Who Won Big Brother 18 HoH Week 9 Spoilers: Natalie Wins Goopy Challenge But America’s Care Package Will Steal Half Her Power

Who Won Big Brother 18 HoH Week 9 Spoilers: Natalie Wins Goopy Challenge But America’s Care Package Will Steal Half Her Power

New Big Brother 18 spoilers from Live Feeds answer the all-important question of who won Week 9 HoH and the answer is that it’s Natalie. With Victor sidelined, the BB18 goop-filled challenge was hard fought because the feeds were down for hours yet she emerged victorious.

What also emerged after the comp was a mess of messy houseguests that were so covered in ick that they managed to clog the shower trying to get clean. Captain Camo James stepped up to try and unclog the plumbing so the HGs could clean up.

Who Won Big Brother 18 HoH Week 9 Spoilers: Natalie Wins Goopy Challenge But America’s Care Package Will Steal Half Her Power

Before the Live Feeds went down for the BB18 Week 9 HoH, James and Natalie discussed targeting Paul because he’s become the “new Paulie.” The assumption had been that James and Natalie would target Nicole and Corey since Corey can be a comp beast when he wants to.

However, clever Nicole showed her real strength – which is her social game – by cozying up to Natalie and ratting out Paulie to her in order to build some trust. Nicole and Corey have been in their own bubble all summer long, but with numbers getting close, they need to really play.

Who Won Big Brother 18 HoH Week 9 Spoilers: Natalie Wins Goopy Challenge But America’s Care Package Will Steal Half Her Power

Nicole blabbed to Natalie that Paulie told her and Corey that James and Natalie were coming for them. That’s a fact, but Natalie doesn’t like that Paulie was spilling their strategy and targets so now she’s backed off of them because they see it coming.

Instead, Natalie went to James and told him now is the time to flip on Paul. James already told Paulie that Natalie is the “shot caller” so if that’s what she wants, he’s on board. However, Natalie has also promised Paul that she’s targeting the other showmance, so someone will feel betrayed.

Who Won Big Brother 18 HoH Week 9 Spoilers: Natalie Wins Goopy Challenge But America’s Care Package Will Steal Half Her Power

Also, Michelle and Victor have noticed that Nicole was cozying up to Natalie before and after the HoH comp and that has their radar on high alert. The bottom line is, once again this week, it will come down to who wins America’s Care Package.

Since this week’s advantage is co-HoH, if Victor, Paul or Michelle wins it, then either Nicole, Corey or both will likely be on the block because Natalie will have to walk a line with the other faction of HGs. But if Corey wins it, Paul and Victor might find themselves side-by-side on the block.

Big Brother 18 spoilers from the BB18 forums hint that Corey is a long shot to win the ACP so it looks like Nicole’s scheming may have been a lot of work for nothing. No way will Natalie fight with her co-HoH over nominations. She’s got too strong of a social game for that.

Who Won Big Brother 18 HoH Week 9 Spoilers: Natalie Wins Goopy Challenge But America’s Care Package Will Steal Half Her Power

Victor warned Natalie that people are going to be all over her looking for info on nominations but it seems that Natalie has built a defensive wall on that front. She’s 100% focused on her hair, makeup and outfit that she’ll wear for the Nomination Ceremony.

No one gets between the former cheerleader and her mascara, so that could be a good strategy to keep the horde of houseguests from lobbying too hard – too bad that won’t work for any of the guys.

What do you think BB18 fans? Who did you vote to win America’s Care Package? Who are you hoping to see on the Chopping Block this week now that big target Paulie has been evicted? Share your comments below on the late night action in the BB18 house.

And be sure to come back to CDL for all the latest Big Brother 18 spoilers and news!