The Voice 2016 Recap – Teams Explored, Mentors Revealed: Season 10 “The Best of the Blind Auditions”

Tonight on NBC the Emmy award winning music competition The Voice continues with an all new Wednesday March 9, season 10 special called, “The Best of the Blind Auditions,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode a best-of recap of the blind auditions includes previously unseen footage and a peek at the battle round.

On the last episode, the “blind auditions” continued on its fourth part and are held in front of a celebrity panel of musician coaches including, Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Pharrell Williams.  Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have you covered with a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC synopsis, “Carson Daly (“TODAY Show”) hosts a special recap of the blind auditions including never before seen moments and a sneak peek at next week’s battles. Coaches Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Pharrell Williams take a look back at their decisions as they head into the battle rounds.”

Tonight’s season 10 special episode is going to be exciting. We’ll be blogging it right here for you. In the meantime hit up the comments section and tell us your thoughts on season 10 of The Voice.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#VoiceBlinds tonight is the “best of” the blinds. Blake says season 10 is the best talent ever. Next week the coaches will complete their teams and each brings in a mentor. Diddy, Gwen Stefan, Tori Kelly and Patti LaBelle are all coming in to work with the artists.

#TheVoice highlights continue. Blake says he’s looking for a star not just a good country singer. Christina says it’s intimidating going toe to toe with Blake but says he’s not the boss. Pharrell says Blake has a serious arsenal of artists.

Blake says he thinks he can win this again. We see the judges listening to Paxton Ingram and Blake turns first but Pharrell turns at the last minute and Adam turned too. Blake says he has true greatness. Everyone is shocked when the bluesy pop artist goes with Blake.

He says Blake turned first and said he has greatness. Blake also got Teresa Guidry, a pop country singer. He snaked her out from under Adam. Blake also got Brittney Lawrence and says his strategy this season is to sneak in at the last second and steal artists.

We see Peyton Parker next doing her Fleetwood Mac song and she was great. We see the team doing their Blake zombie imitations and Christina putting on a cowboy hat but Peyton picked Blake anyway and Blake stole her hat then got into Christina’s face.

Mary Sarah got a four chair turn with her vintage sound but Blake also stole her away for his team. Pharrell says he knew her voice was super special from the first four bars she sang. Then we see Blake and Pharrell turn after Adam who’s irritated. Christina turned at the last second.

Adam says she’s Blake’s best singer. Next is Brittany Kennell who did a Sheryl Crow song. Blake got her too and liked that Christina says she sounds like Gwen Stefani. We also Gina Castanzo that also went to Blake and Trey O’Dell, two pop singers that he got.

Plus he got Justin Whisnant, a country singer with a hipster vibe. Blake also got  Adam Wakefield who did a George Jones classic. Blake also scored Angie Keilhauer from El Salvador who sings country.  She had her choice of all the guys but went with Blake after he wooed her.

We see that Blake has 11 on his team now and needs just one to complete his roster of 12. Blake says he’s going to be really picky since he has just one spot left and hopes for someone who can cross genres. He says he has more than one winner in his bunch.

Next we see Blake working with Gwen Stefani as his artist mentor. He calls her a rock and roll goddess diva. We see them working together with some of his artists. Gwen has great feedback on performance style as well as vocals.

Next is a look at Pharrell’s team. He talks about how he looks for something fresh and Blake says Pharrell’s strategy is to kill them with kindness and Christina says he’s smooth. Adam says he has great energy and it’s hard to tear someone away from him.

Pharrell got the first four chair turn of the season Caity Peters. Pharrell was able to woo her onto his team despite all the other judges wanting her. Pharrell says she has what it takes to win and says her voice is haunting.

Joe Vivona was next for Pharrell – he’s the guy whose family owns a carnival. Adam says he lost him when he said Pharrell’s name like that. Pharrell reassures the guy over his nerves then talked him onto his team. Jonathan Bach and Jessica Crosbie also went to Pharrell.

Bryan Nhira did Pharrell’s song Happy and the risk paid off. It ended up being a battle between Pharrell and Blake for the energetic singer. Adam says Blake had no chance with the guy. Pharrell got Bryan to sing a little bit of a hymn and the crowd went wild.

Next for Pharrell was former ballet dancer Nick Hagelin who has an adorable special needs child. He got turns from Pharrell and Blake at the last second when Christina thought for sure she had him. They brought his family out and Blake says his family is loud.

Nick went to Pharrell after he called him the Quincy Jones of his generation. Next we see R&B singer Maya Smith who works at the post office sorting magazines all day long while singing at night. Christina tried to lure her with a compliment that she sounds like Beyonce.

Pharrell was able to lure her away from Christina, though, with his warm vibe and kind words. He says she’s super soulful and he wants to dig into her voice to see what else is there. Four chair turn artist Emily Keener also went to Pharrell after she sang Elton John.

Blake turned almost instantly for her. Christina turned pretty fast too. All four turned in the end and Pharrell says her vocal chords have a tapestry and Christina says her eyes light up when Pharrell talks to her. Adam says his do too. She chose Pharrell.

Pharrell also got Abby Celso who lost her mom the year before to cancer. She got chair turns from Adam and Pharrell. He told her there was nothing like her on the show and got her to choose him. Hannah Huston also went to Pharrell.

