Who Won ‘Big Brother 18’ Final HoH Spoilers: Round 2 Winner is Nicole – Julie Chen Predicts Paul for BB18 Win

New Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds reveal that the BB18 Final HoH Round 2 winner is Nicole. Paul won Round 1 HoH by topping the cat-themed comp and now Nicole has triumphed over James in Round 2 with a massive win in the late-night Friday comp.

Friday night wound down and James, Nicole and Paul talked among themselves and decided that Big Brother must be planning on a Saturday Round 2. They could hear banging going on for quite a while as the comp set was built but as the hours whittled away, there was no call to play.

Was Big Brother messing with them? It seemed so because the three houseguests went to bed at 10:30 pm out of sheer boredom and certainty that BB18 was done for the day. Big Brother waited til almost 11 pm then woke them to come play the Round 2 comp.

Nicole stomps James – who goes to Final 2?

Based on Live Feeds chatter, James and Nicole played individually since it was a timed event – also it took three hours with two competitors, so that sounds like solo play. James reported that Nicole trounced him with a time that was 18 minutes faster than his.

Nicole and James had both been keeping their options open and everyone in the house had a prospective Final 2 deal totally predicated on who won each of the HoH rounds. But now that it’s Paul or Nicole that will determine the fate of the third, things seem to be evolving with more certainty.

Nicole was assuring James she’s take him to Final 2 and now is not offering the same promises. The worm has turned and it looks much more like we will see Nicole and Paul sitting side by side with James as the 3rd place final addition to the jury.

So who will win BB18? Julie Chen weighs in

Julie, of course, has no say in the outcome but is rooting for Paul to take home the $500k. Julie told The Hollywood Reporter that she was rotting for Paul and said, “Nicole disappointed me this year.” Julie said Nicole was loyal to only Corey and said, “I didn’t like her being a snake.”

Julia added, “My calculations show that no matter who Paul sits against, he wins. He has at least one more vote than the other person.” The CBS host also said that James kissed his chance at Final 2 goodbye when he voted to evict Corey instead of Nicole.

Julie believes that James could have won against Corey at Final 2 but not Nicole and Corey would have taken him to Final 2 over Paul. Julie also thinks it doesn’t matter who Paul takes to Final 2, he could beat either James or Paul.

BB18 winner and America’s Favorite Houseguest prediction

Julie also said she hopes Victor wins Favorite Houseguest and revealed she voted for him. Julia also said this is her favorite Final 3 ever in Big Brother. Will Julia’s fave Paul walk away with the half-million? If he wins Round 3 HoH, your boy Paul seems to have it in the bag.

Likewise, if Nicole wins Final HoH and takes Paul, he’ll likely trounce her. It seems that Nicole’s only shot to win is to take James along to Final 2 and then it could be close. Paul’s epic speechmaking ability will serve him well if he gets to face the jury.

Who are you hoping to see at Final 2 and who’s your choice for BB18 winner? Paul? Nicole? Do you think James has a shot at Final 2 or is he destined for third place? Our prediction is Nicole vs Paul in Final 2 and Paul walking away with the cash.

Share your comments below and be sure to come to CDL for a LIVE recap and reveal of the BB18 winner on the LIVE finale Wednesday night.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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