The Voice 2016 Recap Nick Hagelin Eliminated – Top 8 Revealed: Season 10 Episode 23 “Live Top 9 Eliminations”

The Voice 2016 Recap Nick Hagelin Eliminated - Top 8 Revealed: Season 10 Episode 23 "Live Top 9 Eliminations"The Voice 2016 Recap Nick Hagelin Eliminated - Top 8 Revealed: Season 10 Episode 23 "Live Top 9 Eliminations"

Tonight on NBC the Emmy award winning music competition The Voice continues with an all new Tuesday May 10, season 10 episode 23 called, “Live Top 9 Eliminations,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode an artist is eliminated in a results edition.

On the last episode, The top 9 artists were Adam Wakefield, Paxton Ingram, Mary Sarah, Laith Al-Saadi, Shalyah Fearing, Hannah Huston, Alisan Porter, Bryan Bautista and Nick Hagelin will perform live in front  of coaches Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Pharrell Williams for America’s vote. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have you covered with a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC synopsis, “seven artists will be revealed as safe by America’s votes. The bottom two artists will then compete for the Instant Save and one will be eliminated.”

Tonight’s season 10 episode 23 is going to be exciting. We’ll be blogging it right here for you. In the meantime hit up the comments section and tell us your thoughts on season 10 of The Voice so far.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#VoiceResults start with Carson Daly asking the judges questions about their remaining artists. Then Carson brings the Top 9 on the stage. He asks Hannah was advancing would mean. She says she’s learned so much working with Pharrell.

Mary Sarah says it’s cool when fans send her cartoon drawings and she’s gotten a bunch of marriage proposals and promposals. Carson then announces the first person safe. He says America saved Team Pharrell’s Hannah Huston.

James Bay performs “Let it Go.” The remaining eight are brought back out. Carson asks Bryan Bautista about his most memorable experience on The Voice. Bryan says getting a four chair ovation from the coaches in the Battle Rounds.

Carson then asks Shalyah Fearing about performing in front of her grandmother and she says she wanted to give back to her grandmother with her performance last night. Now the next two results for two more artists safe from elimination.

From Team Christina, Bryan Bautista is safe. Also safe, from Team Blake, is Adam Wakefield. There are four more artists to be announced as safe before the live performances for the Instant Save.

Next is a funny cameo of Andy Samberg playing Connor4Real. He gives them bad advice and then says Usher told him that he can’t dance at all. He says there is no downside to being famous. Then Connor4Real sings I’m So Humble with Adam Levine.

The remaining six now come out and Carson asks Paxton who he hands out. He says Nick, Bryan, Ali and says it’s great to get away from practicing and spend time with people who get it at and support you. Then Carson asks mom about her momness.

Alisan says she’s glad Pharrell mentioned that and says it was a tough decision to come there since she has kids. Next safe is from Team Adam – it’s Laith Al-Saadi. Also safe, from Team Blake is Mary Sarah. That leaves two more to be announced safe.

The last four come up and Carson asks Nick about what he’s learned and he says it’s taught him to take the light in his life and share it with the world. Now we find out the bottom two and the last two safe. Alisan, Shaylah, Paxton and Nick are in contention.

From Team Christina, Alisan Porter is safe. The last one safe by America’s votes is Team Adam’s Shalyah Fearing. Nick Hagelin and Paxton Ingram will sing for the Instant Save.

Paxton does a really cool, slowed down version of Whitney Houston’s How Will I Know? Pharrell says it showed the youth leader in him and showed zero fear and says American needs to cote him through. Adam says this is the hardest part of the show.

He says this is so hard because you’re feeling insecure, in the bottom two, and have to sing for your life. Adam says Paxton triumphed and really amazed him. Coach Blake heaps praise on Paxton and says he deserves to be on the show next week.

Nick Hagelin sings Eric Clapton’s Change the World. Pharrell says Nick can sing and dance but has another thing – an ability to emote – that lets him connect with the audience. He says the girls go crazy when he waves a hand.

Coach Christina says she knows how far he’s come in this competition and she brought him back and says getting to know him has been wonderful and says he’s one of her favorites she’s ever worked with and says she likes that he’s always himself.

Now it’s time to vote for the InstantSave. It’s #VoiceSavePaxton or #VoiceSaveNick and there’s a five minute window.

Paxton tells Blake thank you for believing in me since the blind auditions and he opened up amazing opportunities for him. Nick tells Christina thanks for believing in me and says it was an honor and she resurrected him and he loves her so much.

Blake says he hopes these are not the last words and says he belongs in the semi-finals. Christina says they have both had a great run and she hopes Nick stays. Now the results are in and Nick Hagelin is going home.

Paxton Ingram was instantly saved and will move to the semi-finals. Carson revealed that there were less than 100 tweets between the two at the end and it was the closest result they’ve seen. Be sure to come back to CDL next week for a LIVE recap of the semi-finals on Monday and the Tuesday night elimination.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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