Bachelor in Paradise Premiere Recap 8/14/17: Season 4 Episode 1 “401A”

Tonight on ABC after weeks of drama, romance & more Bachelor in Paradise is starting a new season  with an all new Monday, August 17 episode and we have your Bachelor in Paradise recap below.  On tonight Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 premiere as per the ABC synopsis, “The cast arrive in Playa Escondida in Sayulita, Mexico, in the fourth-season opener. Later, the first date takes place.”

We will be blogging tonight’s episode of the Bachelor in Paradise and because it is the premiere you just know there is going to be lots of drama, heartbreak & tears. So bookmark this spot and come back tonight at 8 PM – 10 PM for our Bachelor in Paradise recap. While you wait for the recap, make sure to check out all our Bachelor of Paradise, news, spoilers, recap & so much more!

Tonight’s Bachelor In Paradise recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Chris Harrison welcomes everyone to the new season of Bachelor in Paradise, reminding us that after 2 days of shooting the suspended production as there was trouble in paradise as accusations and allegations ran wild; admitting it was an emotional and stressful time for all the cast and crew.

The point of the show was to have summer fun and hope that people would get a second chance to find their soulmates and love, hoping to get married like several couples from previous seasons. He promises this season will be the most exciting and shocking season by far.

We begin 2 weeks earlier, when Raven, 25, from Nick’s season arrives saying she is excited and nervous but ready to mingle with everyone. She is the first to arrive and told to head down to the beach after talking to host Chris Harrison. Dean, 26 from Rachel’s season cannot believe he is in Mexico and ready to find love. Kristina, 25 from Nick’s season meets Dean and says he is dreamy. Danielle, 31 from Nick’s season arrives; the women complain that they need more men.

Ben, 28 is from Caitlin’s season and right away clicks with Raven. Iggy, 30 runs to the beach and Dean jumps into his arms; both being from Rachel’s season. Jasmine, 26 from Nick’s season is looking forward to meeting Rachel’s guys because she feels they will be interested in a woman that looks like her. Jack Stone, 32 from Rachel’s season says everyone says he looks like a serial killer but swears he hasn’t killed anybody.

Suddenly someone runs up the beach in a dolphin costume, the girls rush to her and its Alexis, 24. As they wait for the next people to arrive, the women admit they don’t like Demario because he had a girlfriend and went on the Bachelorette; even saying they are not attracted to douchebags. Needless to say, Demario, 30 is the next one to arrive and Chris says its interesting that he would come there after what happened.

Demario says he didn’t have a girlfriend, but he let her think they were together and takes responsibility for it. He feels people will be hostile towards him at first, but once they see and know him they will feel he is there for the right reasons. When they see Demario, Danielle says Rachel saw through his crap and they all will too; Raven asks him point blank if he is single and she doesn’t like him at all.

Jasmine is bothered by Demario blowing a whistle saying they aren’t 10 any more and he’s ruining it for people to give him a chance. He feels Raven is the leader of the group and she needs to get through her first. Raven says if he would just own that he had a girlfriend, people would respect him. He says he owns the situation 100%; Demario thinks he won Raven over but she feels he is full of crap.

Derek, 30 is from JoJo’s season and is best known for the guy who cries. Alex, 27 is also from JoJo’s season; he wants a fresh start and no problems with Derek. Demario continues with his whistle saying he is there for the next Mrs. Jackson. Corinne, 25 from Nick’s season, says she is not ready to settle down, no rushing to jump on the first guy who shows her attention. She says if they want her, they have to work hard for it; she says she is single! Iggy says Corinne is the life of the party like he is, so there might be something between them because they have similar personalities. Demario says he wants to know Corinne right now!!

Everyone is enjoying the beach and drinks in Playa Escondida, Mexico; Dean pulls Kristina aside and they chat about family relationships. He thinks she is a real gem who has risen above a difficult childhood.

Lacey, 25 from Nick’s season would rather be known as the girl who rode in on the camel than not be known at all. Iggy likes the experience because of all the new people coming in. Vinny, 29 and Diggy, 31 from Rachel’s season arrive, but most of the women are obsessed with dreamboat Dean. Demario talks to Corinne who says the men need to make the big gestures with her, they hug each other when they talk about Jersey.

Jasmine is nervous about seeing who else is coming because she hasn’t connected with anyone yet. Matt, 32 from Rachel’s season arrives in his famous penguin suit and all the guys from Rachel’s season are thrilled to see him; right after him Nick, 35 walks down the steps as Santa Claus; he came to meet Jasmine, saying she is really hot. Jasmine says she has never dated a guy with light hair before.

Everyone tells Nick if he likes her to kiss her and he does, and she just wanted more saying the kiss was amazing and liked what she felt and tells him they need to see what happens as its only the first day.

