Wayward Pines Recap 6/22/16 Season 2 Episode 5 “Sound the Alarm”

Tonight on FOX, Wayward Pines airs with an all new Wednesday, June 22 season 2 episode 5 called “Sound the Alarm” and we have your weekly Wayward Pines recap below. On tonight’s episode, the creation of Wayward Pines is recalled when Rebecca (Nimrat Kaur) thinks back to meeting with Pilcher (Toby Jones) as an architect.

On the last episode, Xander returned to Wayward Pines with someone unexpected, who helped him better understand the Abbies’ intentions. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed Wayward Pines recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the FOX synopsis, “the creation of Wayward Pines is recalled when Rebecca thinks back to meeting with Pilcher as an architect. Meanwhile, a secret shocks Theo; Teresa reveals to CJ and Adam her desire to live outside the protected walls; and Megan experiments on a captured female.”

Tune in at 9PM on FOX for another exciting Wayward Pines recap. We’ll be blogging it right here for you so check back in with us. In the meantime, hit up the comments and tell us your thoughts on the second season of the show and how excited you are for the Wayward Pines recap tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#WaywardPines starts with Theo kissing Rebecca as they lie in bed. The alarm goes off and she reaches for it. He says don’t go to work today but she says she has to. He stops kissing her and he talks about them going someplace like the Galapagos. This is the past.

She says those places are far away. We see they are in a large city. She goes to get in the shower. She says how about a beach and suggests Hawaii. He agrees. We see her go into work at her architecture firm. She finds out that she’s losing a project and is displeased.

He tells her there’s a man in her office that wouldn’t wait in reception. It’s Pilcher. He introduces himself and asks about the view out her office window. He asks if she’s heard of his book – she hasn’t. He offers her the chance to work on an ambitious project.

He asks to talk to her over dinner. That night, they drink wine and he talks knowledgeably about wine and how America is greedy and doesn’t consider what will last. He hands her a folder – it’s her Harvard thesis. She says she hasn’t seen it in years.

She asks how he got it and he says he works with people who are good at getting him things he wants. He mentions that she’s a fan of Henry Club. She talks about a settlement that Club built and Pilcher says what if there was a second chance to start over.

He says it’s a small enlightened community. He asks wouldn’t she want to be a part of it. He says the flood is coming and will make all things known and says they need an ark and he wants her to design it. He says he knows it sounds crazy.

Pilcher says if you truly believe in something you’ll fight for it. She says she was going to say it sounds costly but he says that’s not an object and would give his last dime for it. He says he needs dreamers like himself and asks if she’s a dreamer like him.

He asks if she wants to leave a legacy beyond compare. Rebecca thinks hard.

We see Jason and Kerry in a panic over the Abby that’s in town facing off with. Frank stares at the Abby and it stares at him. It might be a female. A Jeep pulls up. Soldiers dismount. Jason watches from the cameras. Kerry says don’t kill it – it’s a female.

In the past, Rebecca shows Theo her plan for a town with a Main Street and Biergarten. She says both of them make a difference with their work. He says this guy came in with a big check and wants her to build Mayberry and it makes no sense.

He says Utopia can’t exist and she tells him to go away and let her work. She’s irritated. Next day, Frank is a semi-celebrity at school because of the Abby encounter but his sister ignored her. Megan checks out the female and says she’s been tranquil.

Jason and Kerry are there and Megan says the males calmed down since she got there. She shows them a spiral emblem on the palm of the creature. She says it’s not natural and not a scar. She wonders if it’s anthropological.

Jason says they’re not a lost tribe, they’re animals. Megan says the females of any species are different. She says she wants to find a way to kill them once and for all. Megan’s assistant calls the Abby Margaret and points out Dennis, and Max – others he named.

Margaret stares at him coldly. Mario reports no more Abbies in town and the fence is secure. Mario says maybe she’s here all along. They wonder if someone might have helped it get inside. Jason says keep looking into it.

Hassler tells CJ when the Abbies come, everyone out there will die. Theresa is at a grave for her son Ben. She tells CJ she’s not coming back and he says the Abbies may not be gone but she says she’s staying here. Theresa says Ben is out here and she won’t leave her son again.

She tells CJ she doesn’t need his protection. Theresa says Hassler is why her family is all dead and CJ says he’s also the reason she’s alive.

Rebecca and Pilcher are in Idaho in the past. He takes her to a cliff edge and says they’re going to bold down there. He says the trees have to go except for the pines since they age better. She says there’s a town already there and he says not for long.

He introduces her to Megan who says the plan is elegant. She asks about the base of operations and Pilcher says they started it already and she can see it after dinner. Xander watches nervously as Jason hits main street.

Jason goes to see Rebecca and asks if the fence is impenetrable and says her designs are not the problem. He asks how things are at home and she says fine. He tells her she should tell Theo everything since secrets aren’t good. Rebecca sneers.

Xander pours a drink and stares out the window over at the beauty shop. Frank asks to reschedule his procreation session but is told no and which room to go to. He asks if there are cameras. The woman says there are and tells him what room to go to.

Frank finds Meadow in the room and asks if they get on the bed. They do. The music is creepy and is about doing it and falling in love. Meadow suggests they take off their robes. They do. Frank says he forgot the steps – she points out the chart.

They slide closer together and turn to each other. She kisses him and she asks if he’s okay. He says he’s nervous. She says they can skip straight to “P” and he panics a bit. Meadow is annoyed and says forget it. She says it’s okay if he doesn’t like her.

