Who Will Win The Voice Season 10: Christina Aguilera Steals It With Alisan Porter or Major Upset?

Who Will Win The Voice Season 10: Christina Aguilera Steals It With Alisan Porter or Major Upset?Who Will Win The Voice Season 10: Christina Aguilera Steals It With Alisan Porter or Major Upset?

Who will win The Voice Season 10 – who are the real favorites? The Voice Season 10 seems like it will earn Coach Christina Aguilera bragging rights as a champion. But let’s not forget once the competition is whittled down, an underdog might emerge to take out Christina’s powerhouse vocalist Alisan Porter.

At this point, Adam is looking for a fourth win, Blake a fifth, and Pharrell a second – so we’ll see if Christina can crash the boy’s club with a win in Season 10. Here’s a look at the top 10 and who we think is odds-on to make the finals and walk away with the win.

Team Adam is down to two artists that are diametrically opposite performers. Laith Al-Saadi is an old soul and an old dude while Shalyah Fearing is a teen. Laith has paid his dues but when the competition gets more stripped down, he might not have the fan base to hang in there. Look for Laith to hang in longer than Shalyah – he seems like the only one who could knock Alisan out of what seems like a sure win.

Team Blake has two solid country artists in Mary Sarah and Adam Wakefield, but wildcard Paxton Ingram might carry Blake farther this year. Look for Mary and Adam to go out in coming weeks but Paxton might stick around longer. This is not Blake’s year for another win, though, because Team Christina is a freight train that will run down the other coaches and their artists when all is said and done.

Team Pharrell is always a hodge podge of unique talent and it is again this year. We expect Hannah Huston to go out first and Daniel Passino to stick around a little longer thanks to the vocal acrobatics he’s still mining and that sweet, sweet falsetto. But Pharrell will not walk away the winner again this year because Christina seems to have a lock. Odds are, he’ll be the first coach to go out of contention this year.

Team Christina seems like a shoo-in for the win and to break the all-boys coach winning streak. She’s got three contenders and her roster is so strong, Christina might even own the top three slots all to herself. However, we think Laith might sit in one of those slots and Nick Hagelin will fall out in coming days. It seems like this contest is Alisan Porter’s to lose.

However – once the competition is stripped down to The Voice top five or six, it will come down to who can garner the younger vote that swept Sawyer Fredericks to a win two years ago. Last year, Jordan Smith proved this show is all about “the voice” when he won, so that alone indicates Alisan will walk away the winner although she seems to have an unfair advantage over her competitors.

Final The Voice top five predictions: Alisan Porter, Laith Al-Saadi, Paxton Ingram, Bryan Bautista and Shalyah Fearing.

Final three predictions: Alisan Porter, Laith Al-Saadi, and Bryan Bautista.

Big winner: Team Christina’s Alisan Porter

What do you think fans of “The Voice”? Do you think anyone can topple Alisan Porter? Is Christina Aguilera a lock for the winning coach of Season 10? Share your comments on your favorite artist and be sure to check back with CDL for live recaps of “The Voice” every week, videos and news.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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