Blake, Pharrell and Christina all three turned for her at the last minute. She gushes over him right away and Blake says she’s so freaking good and was having a fit. Christina was bummed when Pharrell snagged her too. He says her voice showed her spirit reaching.

Pharrell has two slots left as they head into the last night of blinds next week. He says good won’t be good enough for the last two slots. For his mentor, he brought in Sean Diddy Combs. Diddy is helping his artists this season and Pharrell says it’s going to be fun.

His artists are thrilled to see P Diddy who has performance and production notes galore for them. He says The Voice puts the artists’ voice at the forefront. We see a montage of him working with several of the artists on Pharrell’s team. Pharrell says Puff is a force and calls him a master teacher.

We now get a look at how Adam built his team. He won last season for the third time and wants a back to back victory. Blake says Adam is hard enough to be around but when he’s the champion it’s impossible to be with him. Christina says they can’t let Adam win again.

Pharrell says Adam has stacked an eclectic team that can be a real threat. His first team member was pop rocker Mike Schiavo who was a huge Maroon 5 fan. He said Adam was a huge musical influence on him. Adam, Blake and Pharrell battled for Mike but Adam was his clear favorite.

Adam sang She Will Be Loved with Mike – it’s his favorite song of Maroon 5. Adam says he likes to hear that he inspires singers.

We see Laith Al-Saadi whose big strong voice Blake loved. Adam praised his guitar shredding and won him over. Adam says this season is the most musicians he’s ever had and calls Laith a dope guitar player. Blake told him he quits.

Next up is four chair turn Owen Danoff, a folk rocker, who’s a legacy singer. His dad wrote and sang Afternoon Delight and some of John Denver’s hits. Christina flattered him heavily and Blake says he never gets to work with artists like him but woos him too.

Owen went with a jubilant Adam who says he’s awesome and a very captivating personality and talented singer. Next is Katherine Ho, a teen who rocked a Taylor Swift cover, John Gilman – a rockabilly singer – and Nate Butler who’s a pop rocker.

Returning from season 9, tiny Caroline Burns brought her big voice to do Carol King. Adam and Blake fought hard for her but she went with Adam. Next was another four chair turn – Ryan Quinn – who teaches music to special needs kids.

Christina was first to turn after his impressive falsetto and then had all four coaches turning and on their feet by the time he was done. Christina said his voice needs to be heard. Adam’s flattery won him over and Adam said he even has a better range than him. Christina says he broke her heart.

Adam has just one slot left and he says he’s saving it for someone special that inspires him. Blake says he’s worried about Adam’s team and has some really good artists. Adam brings in Tori Kelly as a mentor. Tori says she’s been a fan of The Voice since season one.

Now it’s Team Christina’s turn. She hasn’t one yet but is determined to make it happen. Blake says Christina is the team to beat this year with all her four chair turns. Adam says he really thinks she could win it this year. Pharrell says Christina is very spirited this season.

Her first artist was a season 9 return Bryan Bautista. Blake turned at the last second to try and steal him and she yelled no. Pharrell remembered him from last season. Adam took Christina’s side and then Blake got excited when he said Blake but he wasn’t choosing him.

Adam thought it was hilarious that Blake got shunned when the guy was just saying something to him, not choosing him. 15 year old Shalyah Fearing blew them away and Christina nabbed her and Lacy Mandigo also went to team Christina.

Tamar Davis was in the group that eventually became Destiny’s Child but her parents pulled her out of it. Blake did another last minute turn and Christina says he doesn’t know what to do with that. Blake tried and failed to get her.

Daniel Passing, a pop and opera singer, also went to Christina despite another last second turn by Blake. She says Daniel had great energy then Blake was creeping on her and being creepy.

Former child star Alisan Porter murdered Linda Ronstadt’s Blue Bayou for a four chair turn. Both she and Christina were on Star Search and Christina got all teary and played the mom card with her and wooed her onto her team.

She also got Chelsea Gann, Kristen Marie, and Malik Heard who did Nick Jonas’ Chains like a boss. Christina and Pharrell battled over Malik and Christina told him she was in the Mickey Mouse Club with Justin Timberlake when Malik said he liked his music.

Kata Hay is a country artist that Christina stole out from Adam after Kata climbed up on Adam and hugged him then smooched Pharrell too for turning. She and Christina smooched and Pharrell had to slap himself. Christina says pick me and there’s more of that.

Joe Maye was another season 9 return and got the attention of Christina and Blake but she won him over when she dueted with him on the spot on You Put a Spell on Me. The crowd and judges loved on it and it was wild. Adam says he loved seeing Blake squashed like that as the crowd chanted her name.

Christina has one slot left on her team and she says she thinks she has the winner on her team since she has a wide array of singers. She brought in Patti LaBelle as the mentor for her artists. Two of the girls do Lady Marmalade and Christina and Patti sang with them too.

We see the judges bugging each other and teasing. We see Christina smooch Pharrell and leave a big red smooch mark on his cheek and Blake says this is the silliest season yet. We see Adam dancing around and then Adam climbing the set and Blake pantsing him.

Monday is the last day of the blinds auditions. Join us here at CDL for a live recap of all the action while the coaches fill their last slot.


Stormy Elizabeth: