Angelina Jolie Forced To Quit Hollywood After Brad Pitt Divorce: Nobody Wants To Work With The Divorced Solo Star?

Angelina Jolie Forced To Quit Hollywood After Brad Pitt Divorce: Nobody Wants To Work With The Divorced Solo Star?Angelina Jolie Forced To Quit Hollywood After Brad Pitt Divorce: Nobody Wants To Work With The Divorced Solo Star?

Angelina Jolie recently gave her first post-divorce interviews to the BBC and Good Morning America, and it was vividly obvious that she was trying to tamp down on the controversy. She does have a movie to promote, after all, but she took great pains in addressing the divorce and telling the whole world that she and Brad Pitt – and their children – would ‘always’ remain a family. A far cry from a few months ago, when she was leaking negative stories to the press left and right, no?

There were also recent reports alleging that Angelina was done with Hollywood at this point, especially as she no longer had Brad as a tether to the industry. However, sources are now saying that Angelina is still considering both acting and directing in films, although it seems as though executives aren’t as keen to work with her as they used to be.

Angelina Jolie Files For Divorce From Brad Pitt - FILE PHOTOSAngelina Jolie Files For Divorce From Brad Pitt - FILE PHOTOS

According to The Hollywood Reporter, “In August, Fox chairman Stacey Snider pulled the plug on the actress’ involvement with Murder on the Orient Express after months of to-and-fro over her script notes. Stacey said, ‘Thanks, but we’re moving on.'”

THR’s report has several sources going on record that Angelina’s price tag – both for her involvement and then the cost of jetting her, her family, and her entourage for filming, premieres, etc. – has become far too high to justify, even for bigwigs like Netflix. When it was her and Brad Pitt, it might have been different – you know, the hysteria around ‘Brangelina’ alone was enough to draw eyeballs to every move they made, including the actual movies they made – but now, it’s just Angelina. Without Brad Pitt, is her star power enough to sustain the same moves she used to pull before her divorce?

While I am an unabashed Angelina Jolie fangirl – for the simple fact that she does genuinely care about humanitarian causes – there’s no denying that she’s also a mega A-list star, with the type of ego that comes only with that stardom. She’s reportedly not the easiest person in the world to work with, and whether you attribute that to her perfectionism or simply the fact that she doesn’t get along with many people, the end result is the same – Hollywood is losing interest in Angelina’s solo brand.

Image credit to FameFlynet

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