The Vampire Diaries Recap – Witch Babies Born: Season 7 Episode 13 “This Woman’s Work”

Tonight on the CW The Vampire Diaries starring Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder and Paul Wesley continues with an all new Friday February 19, season 7 episode 13 called “This Woman’s Work,” and we have your weekly recap and spoilers below. On tonight’s episode, Caroline’s (Candice King) life is put in danger when complications arise from her supernatural pregnancy.

On the last episode, Damon, under the reckless influence of Julian, spiraled out of control. Meanwhile, Caroline experienced some dangerous side effects due to her supernatural pregnancy and was forced to turn to Valerie for help. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we recapped it all right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CW synopsis, “Caroline’s life is put in danger when complications arise from her supernatural pregnancy. Meanwhile, Enzo forces Damon to help him track down Rayna Cruz, a ruthless vampire hunter who is on the loose. However, Damon’s actions inadvertently put everyone he loves in Rayna’s path.”

You’re not going to want to miss any of the action tonight, so tune in at 8PM EST to the CW to catch the latest. We’ll be live recapping the season 7 episode 13 for you right here and in the meantime, hit up our comments section and tell us your thoughts on this new season!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#VampireDiaries begins in Louisiana in 1842. A young Rayna wakes to her dad beside the fire. He talks about his tattoo – the hunter’s mark. She asks why she can’t see the real one and when will she gets hers. He says if he does his job right, she will live in a vampire free world.

Ryan refuses to eat until he teachers her to fight. He pulls out a blade and says it’s a good size for her. Her dad says prepare yourself. We see her older and sparring with him 15 years later. He tells her battles are won in the mind and she must believe she can beat him.

She gets the drop on him finally then they hear an alarm and he says vampires. She wants to go with her dad but he says not today. He says one day it may be her burden, but it’s not today. Now, Rayna is youthful and young again and Enzo has her behind glass.

She finds out she can’t break it and he tells her not to hurt herself. She punches until she bloodies her hand. She runs and crashes through just as Enzo says he needs to sedate her. Damon has the vampire chick with him dancing around in her undies as they booze.

She pours blood in with vodka and then he hears a car chirp and says she has to go. He clicks off the music and shoves her out the door as Bonnie comes in the front door. She says she needs a drink and a buddy. She says she’ll look past him almost killing her.

She’s stunned he’s out of bourbon and asks if he’s celebrating Julian’s death. He didn’t know that Stefan took him out. She asks if he’s talked to Enzo then says she had an interesting encounter with Nora and Mary Louise. She says Enzo stole the hunter’s corpse.

Stefan comes back to the hospital and finds Caroline looking bad. She’s taken into surgery as he paces angry. Valerie shows up with coffee and says he has every right to be upset. She asks what he told the docs and he says he compelled them.

Valerie says she compelled them to shut down the wing for the vampire c-section. He says Caroline hasn’t woken up yet. She says she tried to stop the desiccation. Stefan says he should not have left her. Valerie says he had to save Damon. Stefan complains about Damon.

He says he couldn’t find the words to tell Caroline that Damon burned up Elena. Valerie calms him down. Bonnie asks Damon who’s pants she found and he says Krystal with a K and she says – classy. He says he’s a vile cheater and Bonnie doesn’t judge.

She says Elena told him to live his life so he should. She says the lack of standards is an issue, but him having sex is not a bad thing. Damon takes a call from Enzo who wants Bonnie. She says he’s a shady old lady corpse stealer.

He says he needs Rayna’s sword. Bonnie says no way. He asks if Bonnie knows that Damon incinerated her BFF in her casket. He says what if Bonnie found out that he gave Elena a Viking funeral – – he tells Damon to bring him the sword or he’ll tell her.

Damon ends the call and says he has something to tell her. He says he needs a huge favor. Alaric races home and Stefan says they have to do the c-section now. He tells Stefan to do what they need to so they can save Caroline and the kids. Valerie tells him to hurry.

The c-section starts. As the doctor cuts in, Caroline’s vitals go crazy and the scalpel won’t cut then the instruments go flying. Valerie says the babies want to stay inside Caroline and keep feeding on her. In Saint Malo, 1857, Rayna finds bloody and devastation.

Julian has her father there and he’s badly wounded. Julian mocks him. Rayna sneaks closer. Julian mocks him and says his death has no meaning since he saved no one. He grabs him up and Rayna shouts stop. She tells Julian to let his father go. Julian threatens her.