Frank says that’s not it. He then says he’s into blondes and they’re not a good match. She says maybe he’s not a good match for anyone and storms out. Arlene sits sketching when Terry comes up and asks for Theo. Arlene says he’s busy and he has no time for a walk in.

The waiting room is empty. Kerry glares then walks past her. Theo asks Kerry about the female Abby and if she’s still alive. He asks how they know it’s female. She rehangs the photo of Pilcher on his wall. She says they never caught a female and haven’t seen one before.

He asks who’s running the team and says he wants to meet the person with the scientific training. He questions the medical ethics of who is doing it and says put me in charge of the research. She says she could do it but he might step on toes.

Kerry looks at him and asks when he’d like to start. Theo shows up at the facility and sees Megan has the female Abby on the table. He asks why the Abby isn’t sedated. He says don’t touch her – you can only monitor her.

Megan isn’t happy that Kerry says Theo is in charge of the research team now. Kerry says she’s sure they have a lot to talk about and leaves. Theo asks if he heard right that Megan is a hypno-therapist. He says he’ll come by tomorrow and they’ll lay out a proper set of protocols.

He leaves and Megan tells her assistant to proceed with the test. They slip a needle into Margaret’s neck. The female Abby is impassive.

At dinner, Pilcher makes a toast to Rebecca at the dinner of the founding group. He says her designs are amazing. Megan applauds enthusiastically. Pilcher then says she needs to understand the scope of the plans. He says construction will not take place for some time.

She asks if it’s a year away. Megan tells her that a select group of volunteers will slingshot past the end and sleep for 2000 years. She says when they wake, the threat will have passed and they will build the utopia that Rebecca designed.

Pilcher says he knows she has questions and they can answer all of them. He says he hopes she’ll be his partner and collaborator as they witness the birth of the new world. Rebecca is stunned and says it’s a lot to absorb.

She says she’s honored to be part of it and can’t wait. She says it’s a bold plan. She looks freaked out. Theo asks her how it went at the meeting. Rebecca says what if you made an error in judgment – a mistake that you couldn’t find the way out of.

He says he was worried something like this would happen and Rebecca says she wishes she never got involved. Theo says tell them you’re out and I’ll protect you. He gets a call from the hospital and says they can get through it and he leaves for work.

Now, Theresa tells Hassler she had a dream that Ben was at the house and ran into her arms. She says Ethan was there too and says there is nothing left for her inside the fence. Hassler says she wasn’t supposed to follow him with Ben.

He says that’s why he followed her and says he wanted Ethan gone and knows she can’t forgive him for that. He says he would have taken care of her. Frank talks to Theo about being in the procreation room and couldn’t get past K.

He says he wasn’t into it. Frank says they put you in this room and there are steps and maybe he just forgot a step. Theo asks if he thinks he’s gay. Frank says he’s the opposite of gay. Theo explains the word doesn’t mean happy and asks if he knows what same-sex attraction is.

Frank says just give me a pill or a treatment. He panics. Frank is upset and says tell them he can do it. He says there are rules and he has to reproduce. He says they’ll kill me if I don’t. Theo promises to protect him. Theo finds Rebecca and Xander at home.

Xander tells Rebecca to tell him. Rebecca says she and Xander are married.

Rebecca says she was kidnapped and put to sleep and he wasn’t there when she woke up so she was all alone there and didn’t know how to survive. She says she thought Theo was dead. Xander says they match people and Rebecca says they’ve been married a year.

Theo says you married another man while I was a popsicle and lied to me since I woke up. Xander speaks up and Theo gets in his face. Theo shakes his head and takes off his ring. He tosses it on the table and punches Xander in the face then walks out.

Rebecca runs to Theo. Frank finds his sister hiding on the roof and Lucy asks if he wonders what’s out there and he says all the time. She says she doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life watching people’s hair. She says he’s lucky and he says he doubts it.

Frank tells her he’s having a hard time and she says she can protect him. He says he’s supposed to protect her but she insists she will. They sit and watch the sunset together. Megan is in the lab and the males growl at her. Megan tells Margaret no more tests for now.

Megan tells Margaret they were never supposed to meet. She says Pilcher thought they would wake and they would be gone and the earth would be theirs again. Megan says she woke up on a gurney in a hospital once – after she was attacked, trampled and left for dead.

Megan says before her husband died, he tried to put her back together again. She says she misses him and says see, I can still feel something. Megan says you can’t understand me – you’re just an animal and then rolls away.

Hassler sits by Theresa at the fire and she says she was thinking about the day Ben was born. She says he came out screaming and looked at her and smacked her on the cheek. Theresa cries and says she can’t stop thinking about him being alone out here and scared.

She says no mother should have to outlive her child. Hassler says he know why she doesn’t want to go back – he says she wants to die and he’s been there himself. Theresa tells Hassler she can never ever forgive him.

Theo goes home later and finds Rebecca asleep on the couch. He packs a bag, turns off the light and goes. In the past, Rebecca meets Xander. He gives her a drink. She takes it and gulps it down. She has just woken from her sleep.

Xander says she needs to come with him and holds out his hand. She tells him she doesn’t understand as he drives her through the town. He says she was knocked out during the storm. He says it will all make sense soon. He tells her the town is beautiful. She says it’s not.

Now, no one is in the control room to see the Abbies outside the fence – there’s a legion of them and they have fiery torches. Looks like the lesson about fire was well taught. They prepare to attack the town. In the lab, the males get agitated.

The Abbies toss the torches into the corn fields. They wait. Margaret lies still on the table. She looks intense and like she’s ready for something.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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