gomez) and Angel (Joaquín Cosio) make a final stand against the virus.

Did you watch last week’s Season 3 episode 8 episode?  If you missed the episode where The Master’s (Robin Atkin Downes) voice proves to be more powerful and potentially fatal than Eph (Corey Stoll) or Dutch (Ruta Gedmintas) anticipated. Fet (Kevin Durand) and Setrakian (David Bradley) track down the cargo from the Egyptian vessel and realize they may be in over their heads, we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you!

On tonight’s The Strain episode as per the FX Network synopsis, “NYC is falling. Eph (Corey Stoll) and Dutch (Ruta Gedmintas) frantically race to finish their new device to stop the Master (Robin Atkin Downes) before the city is overrun. Justine, (Samantha Mathis) Gus, (Miguel Gomez) and Angel (Joaquín Cosio) fight in one last stand to stop the spreading virus. Palmer (Jonathan Hyde) extracts vengeance for past wrongs but may have crossed the line.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be a great episode and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our coverage of FX’s “The Strain” at 10PM – 11PM ET! While you wait for The Strain recap head over to read all our The Strain news, spoilers & more!



The Strain Recap LIVE!

Unfortunately, no one believes that New York was still winnable on tonight’s all new episode of “The Strain” and so everyone was prepared to finally give up the good fight. There was the New York Police Department that was pulling out of most parts of the boroughs and the safety zone was slowly getting smaller by the day.

So Fet had eventually had given into his fear and had called in on Eph and Dutch. Fet had wanted to warn them both about what was going on out there and they should leave the city however they thought that their device could still work and so they didn’t want to run.

So there was really nothing that Fet could do or say that could make either of them see common sense on this one yet he had done what he set out to do. He had warned them. Fet had still cared about Dutch and so that was one of the reasons why he had wanted to keep her safe.

But she had clearly moved on. Dutch was now in a relationship with Eph so she didn’t want to leave him and he didn’t want to leave his son. And so together they had tried their hand at perfecting their device because they still believe that it was the only thing that could save any of them when the Master regain his full strength.

However, things were getting pretty bad out in the world and neither Eph nor Dutch were getting very far with their device. Their device operated on frequency and soundwaves. So their plan had been to use the Master’s Voice as a way of hopefully harming if not disorienting the Master and they both thought that the Master’s followers would operate blindly without any leadership yet their theory still needed testing and testing required experimentation.

Like operating on the strigoi and seeing if they would react to the Master’s Voice. And so Eph and Dutch were probably the only people still going down in the tunnels while everyone was fleeing the city.

It was almost like a mass exodus outside and practically everyone was leaving New York. Including Coucilwoman Justine Feraldo and her most loyal police officers. So no one had wanted stick around for the end yet sadly the strigoi had caught them leaving the city.

The strigoi it seems had planned a tactical advantage where they placed several things in the path of anyone trying to flee at night so they had managed to stop Justine’s detail. Though Gus and Angel had showed up at the right time. The guys had cut a way to the police and had tried getting them to safety which was over the water when the strigoi called in additional reinforcements.

The reinforcements swelled the strigoi’s numbers and had turned the fight in their favor. Suddenly, they were killing off most of the cops and had managed to infect the ones they had gotten to which wasn’t good for either Angel or Gus. So Angel did what he always did. He moved to protect Gus and told him to go on without him.

Angel was injured and so was Justine. But there was still a chance for Gus so Angel had pushed him and had made sure that Gus at least got to bridge. Even if there was no saving any of the rest. And so Gus got to live because of Angel.

There had been gas leaking all over the place and one spark managed to set fire to most of the area. However, Gus was safe and surprisingly so were his friends. Dutch and Eph had gone on to do the impossible. They had finally finished their device and it had worked against the strigoi that were nearly paralyzed because of it.

So Dutch and Eph had taken their findings and they had gone to the professor who did welcome the help while Fet not so much. Fet still hadn’t wanted to trust Eph because of the betrayal and so he wanted to dismiss what Eph had done with Dutch’s help. And would have argued his point if Quinlan hadn’t come back.

Quinlan had survived the attack against the ancients last week and he had the scars to show for it. Yet, Quinlan was just as committed as ever in destroying the Master and he too had wanted to make their move before it came too late to destroy the Master. So Fet was alone in wanting to push out Eph because his friends were smart enough to realize that they couldn’t afford to lose anyone else.

Which goes for Palmer as well. Palmer was a snake in the grass however he did come through on his end and had found out that the Master had brought in nuclear weapons. And that he might have already have used one several days ago.

So Palmer who now knew that he couldn’t trust the Master at all had finally made a move against Eichhorst who did admit that they were going to kill Palmer all along.


Kristine Francis:
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