She says if he kills one of the five, he’ll be afflicted by the Hunter’s Curse. Julian says that’s a conundrum. He says he has an idea then says he won’t kill her father – she will. He quiets her then compels her to kill her father. He says be brave like your father taught you.

Julian says he’s dying already and to give him a merciful end to his misery. Rayna has no choice but to kill her father. She cries and speaks his name as she heads towards him. He says it’s not her fault and tells her this is not her fault – never forget that.

He says to remember what he taught her and carry on their legacy. She raises a blade and he says he’ll be with her along the way. She kills him. Bonnie asks Damon why he wants to give the blade to Enzo and demands to know why.

He says leave it alone but she asks what he did and says it can’t be worse than Krystal. She says she may leave a detailed journal entry for Elena about his conquest. He says go ahead. Bonnie says she’s his BFF and he should tell her.

He says he can’t tell her because she’s his best friend and begs her to leave it alone. She gives him Rayna’s blade. Stefan tells Caroline, who is now awake, that the babies want to stay. He says Valerie is going to try and set up a bunch of magic to lure the babies out of her belly.

She asks him to call Bonnie and he says Valerie went to get help – she needs Mary Lou, Nora and Beau. Caroline doesn’t like that and says they tried to kill her before. Stefan says he won’t let anything happen to her.

Damon comes to meet Enzo and Bonnie is with him. They see Enzo is tied up and Rayna has a weapon on them. Bonnie stares at her and Damon asks if he remembers them locked up back in the day. Bonnie asks who she is and Rayna says she doesn’t recognize her.

Enzo says that’s Rayna Cruz. Bonnie is shocked and Damon says she’s not bad for an 80 year old corpse. She asks Damon for the sword and he mocks her and she shoots Bonnie with an arrow to the gut. Damon says fetch and throws it out the window. Rayna leaves.

He tends to Bonnie. Back in the day, we see a young Rayna with tribal elders. She’s seeking justice and they have her drink the tea of protection so magic won’t touch her and she will be strong. They sacrifice themselves so that Rayna can have all of their lives.

Rayna watches in horror as they off themselves. She says she didn’t ask for them to die. But the leader says they live on within her. He hands her the blade and says it’s a weapon of judgment that thirsts for the blood of those who prey upon us. He links her spirit to the sword.

He says the sword takes in vampire blood and will guide her in their destruction. The leader says avenge your father, avenge us all and he stabs himself too. We see Julian in England, 1903. He’s drunk and singing. Mary Lou and Nora are with him and Beau.

Beau sings but then a blade goes through his throat – it’s Rayna. She comes at Julian who is able to knock Rayna out. They tend to Beau who is not healing. Julian tells them to book passage to New York and to tell Lily right now. They speed away from the scene.

Now, Rayna grabs her sword. The witches gather and chant over Caroline. Stefan talks to Alaric and says the heretics are their best chance. He says what Caroline is doing is so major and begs Stefan not to let anything happen to his children.

They chant and the doctors start the c-section again. They cut into Caroline’s belly and Stefan tells Alaric he thinks it’s working. Beau’s neck starts to bleed and Valerie sees his scar is bleeding. They all run out. Bonnie drinks Damon’s blood to heal. She thanks him.

Enzo asks if this is good and they can let him out. Bonnie and Damon say they hear traitor sounds. He says he’s vervained to a theater seat and not a traitor. Nora calls and says Rayna is coming for Beau and will come for every other vampire.

She says they are all at the hospital trying to save Caroline. She says once you are marked, Rayna chases you down until she gets her soul. She says Rayna will come to the hospital and kill them all. Caroline starts to crash and Stefan watches them work.

Nora promises to help Beau and Stefan say he can’t let them leave. Stefan says he’ll protect them. Valerie says let them go and draw Rayna away and says she’ll help. Nora says come with us but Valerie says she has to help the babies. She refuses to go with them.

She tells Beau never stop running and he and the girls leave. Valerie goes back in the OR with Caroline. She starts chanting again. She gets Caroline stabilized. He sees the desiccation in her arm. Damon calls and says it’s getting worse and says the hottie huntress is coming for you.

He says Caroline can’t be any more helpless and Damon says he’s working on it. Stefan tells him to bugger off and don’t’ make it worse. Bonnie asks what he’s not telling her and why is Stefan so mad. Damon says he screwed up bad and has to make it right.

