The Strain Recap 9/18/16: Season 3 Episode 4 “Gone But Not Forgotten”

The Strain Recap 9/18/16: Season 3 Episode 4 "Gone But Not Forgotten"The Strain Recap 9/18/16: Season 3 Episode 4 "Gone But Not Forgotten"

Tonight on the FX Network The Strain returns with an all-new Sunday, September 11 episode and we have your The Strain recap below.  On tonight’s The Stain Season 3 episode 4 called, “Gone But Not Forgotten”  Justine (Samantha Mathis) builds a new army while Eichhorst plans a counter attack.

Did you watch last week’s Season 3 episode 4 episode?  If you missed the episode where The Occido Lumen is gone. Stolen. Setrakian (David Bradley) and Fet (Kevin Durand) race to recover it, we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you!

On tonight’s episode as per the FX Network synopsis, “Things have changed. The infection enters a new phase. Fet wants to celebrate, but Setrakian and Eph are worried there’s more work to be done. Justine conscripts a new, unwilling army in the fight while Eichhorst angrily lashes out with a plan to strike back.

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be a great episode and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our coverage of FX’s “The Strain” at 10PM – 11PM ET! While you wait for The Strain recap head over to read all our The Strain news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Justine Feraldo was dealing with a critical PR problem on tonight’s episode of “The Strain” Unfortunately for her, it had become public knowledge that NYPD was conscripting prisoners and forcing them into chain gangs. So the media or what little of the media there was left was all over what was happening and how Justine’s United New York was eliminating due process however there was nothing that Justine could or say to combat the ugly press. And the one piece of good news that everyone had to look forward to wasn’t as good as everyone thought.

The professor and his assistant Fet, it seems, believed they killed the Master and so they were happy about that. However, the professor for some reason had felt off about what happened and he wasn’t the only one that wasn’t in a celebratory mood. Eph had apparently given up hope on finding his son alive because he thought the other strigoi would kill Zach with the Master allegedly being dead. So he hadn’t cared what happened to him and had told the professor and Fet what he did by stealing the Occido Lumen because he thought it wouldn’t matter anymore.

Yet, Eph had been wrong about. He did matter that he had betrayed them and had even worked with Quinlan by going behind their backs. So Fet had punched Eph for what he did and the professor had merely asked him to leave. Neither of them could stand to look at Eph after what he did so they didn’t want to be around him. Eph though had nowhere else to go. Eph still had his apartment so he tried going back there and had been little too suicidal when he thought that hunting strigoi by himself before going home sounded like a nice idea.

So Eph was unraveling and, without any friends around, it would have gotten worse. Though Eph got lucky later because Dutch returned just when he needed someone. Dutch had hooked up with a band of wanders that had left her for dead so she needed a place to crash and had remembered that Eph happened to be one of the few people she knew that she could count on. And so overall that was fortuitous for the both of them yet the city was still in crisis mode and that meant no one was going to be safe anytime soon.

The professor and Quinlan had apparently talked about what happened on the pier that and they both thought that there was a chance that the Master wasn’t dead. So they were going over everything and trying to figure what they needed to do to prove if the Master was dead or not when the strigoi began acting strangely. The strigoi were no longer attacking in packs so that did seem as if they were rudderless, but there random attacks had convinced Fet who then convinced Justine that one big push would be just enough to rid the city of strigoi.

 So Justine was all onboard for one large coordinated attack. But she hadn’t felt right about using chain gangs and had actually gone to see some of the prisoners for herself. Justine had made a stop by one of the prisons and had run into Gus who made her open her eyes to what was really going on in the city. The cops were not just forcibly recruiting prisoners, they were also use them and solely them in fighting the strigoi. Who were quickly wiping out the barely armed prisoners.

However, Quinlan and the professor did eventually get the answers they needed. They found out from the Old Ones that the Master was still alive and in need of another host. So that meant the Master was vulnerable though for not much longer because he could later find a body and take back control of his creatures in the city. And so finding out that he had needed to kill the worm essence that was in the Master in order to complete his mission, had made Quinlan angry. Quinlan had felt betrayed by the Old Ones that should have told him about the worm and so he told them goodbye.

Quinlan told the Old Ones that they could no longer depend on him and that tonight was going to be the last time they ever saw or heard from him again. Yet, finding out the Master was alive didn’t compare to what happened next. The Master’s second-in-command had unfortunately assembled an assault against Justine in light of the Master’s absence and the assault itself had nearly wiped out Justine’s command center. Especially as the two strigoi that blew themselves up in the building had spread their worms all over the place.

With one such worm having gone into Justine’s eye. Though Fet tried to contain the problem because he had sun beamed the creature to death while it had been under Justine’s skin. So he had hoped that would be enough to spare Justine from turning however Eph came by to check out everyone and he had told Justine that her odds weren’t great. He said that he barely anyone survived once the worm had gotten into their eye. And so Justine prepared herself for what she thought was bound to happen next.

Justine had locked herself up in her office while she made important decisions and then she had gotten her gun out for when Eph found her affected. But that hadn’t happened because Eph had declared her a rare case. Eph had said that she was clean when he later checked her over again. So Justine who had been given a second chance on life had decided to pay her journalist friends a visit. Justine had gone to the office of the newspaper that was writing about the chain gang and she had arrested there for their attempts on lowering morale.

So Justine had begun to embrace this person she was forced to become and freedom of the press has officially been shut down in New York. However, Fet and even Eph were beginning to realize that they had been wrong when they thought the Master was dead so that had left Eph with some questions. Like if his son was still alive and if the boy was now in danger. And therefore all Eph wanted was answers to these questions.


Kristine Francis:
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