Wayward Pines Finale Recap 7/27/16 Season 2 Episode 10 “Bedtime Story”

Wayward Pines Finale Recap 7/27/16 Season 2 Episode 10 "Bedtime Story"Wayward Pines Finale Recap 7/27/16 Season 2 Episode 10 "Bedtime Story"

Tonight on FOX, Wayward Pines airs with an all new Wednesday, July 27 season 2 finale called “Bedtime Story,” and we have your weekly Wayward Pines recap and spoilers below. On tonight’s episode, season 2 comes to a close with the Abbies descending upon the town.

On the last episode, with the Abbies closing in, Jason made a fatal judgment call; Pilcher recalled finding his Chosen One. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed Wayward Pines recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the FOX synopsis, “season 2 comes to a close with the Abbies descending upon the town, which pushes Theo to a decision that could impact all of humanity.”

Tune in at 9PM on FOX for another exciting episode of WAYWARD PINE We’ll have our live Wayward Pines recap down below so check back in with us. In the meantime, hit up the comments and tell us your thoughts on the second season of the show!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#WaywardPines starts with Jason being rushed into the hospital after Kerry shot him. Oscar is freaking out but Theo says he’s just another patient. Kerry is covered in blood and shell-shocked. Margaret is healed and back on her feet and screams out a cry to her Abbies.

Many of them run off after she sounds the call. They go leaping through the woods. She cries out again and again. Then she stops. One Abbie stops and sniffs then looks around. He’s staring down at a gigantic settlement of other Abbies. He sounds a call and they all form up and run off.

In Wayward Pines, the call is made for extractions. People are loaded into vehicles and they are told they won’t be coming home once they leave. Theo operates on Jason and takes out the bullet. Jason begins to crash and Oscar starts to panic. Jason is bleeding into his lungs.

Jason dies on the operating table

Theo calls his time of death as Oscar stands there stunned. Kerry watches from the observation room in horror. A crowd has assembled at the hospital. Theo comes out and tells them the evacuation has begun and they’ll all be safe. He tells them Jason died and served the town as best as he knew how.

Theo says they can honor him by fulfilling his wish to survive. Theo says Wayward Pines needs strong leadership but not a dictator. He says many of them didn’t ask to be there and he didn’t. He says but they are there and humanity will begin anew with them and that’s their destiny.

Theo says he’ll see them on the mountain and goes back inside. Rebecca is with Xander and they look concerned. Theo talks to Oscar about patients and then calls out an error he made on Jason’s surgery. He says he’s never seen Theo make a mistake and asks if it was on purpose. Jason denies it.

Oscar questions Theo

Theo tells Oscar that he did everything he could for the patient. He tells Oscar he’ll be a good doctor someday. Arlene runs up and gushes to Theo about how she loves her job and thinks she can make a difference in the future. She says she’ll see him in the mountain then gives him a weird hug.

Theo hugs her awkwardly after she acted weird with him. Theo goes into the room with Jason’s body and finds Oscar there. Oscar tells him that Jason’s blood type is AB negative and it’s rare. He says Kerry also has that blood type and asks isn’t that strange.

Theo is called to come talk to CJ in his office. CJ tells him the pods are almost ready and says he can explain to him how suspension works. Theo says no thanks. CJ says intact families will take up a lot of room and they should leave out non-essential adults and store younger people.

CJ tells Theo the hard facts

CJ shows him a list and says Jason made decisions about who to take and says Jason made the decisions quickly. Theo asks about Jason as a boy and CJ says there’s no point in arguing over him and Theo says decisions must be made.

CJ says the Abbies will be here soon and says more than 300 people have never been woken and he could wake some of them to free up pods. CJ says he’s choosing who to bring and who to leave behind which is life and death decisions.

Theo talks to Kerry who asks if Jason suffered. Theo asks if she wanted him to and she says she doesn’t know but Theo says a pod just opened up and calls Jason a tyrant. Kerry defends Jason and says he was doing what he thought was right. Theo says it’s all a rotten lie.

Theo stuns Kerry

Theo tells Kerry that she and Jason share a very rare blood type and Jason was stored in a pod as a baby around the time she delivered a child and says Pilcher changed her file. He walks out and Kerry does the math on this and then vomits as she realizes she was sleeping with and killed her son.

The Abbies run through the forest in mass numbers. They scream as they run. More are now below Margaret as she stands high up on the rocks. Theo grabs a gun from his desk and ticks it into his pocket then smashes the photo of Pilcher that was on his wall.

In the mountain, people are being in-processed to get into the pods. They are told they will go in as families and must have ID to get into the pod room. CJ, Kerry, Theo and Mario head to the mountain and CJ gives Theo an update on the numbers.

Lies to the residents

The announcement in the town is made to wait in their homes until they are picked up. One family is split up as an older, out of shape father is held back and told he’ll be in the next load while his kids cry. The young people at Wayward Pines Academy are loaded up.

Frank was left behind with some other small kids. He tells some other kids they’re all group two and the younger kids ask him what’s wrong with us. Frank reassures them and says they’ll come back for him. Lucy cries and asks for Frank. She’s shoved on the bus.

Lucy sees him upstairs in the window and Frank runs down but a guard grabs him and knocks him to the ground then hits him hard and knocks him out. Lucy cries and wails and a guard pulls her away from the window as the bus drives off. So gay people don’t seem to make the cut. Wow.

Rebecca makes the list, Xander doesn’t

The guards come to pick up Rebecca but they tell Xander he’s not on the list. They tell him to wait there. Xander and Rebecca stare at each other nervously. Rebecca is upset and says she won’t go without him. She wonders if Theo did this.

