Toddlers & Tiaras Recap 10/12/16: Season 7 Episode 8 “Here Come the Animals!”


Tonight on TLC  their child beauty pageant show Toddlers & Tiaras airs with an all-new Wednesday, October 12, 2016, episode and we have your Toddlers & Tiaras recap below for you! On tonight Toddlers & Tiaras Season 7 Episode 8, a Me and My Pet pageant pits Cambrie’s Court versus past winners and their mom.

On last week’s episode, a Cowgirls & Crowns pageant in Georgia found Cambrie’s Court hoping to make a comeback after a tough loss to Top Model. If You missed it we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you!

On tonight’s Toddlers & Tiaras episode as per the TLC synopsis, “Cambrie has Kailia, Callyn and Emily face off against Alycesaundra and Giavanna, past winners of the Me and My Pet Pageant.”

Tonight’s episode is sure to be filled with the usual Toddlers & Tiara glitz and glamor and you won’t want to miss our Toddlers & Tiaras recap from 9PM – 10PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Toddlers & Tiaras recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Cambrie’s Court is up against Coach Debbie and the Double Crown Girls. Debbie has been coaching for 30 years but Cambrie isn’t worried about her. This week’s pageant is Me and My Pet. Debbie’s girls are ready to take Cambrie’s girls down to the ground.

Debbie doesn’t take anything personally. She gets hate mail for letting her twins compete. Her girls always win the highest titles.

We meet Kailia and her mom Marcy. Kailia has a contortion teacher and is part of Cambrie’s Court. Cambrie loves her and her talent.

Callyn and Emily are cousins who both compete in pageants. They are 2 months apart. They are rivals and compete against one another often. Their mothers are also rivals who will do anything to see their daughters win. Cambrie coaches Callyn. She is one of her easy going kids.
At the competition, all of the girls in the pageant bring their pets. The girls are judged by beauty, personality and confidence.

Emily hits the stage for the beauty round and tries too hard. The judges take notice. Callyn hits the stage and does great, the judges are impressed.

Alessandra did not impress the judges. She moved too slow. Giovanna did great with her yellow 2 piece dress. Cambrie’s worried about her as far as competition goes.

Kailia hits the stage next. When she gets on stage with her red and white dress she blows the judges away with her moves and her perfect smile.

On to the pet performances…

Callyn has a secret weapon – a baby zebra. Some of the mothers get angry because she is breaking the rules with an animal that is over 40 lbs.

During the pageant there was goat poop all over the hair and make-up room. Cambrie freaks out while the kids say that they will pick it up. The mothers start fighting over the mess.

CDL Staff:
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