Beau, Nora and Mary Louise are in the parking lot of the hospital talking about how they have to run. Julian tries to get them to run back in 1903 but they don’t want to get on a boat in a pine box. Rayna is there. Her blade draws sparks on the ground.

She tells Julian she doesn’t know what hell awaits him in the stone but it can’t be worse than what he’s done to her. She comes at him and throws him then he stabs her and runs off. Rayna throws the sword and it sinks into Julian’s chest. They ride away with him and the sword.

Now, Rayna stabs Beau as the girls scream. Then they run off at top speed. Rayna stabs a gas tank and lets sparks from her sword light the flame to consume Beau’s body – that means he can never get out of the stone.

Stefan goes into the delivery room with Valerie who continues to chant. He takes Caroline’s hand and then he goes into her mind. She asks if he’s in her head. He says yes but says it’s really a date. There are even French fries and he hands her a burger with extra pickles.

She asks if he’s distracting her then asks if something is wrong. He says she’s had two lives inside her for months so he can keep her company for a while. They cuddle and she thanks him. Stefan stays by her side as the procedure continues.

Damon and Bonnie pull up and find Beau’s charred body and Bonnie says she’s here. Rayna is in the hospital and she turns to find Damon there in the hall with her. Bonnie bursts in and Stefan says they’re about to get the babies out. She tells them Beau didn’t get away.

Valerie is distraught. Bonnie says Rayna is in the hospital. Stefan asks where Rayna is. Damon says she looks like his GF and her three doppelgangers. They fight. Bonnie says her magic won’t stop Rayna and says go help Damon. She says he will get himself killed trying to make things right.

She tells him to go and let her help Caroline. Alaric shows up and Bonnie tells Stefan to go since Ric is there. He sighs and leaves Caroline with Valerie, Bonnie and Ric. Damon kicks Rayna down when she comes for him.

Bonnie and Valerie chant and Ric sits down to check on Caroline. Rayna hurts Damon bad then goes for her sword. She comes back for him and Damon says you want to send me back to hell – then says he’s already there.

He closes his eyes and she goes to stab him but Stefan takes the wound and kicks her back. Stefan thinks about Caroline and how much he loves her. He thinks about what they said about the huntress chasing you once you’re marked. He looks at his wound and says, see you brother, he takes off.

Damon slumps over. Valerie and Bonnie chant and take out the first baby. Ric sees his first child. Then the second. He smiles. They clean them up and bring the babies to him. He’s stunned. Bonnie asks if she’s okay. Ric says she is. He says they both are.

Enzo asks Damon if he’s going to untie him. Damon says tempting to leave the ropes there so he can kill him more easily. Enzo says he didn’t want to give Rayna that sword. Damon says he screwed him and now his brother is paying the price.

Enzo says he had no choice. Damon says let fate decide. He pulls out a coin and says heads or tail, live or die. He flips the coin. Enzo says Elena is alive and says he was hallucinating. He says Tyler had an empty decoy coffin. He says he and Tyler had friends that have the real Elena safe.

Enzo says she’s in New York being kept safe and alive. Damon is shocked. He says good. Caroline comes to and asks what happened. Bonnie is there and Caroline asks about the babies. Bonnie says Ric has them in the nursery and says they’re beautiful and healthy babies.

Caroline asks where’s Stefan. Stefan drives and Damon calls and asks where he is. He says he’s running from a hunter then asks why she handed over the sword. Damon says Elena is alive, he didn’t kill her. Stefan sighs. Damon promises to fix this. He says he will kill the huntress with his bare hands.

He promises to bring Stefan back. Stefan says okay. Caroline calls and Stefan says he wishes he could be there but this is the only way. Caroline says she wishes it didn’t always have to be him. He promises to come back for her. He says he has to keep moving then says he loves her.

Caroline says she loves him too. Alaric brings in the babies and asks if she wants to hold them. She and Ric hold the babies. He says their names are Josie and Elizabeth – the latter is in honor of her mother. Caroline is moved to tears and smiles.

Three years later, Caroline has the kids in the car with her – they are three. Her son asks where they’re going. She says they’re going to New Orleans to visit Mommy’s friend. She ends a call with Ric after he tells her to just drive. Is Caroline going to see Klaus?


Stormy Elizabeth:
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