Xander says maybe no one did this. She’s upset and says they just worked things out. Xander holds her close and says he loves her and he’ll be there when she dreams. He kisses her and then takes her by the hand and leads her to the van. She finally goes but looks back sadly.

Xander puts on a brave face for her. She leaves unhappily. CJ comes to talk to Theo in the labs for another update. He tells Theo there are no guarantees in life. Theo says he’s held lives in his hands before but they’re saving the human race and it’s completely different.

CJ encourages Theo

CJ tells him he’s been saving the world all along. Theo says he fixed things but it was never spiritual and Pilcher played God when he brought them all here. Theo says it’s not the case – everyone here would have lived their natural lives out if they had been left alone.

CJ says why are you using the past tense saying you “fixed” people then asks if he’s not planning on doing it anymore. The Abbies run in groups and continue amassing before Margaret. Mario checks the monitors and sees that it’s a veritable swarm of Abbies at the fence.

Arlene is in front of the hospital with some others waiting anxiously to be picked up. Chaos reigns in the streets of Wayward Pines as people left behind being to riot, break windows, and run amok. Xander watches it all fall apart as he walks down the street with a rifle over his shoulder.

Theo prepares for the worst

Theo watches the screens of the amassing Abbies and makes a recording that says Pilcher was wrong about everything and trying to save humanity created a town ruled by inhumanity. He says they ran out of food and the enemy is coming to kill them all.

He tells them about viruses that Pilcher stored and says he plans to infect himself with the three most virulent strains, allow himself to incubate and then go outside the fence to be consumed. He says he estimates that this should kill off the Abbies.

Theo says it’s the best guess he has about what to do. He says for those that wake later, perhaps they can have a new life. He also says this idea of the greater good is false – there is no greater good, there’s only good. He ends the recording. Mario tells him that Rebecca is on the way.

Trouble at the checkpoint

Mario tells him there’s trouble at the gate. We see Rebecca and some others hustled through the angry mob at the gate. One stabs a guard and then CJ fires an automatic weapon as a warning and tells them to get back and run home. They step back screaming.

Rebecca comes in and Lucy hugs her. They each realize Xander and Frank were left behind. Frank goes to the shop and sits with Xander who is drinking. Frank asks for some of his booze but he says he’s too young. Frank asks what it was like outside the wall.

Xander says it’s scary and it’s scary in here too then slides the bottle over to Frank and he takes a swig. Frank tells Xander that Rebecca is like a mom to Lucy. Theo speeds up in a Humvee and tells Xander and Frank to get into the vehicle.

Xander makes a sacrifice

They do but then some men block them with a Molotov cocktail. They tell Xander to get out of the jeep and says they need it. Xander uses his rifle to shoot the bottle and the guy is doused in flames. They drive off. At the gate, they see dead guards.

Arlene is there and says he could have just told them and she thought she did a good job for him. She tells him to say hello to the future and goes to walk away. Theo says she can have the dead guard’s pod. She gives him a passionate kiss on the mouth and thanks him.

They rush inside and CJ shuts the door behind them. Xander asks why Theo saved him and he says he doesn’t know. CJ says things must be different. Arlene, Xander, Frank and Theo ride down in the elevator together and CJ says get them processed now.

Rebecca thrilled to see hubby #2

Rebecca is happy to see Xander and hugs him tight but realizes that means Theo may not be coming. CJ tells Kerry that this is not her fault and she says he doesn’t know. He says he does know and Pilcher and Jason aren’t here but she is – she survived it all.

CJ encourages her and says they need her good in the future and he does. He says she deserves a fresh start. Kerry says one was enough and walks away from the pod line. Theo is in Pilcher’s office when Rebecca comes to him. She hugs him hard.

Theo pats her back and holds her for a moment. She thanks him and he says the future needs ice cream. She says they couldn’t save their marriage but he can save the town and only he can. The Abbies are all there crowded against the wall as Theo goes down to the lab.

Theo tries to save the humans – his fate is stolen

Kerry comes in with his recorder in hand. She listened to his message about his plan. She says there is no greater good, only good. She quotes him. Kerry says she wants to serve her purpose and make things right. He says don’t do this.

Kerry says it’s already done and drops the vials she used to infect herself. She says the future needs more people like him and less people like her son. Theo gives her a vial of morphine and says inject it in the vein two minutes before you go out but says she’ll still feel it.

Kerry says this is the right choice for both of us. She says the future won’t miss her – she’s just a girl from Idaho. CJ monitors the pods and tells Theo he’s shut down the non-essential systems and only the power to the pods will remain.

Theo gives the big speech

Theo tells the others that he doesn’t know what world they’ll wake up to. He says he’s seen the best and worst of them there and they need to carry the best with them. Kerry walks out of the mountain as Theo says good luck and I hope to see you all soon.

Everyone climbs into their pods. Xander hugs Rebecca and kisses her. Frank hugs Lucy. The streets of Wayward Pine go dark as the lights go out little by little. The bloody cages where the Abbies were held go dark as does the carousel and lights all over.

The dad left behind hangs himself from his roof. CJ closes the pod doors. The process begins and they are all put to sleep. Margaret stands in the light of day before her army of Abbies. CJ readies himself for sleep. He sees the friendly hallucination he likes to talk to. He looks at his screen where is says Pod Termination.

Kerry faces the future

Kerry opens the gate and walks outside the wall. CJ presses a button on his tablet and goes into his pod with a countdown of a minute ticking away. Kerry closes the gate behind her as she goes outside. We hear the growls of Abbies as she does so.

We hear a crying baby and the season ends with an Abbie rocking the crying baby which has the pointed ears of an Abbie but what is it?



Stormy Elizabeth:
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