The Young and the Restless (Y&R) Spoilers: Sage Death Shocks Adam and Chelsea With Christian Voicemail – Sharon Lies and Panics

“The Young and the Restless” spoilers for next week’s episode on Monday, May 2, tease that Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) will call Sharon (Sharon Case) and find out that Sage was in a car crash. She’ll learn Sage (Kelly Sullivan) is dead and she’ll pass along the news to Adam (Justin Hartley).

They’ll both struggle to believe Sage is really gone.

Adam and Chelsea will talk about the impact Sage had on their lives. She brought Adam back to Chelsea and helped him reclaim what he lost. They’ll also discuss Christian and the fact that Sage didn’t know Adam was his father. Chelsea will think that Adam did Sage a favor by staying silent.

It was a gift that preserved Sage’s view of her family.

At Nick’s (Joshua Morrow) place, Victoria (Amelia Heinle) will offer her support. Noah (Robert Adamson) and Summer (Hunter King) will try to provide comfort, too. Nick will insist that he really just wants to be alone right now.

Moments later, Y&R spoilers say Sharon and Faith (Alyvia Alyn Lind) will stop by. Faith will worry that Christian will want to take Daddy up to heaven as well. Nick will convince Faith that everything is going to be fine.

When Faith leaves the room, Nick will ask Sharon what Sage’s last words were. Sharon will lie that Sage didn’t see her at the scene. Sharon will say she didn’t contact Nick because she was focused on Sully during the ordeal. Nick will tell Sharon to make sure Sully stays safe. Sharon will reply, “Always.”

Meanwhile, Dylan (Steve Burton) will learn Sage initiated a call to Adam just before the accident. He’ll tell Paul (Doug Davidson) that Sharon said Sage stopped by the house for a business meeting earlier in the evening.

Dylan will head to see Adam and ask him a few questions. Adam will claim Sage was just trying to get in touch with Chelsea and he already deleted the voicemail. After Dylan leaves, Adam will tell Chelsea that the message was actually for him and he still has it.

Sage seemed distraught and wanted to speak to Adam about Christian. Adam will play the voicemail for Chelsea to see what she thinks about it.

At Sharon’s house, Paul will grill her about the meeting she had with Sage. He’ll wonder why Sharon didn’t bring it up sooner. Sharon will brush it off as insignificant. When Paul keeps pressing for more information, Sharon will shout at him. Dylan will arrive and find Sharon in a tizzy.

At Newman Enterprises, Summer will try to get a job for Luca (Miles Gaston Villanueva). Victoria and Noah won’t be on board. Luca just isn’t trustworthy. Summer will berate Noah for his refusal to respect Luca. She’ll turn to Victoria and remind her of the bribe she offered.

Summer will think hiring Luca is the least Victoria could do.

Other “Young and the Restless” spoilers say Victoria will read an article that calls her abilities as CEO into question. She’ll head back to the bar to drink away her problems. Victoria will ask for a tequila and play the jukebox again.

At the athletic club, Summer will hint that she’s fed up with Victoria and Noah. She’ll consider leaving the company.

Luca will declare that Summer has to stay. He’ll suggest that with his guidance, Summer could find herself calling the shots. Back at Nick’s place, tears will fall as Nick opens up to Noah. Nick will state that Sage was so hopeful about their family and their future together.

Noah will agree to watch Faith while Nick goes out.

Nick will make his way to the scene of the accident. He’ll break down as he has flashbacks of fond memories with his love. Nick’s life with Sage has been stripped away. The despair will turn to anger as Nick grabs a piece of metal and starts beating the car.

This loss has really hit Nick hard. Stick with the CBS soap for updates on Nick’s attempt to press on.

So Y&R fans, what do you think about these “Young and the Restless” spoilers? Voice your opinion in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL often for the latest “Young and the Restless” spoilers, updates and news.

Heather Hughes:
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