Wayward Pines Recap 6/29/16 Season 2 Episode 6 “City Upon a Hill”

Tonight on FOX, Wayward Pines airs with an all new Wednesday, June 29 season 2 episode 6 called “City Upon a Hill” and we have your weekly Wayward Pines recap below. On tonight’s episode, Teresa is put in grave danger and the town’s food supply is critically low after the Abbies attack CJ and the harvesters.

On the last episode, the creation of Wayward Pines was recalled when Rebecca thought back to meeting with Pilcher as an architect. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed Wayward Pines recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode per the FOX synopsis, “Teresa is put in grave danger and the town’s food supply is critically low after the Abbies attack CJ and the harvesters. Meanwhile, Theo is able to build a makeshift triage unit, but repairing his marriage to Rebecca proves more difficult. And finally, Xander proves there’s some fight left in him when Jason questions his abilities to lead.”

Tune in at 9PM on FOX for another exciting Wayward Pines recap.  We’ll be live blogging it right here for you so check back in with our Wayward Pines recap. In the meantime, hit up the comments and tell us your thoughts on the second season of the show!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#WaywardPines starts outside the gate with Abbies in the woods. They are near the water supply drinking and one holds a baby. They are calm and in a group. Then a helicopter approaches and they all begin to snarl. A female pulls her young closer.

The helicopter opens fire on them and may are gunned down. The helicopter brings death from the sky then flies away. The helo reports that the perimeter has been killed. Abbies carry one of their wounded away. Pilcher gets off the helo. They did this to begin construction of the fence.

Jason wants a baby

Now, Kerry lies in bed with Jason by candlelight. He says they should have a baby. She asks if he’s ready for that. He says we’ve encouraged the First Gen to procreate and they should set an example. Kerry rolls over away and he asks what’s wrong.

She says she has a lot on her mind. Jason says hope is good and they’re doing well. He says the two of them are a great team and he knew she was the right choice. He pulls her close and they spoon.

Theo sits in the bar and ices his hand. He tells the bartender to pick out something for him and he hands him a bottle. He asks if Hassler dragged that in and the guy laughs and says they brewed it in the woods two weeks ago as Theo tries it and grimaces.

Theo says the town needs a drunk and the bartender tells him the job is open. Rebecca comes in and sits by him. She tells him she looked for him and tried to find him. She says she knows he has questions and she doesn’t want to keep secrets. He asks if she tried to have a baby.

Abby troubles

An alarm starts up and they see people running past down Main Street. The phone rings on the bar. The Abbies with the torches are outside the wall. They torch the crops. Hassler sees the glow in the distance and alerts the camp.

He tells them leave everything and CJ sounds the alarm. They all go running and screaming. The Abbies are in the camp already attacking. Hassler shoots one to save Theresa. In town, they tell men to report to the fire station at once.

Megan is in the lab working. The Abbies all start roaring and are agitated. They scream and bang against the bars of their pens. The female stands utterly still and stares at Megan.

Theo questions Kerry

Theo leaves the bar and a man tells Rebecca and Theo that the crops are on fire. Rebecca tells Theo to get to the hospital. Kerry pulls up to pick him up. Theo criticizes her for sending out civilians and she says the civilians are fighting fires, soldiers fighting Abbies.

He gets in and they speed to the hospital. Kerry also says they lost contact with CJ. Rebecca shows up to see Xander and she’s upset that he’s going to go fight. Xander wants Rebecca to help him get into the mountain and says they can’t trust Jason.

The soldiers lower the gate and ride outside to try and save the crops with civilian help. If they lose the crops, they’ll starve. Jason is out there too. Abbies attack them. Theo and Kerry go into the hospital and he tries to teach the interns a crash course about triage.

He says he’ll do triage and tells them green, red, yellow, and black are the codes. He says don’t let patients self-evaluate. He says figure out where everything is now so they don’t panic later. He reassures them all. Oscar sucks up to Theo who tells him to shut up.

The crops are lost

Outside, one soldier is on fire and others are taken down by attacking Abbies. Jason is exhausted. The crops are up in flames – they can’t save them. They can barely save themselves.

Bodies start coming into the ER and there are screams and Theo is working as fast as he can. He’s doing fast surgery. The interns panic when they see bite marks. Teresa is brought in and Theo has to treat a collapsed lung. Oscar screams for Theo to come help him.

Theo gets her breathing and Jason comes in yelling and asks why he’s not prioritizing First Gen patients. Jason talks Oscar through a procedure while he keeps working on other patients. Later, we see Jason with a needle in his arm and he’s giving blood.

Kerry tells Jason to man up

Kerry comes and says no one could have predicted this but Jason says he should have had them more prepared. Jason asks why nothing will grow in Wayward Pines and asks why didn’t Pilcher account for that. He asks what they did to it.

Kerry says he’s not acting like the man who was raised to lead this town. She tells him she sees weakness and fear and asks if he was the man born to lead. He says yes and she says act like it and never let them see you doubt it, even if you do.

Theo spots Xander in the hall and tries to avoid him but Xander asks if he can look at his arm since an Abby got hold of him. Xander says I left our wife in your office and says she saved some lives too tonight. He slaps Theo on the back and walks away.

