The Voice 2016 Recap Alisan and Laith Kill It: Season 10 Episode 26 “Live Finale, Part 1”

The Voice 2016 Recap Alisan and Laith Kill It: Season 10 Episode 26 "Live Finale, Part 1"The Voice 2016 Recap Alisan and Laith Kill It: Season 10 Episode 26 "Live Finale, Part 1"

Tonight on NBC the Emmy award winning music competition The Voice continues with an all new Monday May 23 season 10 episode 26 called, “Live Finale, Part 1,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode the final four artists perform in Part 1 of the two-part Season 10 finale.

On the last episode, world-renowned recording artist Pink served as superstar advisor for the eight semi-finalists. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it we have you covered with a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the NBC synopsis, “in the final phase of the competition, the final four artists perform live in front of coaches Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Pharrell Williams. One of the four artists will be a step closer to being named “The Voice.”

Tonight’s season 10 episode 26 is going to be exciting. We’ll be blogging it right here for you. In the meantime hit up the comments section and tell us your thoughts on season 10 of The Voice so far.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#VoiceFinale starts with Team Adam’s Laith Al-Saadi – he’s doing White Room by Cream and Adam is thrilled he chose this song. This is the first of three performances Laith will have tonight. He takes the stage and does the classic rock song and man does he rock it.

Pharrell and Adam are up on their feet as he finishes rocking the house. Blake says he made it to the finale doing it his way and says he was wrong for ever saying he should put down the guitar and sing more. Christina says she doesn’t know how he does what he does and says it’s always a pleasure.

Pharrell says what a time to love classic rock and a classic blues player like this and says it was an amazing vibe. Coach Adam says he’s just enjoying his guy up there doing what he does with purity of spirt and heart and that’s what he cares about and says vote for Laith.

Team Christina’s Alisan Porter is next and she’s doing her original song “Down That Road.” It’s a great song that really tells the story of her journey from child star to addict to stay at home mom and now to the finale of The Voice.

Adam says it’s a great song and says it’s weird how this show has a quirk that there are many factors that come into play aside from the voice. He says her voice deserves to win because it’s incredible and if it’s judged solely on that, she should win.

Blake says he likes they’re doing original songs and likes that the artists are presenting their own work. He says it’s cool to see her connect with a song she wrote just like the covers she did. Coach Christina says she was born to do this and she is the epitome of The Voice. She says it’s honest and real.

Next up is a duet with Coach Blake and Adam Wakefield. They sing a duet of Hank Williams Jr and Waylon Jennings song The Conversation. It’s old school classic country. You’ve got to love Bocephus.

Team Pharrell’s Hannah Huston is next and she chose Every Breath You Take by The Police. She’s doing a really unique slow and haunting arrangement of the song that makes it a power ballad. Pharrell is up and on his feet for Hannah as she finishes.

Adam says that was awesome and says he loves that song so much and he was scared by how different it was but then she did an amazing version and it was really cool. Pharrell says Paul Merkovich did that arrangement. Adam calls her badass.

Blake says it was so risky but will be a huge reward for her. He says messing with a song like that can be ugh but it was beautiful. Coach Pharrell thanks the band then says he loves the way Hannah connected with it and says she lit the stage up with her grace and humility.

Next is a duet of Adam Levine and Laith Al-Saadi. They do Golden Slumbers by The Beatles and a medley of other tunes. And wow. What was already a great song has been made even better in this heartfelt rendition. Adam plays drums while Laith wails on guitar and they sing together. It’s stunning.

Next is Coach Christina and Alisan Porter dueting on Carol King’s incredible ballad You’ve Got a Friend. They really did the 70s hit justice. They can both really wail and have amazing pipes. Nicely done. Then next is Adam Wakefield’s original song. Blake is impressed he wrote it alone.

He performs and Blake is on his feet cheering the country ballad – nicely done. Pharrell says man congrats and says it felt good and says he likes all the different sides of him and loves that he can pull from many palettes in his personality.

Adam says he did an amazing job and says he loves they’re writing their songs and this is a cool new thing and says it has to be a cool feeling. Coach Blake says he’s blown away and the first verse is brilliant and says it’s just so good.

Blake says he doesn’t know the percent of The Voice that are country fans and says that took him back to the 90s and something Keith Whitely would have recorded. He tells Adam that song made him so happy and he was great.

Next is a duet with Coach Pharrell and Hannah Huston. They do Justin Timberlake’s Brand New. That’s pretty different from Hannah. They’ve even got a mini marching band on the stage and it’s very funky. The crowd really digs seeing this different side of her.

Next is Laith’s original song and, naturally, he’s written a bluesy love song. He says he wrote this about hanging on to love of someone you can’t be with. Adam says go out playing guitar damn it. Laith takes the stage to perform his new song Morning Light. Twitter is calling him a #GuitarGod.

Adam is on his feet applauding and so is Pharrell as he finishes up. Christina says it’s cool to see them do their original songs and says he killed it on the guitar and she loved the bluesy slow jam part of it. Pharrell says what a great original song and says he loves it.

He says the solo and chord changes were amazing and says everyone needs to go buy that song now. Coach Adam says everyone is great in this top four but says Laith has slowly becomes his favorite because he plays music for 100% the right reasons and fills the room with joy.

Next is Team Blake’s Adam Wakefield is doing Vince Gill’s When You Call My Name. That stellar performance completes Adam’s finale performances. Well done. Christina says she loves what he does up there and says he’s so talented and says he never disappoints.

Christina says his runs and ad libs are so accurate. She says great job. Adam says he has amazing taste in his songs and when he does runs and when he restrains himself and has impeccable taste in the way he puts together a song.

Coach Blake says he can’t express how happy he is for Adam right now and says people across the country know what he just did with an iconic Vince Gill song and he completely blew the roof off this place and says he can’t wait to go to iTunes and download that version.

Hannah’s original song was co-written with Pharrell. Her song is I Call the Shots and is about her journey. It was a really cool number and Pharrell runs up to hug her excitedly when she’s done. Adam says man he’s so happy that we get to bring the process of her and Pharrell working is a cool thing.

Adam says she took the song and was one of the coolest things they’ve seen on the show. He says how can you imagine that and says they all still want songs from Pharrell and says it was cool. Coach Pharrell says that was awesome.

He says it was honestly such a pleasure to work with her all season long and says she had to realize it’s okay to be talented and to come out there and show what she can do.

Alisan Porter closes out the song by getting back to her Broadway past and does Somewhere from West Side Story which Barbra Streisand killed back in the 80s on her Broadway Album. Alisan really does it justice and it’s clear that if it’s just about “the voice” like Adam said, this will go to Alisan.

Christina is on her feet as Alisan belts her final incredible note. Pharrell is up on his feet too. The crowd won’t stop cheering. Adam says he doesn’t know what to say because it’s all been said and says anything he says will sound dumb because everyone knows how great she is.

Adam says simply congratulations, we love you. Coach Christina says she’s crying because they started this journey with her making her cry in the blinds and says Alisan has worked so hard. She says Alisan deserves to take the cake and be the winner.

Be sure to come back to CDL tomorrow night for a LIVE recap of The Voice Season 10 Finale results show to find out who wins!


Stormy Elizabeth:
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