Who Won Big Brother 18 HoH Week 8 Spoilers: Victor Wins Again – Care Package Will Drive Noms – Paulie Still Target

Fresh Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds overnight show that Victor is Week 8 HoH. The previously ousted houseguest is kicking butt and taking names in BB18 – and Paulie is at the top of his list despite the fact that Victor is playing nice.

Paulie wants Victor to nominate Michelle and Natalie and says it should be an “easy week” but it’s doubtful it will be easy unless Paulie wins America’s Care Package of Super Safety. After the Double Eviction and before the HoH comp, Paulie lost his mind.

Talk in the house shows James blabbed to Corey about the coming blindside and that’s what led to the shakeup and for Corey to quit sandbagging. Corey played hard, took HoH and Pov, and sent Bridgette packing in the DE. Then the house was picking up the pieces from the Double Eviction drama.

Paulie seems to think he’s already super safe because he went on the offensive against James and, in particular, Natalie. Michelle scrambled to try and get Paulie off her back and told him that Zakiyah told her a lot of bad things about Paulie (not true) and that’s why she called him out.

Paulie then went way overboard and told the other houseguests that he has been having sex with Zakiyah and listed all the rooms in which they had gotten intimate. He then proudly stated to the group that he told her he wouldn’t kiss her on the mouth.

This attempt at slut shaming is just more of Paulie trash-talking women as he’s done so horribly in the past. Paulie and Corey seem to think they’re safe and if anyone is at risk, it’s Nicole, but they feel like they are on solid ground. They’re not.

Paul encouraged Victor to nominate Paulie and Corey so that they’re certain one of them will go home and the alliance of three will be pared down to two. Victor has been telling Paulie that he’ll nominate two girls this week to keep him calm and clueless.

Later, Nicole lied and told Victor that James was targeting him for Double Eviction but he knows it was Paulie. Victor has turned into a Big Brother machine. Victor feels confident about putting Paulie up directly rather than backdooring him since Paulie evicted him 9-1.

The other houseguests want Michelle to keep prodding Paulie to throw him off his game so he can’t win any more comps – he definitely seems off his game and feeling the heat but is still in the dark about Victor and Paul and thinks they’re his bros.

America’s Care Package could factor into nominations if one of the alliance of three (Corey, Nicole, Paulie) wins it, but that seems dubious at best. Bridgette was a likely winner, but all her votes from viewers will be scrapped since she’s been evicted.

It would be a waste if Victor won it since he’s HoH and safe. Natalie and James can’t win it since they already won. The best-case scenario for the alliance is if Paul or Michelle wins. Either way, the final two pairing of Paul and Victor (AKA the Sitting Ducks) seems solid going into Week 8.

What do you think BB18 fans? Who do you want to see on the Week 8 chopping block? Who are you hoping wins American’s Care Package of Super Safety? Share your comments below and check back with CDL for all the latest Big Brother 18 spoilers and news.

Stormy Elizabeth:
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