Theo wants answers

Theo goes to his office and finds Rebecca there. He asks if she loved Xander. She says she chose Theo before all this. Rebecca says Xander was chosen for her and they were like prisoners at first. Theo is paged and has to go.

Hassler wakes and Oscar comes over and says he’s the Chief Resident. Hassler asks about Theresa. He asks if she’s dead but Oscar says he can’t discuss this because you have to be family. CJ thinks the Abbies targeted them to stop them from saving the crops.

Mario thinks that as well and says half the soldiers were killed. CJ says the enemy attacked their food source and Kerry says the Abbies can’t plan. CJ says they set fires to burn at the corners and says they learned from us how to use fire.

Megan tells them about how Margaret, the Abby, was calm and the males were agitated. Jason insists the Abbies had no plan. CJ says the earth is scorched and the crops are gone. Jason says every human could starve to death. CJ says less than six weeks.

Funeral service and sarcasm

There’s a memorial service for the 35 lives lost. Jason addresses the crowd. He says they are it – all of humanity that’s left. Xander stares at Rebecca. Jason talks about the old stories about how mankind started with one man and one woman.

He says they are the hope of mankind and have more than 1000 among them. He says there is hope for the future. They do a 21-gun salute. Mario comes into the ice cream shop to ask Xander for the weapon he had last night and Xander gets smart but hands it over.

Xander tells Mario that he’s doing a great job defending the town and says they don’t want to have the citizens able to defend themselves. Xander remarks on their shirts being brown but then says First Gens don’t know their history (he’s making a WW2 crack).

Mario says he knows Xander’s history as a washed out Marine and former drug dealer. Mario says history repeats itself then wonders out loud if Xander will be dealing in stolen food and rations soon. He walks out.

Theo brings bad news

Theo comes to see Jason and says all their medications are dangerously low and says Pilcher, the lord and savior, didn’t plan well. Megan says Pilcher didn’t anticipate war injuries. Theo asks what he did anticipate. Kerry asks how low the supplies are.

Mario comes in and says the Abbies are back and are in the valley outside the fence. He says there are 100 outside the borders. CJ say they learned the fields are important and learned how to use fire. Jason says these things can’t comprehend strategy.

Theo says this is the problem Jason should focus on and Jason says focus on the medical issues. He asks the others how can we survive. Theo tells them sinus infections might kill people without basic antibiotics and says maybe he can make some basic medicines.

Hassler’s backstory with Theresa

Hassler wakes and struggles out of bed. He goes to find Theresa. She’s get a ventilator tube going into her lung and is unconscious. Flashback to Megan sitting on a bench near Hassler and she says Pilcher sent me and she said Pilcher told him Ethan won’t be a problem.

She says Ethan will be in the future and he can have “her” now. Megan asks why he wanted to call it off and he says he loved her but it wasn’t right. Now, Rebecca opens the salon and sees Xander on the street carrying a box. He goes into an alley.

Rebecca follows. She sees him load the box into the back of the car. Rebecca confronts him in his shop. She says she understands the guns and he says he gave the guy apples. He says Dale and his wife have three kids and he needs the food.

He promises he’s keeping his head down. Rebecca smiles and then he tells her they weren’t nothing and says they had problems but they had good times and she knows it. He says people can change. He says they don’t want us to be human here but it happens.

Xander says ask your other husband if he knows what I mean. He asks when he’s coming home. They stand close and she sighs. He walks away. Rebecca leaves.

Hassler says sorry

Hassler sits on Theresa’s bed and says he’s sorry and he never meant for her to follow. He says he’s so sorry he couldn’t protect or save her then says he’s sorry he did save her. He’s crying and says it’s okay.

Hassler holds her hand. She wakes. Theresa yanks her hand away and then she’s back asleep. Flashback of Ben with Theresa and Ethan in the park. She flatlines. Hassler isn’t there when she dies.

Looks like her rejection drove him out of the room. In the flashback, Hassler was watching the three of them in the park when they had that special moment that she remembered as she died.

Margaret the Abby is smarter than all of them

Margaret the Abby is loaded into the MRI machine. MeMgan says she started without him and their work is more important now since they may starve. She says they need to understand why the female is docile and the others want to kill them.

Megan says Margaret is an animal but there is something about her. Theo looks at the MRI and says the temporal gyrus on Margaret is double the size of ours – that means they have problem solving ability greater than humans.

Megan asks if Margaret can understand them. Arlene tells Theo she has a spare bedroom at her house and he glares and walks out. Theo checks on Hassler then asks him about the Abbies and asks if they communicate that he’s seen.

Hassler panics over Margaret

Theo mentions they have a female. Hassler asks if her palm has a mark on it. Hassler gets agitated. CJ hears howling from his greenhouse. He puts down his book and stands. Everyone comes out of the buildings in town. They can all hear the Abbies raging outside the wall.

The guy takes home the crate that Xander gave him. He and his wife and kids also hear the noise. The Abbies are outside the fence growling and carrying on. On the monitors, we see more and more are amassing. Everyone is terrified.

The Abbies in the lab start going nuts too. Margaret stands still as always. She looks intense. Arlene asks Theo if they’re safe.


Stormy Elizabeth:
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