Amanda, 27 from Ben’s season says she fell in love with Josh last summer, they got engaged but it didn’t work out. Chris welcomes her back, surprised to see her. She gives him back the engagement ring and says she wants a fresh start this year and needs to trust her gut this time.

Next to arrive is Taylor, 23 from Nick’s season admitting people were not nice to her after the show and Chris welcomes her to paradise. Taylor is told by Jasmine to be prepared and that she shouldn’t have come but Taylor doesn’t want this to be the Taylor and Corinne show again. Taylor hopes that they will be happy together.

Chris is alone on the set, with no cast nor crew in sight because at this point the production is still in suspension. He says we are going back to the beginning for the first attractions, first kisses and first dates!

Raven says she can’t stop staring at Dean with his shirt off and the guys are talking among each other, Derek says he is there for romance not a bromance. Taylor tells him her kind of guy needs to be able to take her into the woods and build her a fire. He says he loves camping and she tells him he gives off the vibe that he could take her into the forest; they joke that it sounds dirty.

Amanda and Jack are spending time talking, while Raven and Alexis say she truly deserves love, more than her. Alexis says she isn’t feeling it with anyone yet as Demario and Corinne are all over each other, and seem like they are “clicking” and forging a relationship; together they walk up the steps.

They hop into the pool and Alex says its only been 30 minutes in Paradise and something is already going down. Alex does commentary that Corinne is fully dressed in the pool with Demario, its 4:30 in the afternoon and they are already attached to the hip, saying they are sharing a “Top Gun” moment.

Chris Harrison comes down to the beach and calls everyone together. He welcomes them, saying there is no catch, there is no prize they are simply there to find love. Each week there are Bachelor style dates and at the end of the week, there is a rose ceremony; if you are single and don’t receive a rose, you are going home.

Chris tells them everything is about to change and Jorge joins him, saying in the same way they are pursuing their dream, he wants to pursue his. He is starting his own business called Jorge’s Tour-ges and says he is going to miss them all but can’t go before they meet the new bartender, it is Wells from last year. He is not there for dates or steal girls but to strictly bar tend. Chris says for the first time ever, the ladies will be handing out roses on week 1 and men are on the chopping block.

The guys sit together and talk about who they would go with if they got a date card. Some girls love that they have the power this week, while others hate it. Taylor feels kind of screwed because she thinks Derek likes her and she kinda think she likes him too as they hang out at the fire on the beach. Danielle says if she gets a date card she would probably ask Dean.

Kristina is told to choose someone who will sweep her off her feet. She says its scary to get the first date card and she calls Dean over as the men hoot and holler. Danielle is a bit miffed because Kristina hadn’t spoken to Dean all night. Dean is pumped because he thinks she is a sweetheart. Danielle mopes at the bar talking to Wells, who she has known for years; he encourages her saying she may get a cool boyfriend out of the deal and he might be there in Mexico.

Tonight, everybody is getting to know each other at a rapid rate, the girls and guys are great and Matt feels there will be some great connections made in paradise. Iggy spent the majority of the day with Lacey, which is what he expected. He says she seems sweet but didn’t know anything about her before they got there; he feels they have great chemistry. Iggy says he wants to make his time count and if he likes someone he is going to make the effort; she agrees and they sweetly kiss; she likes that he is chasing her and not the other way around.

Dean and Kristina go on their first date and she wants to see where it goes. He says he is super excited and thanks her for picking him. He tells her that Nick is an idiot because she is amazing. She says its okay because you can’t force something that isn’t there. He says she is the first person he can empathize about a rough childhood, and loves that they got along so well; their dinner is interrupted by a Mariachi band and they dance together as well. He doesn’t want the night to end, she is easy to talk to and makes him smile. Kristina admits on this first date she already feels more chemistry with Dean than she did with Nick and is excited what this summer can be.

Nick attempts to talk to Jasmine but he is so drunk she can’t understand him, he kisses her cheek as she says tomorrow they will see but right now she can’t handle how hammered he is. Matt says with Nick as drunk as he is, it doesn’t seem like him and Jasmine are really connecting, she he takes Jasmine for a walk to the beach where they can talk privately. She likes that Matt is himself and not trying to be a character.

Nick talks to Taylor talk about Jas catching his eye; he likes how straight forward she is but Taylor thinks he tried pretty hard with Jasmine but it didn’t work and now Jasmine is in the hot tub making out with Matt. Taylor feels bad for Nick but that’s how paradise works.

The following morning, Demario says he feels rejuvenated as Iggy says its interesting to see early relationships form as you can see people gravitate to each other immediately. Dean and Kristina has a date last night and that’s a bond already forming. Nick had a hard time with Jasmine and she ended up with Matt towards the end of the night. Ben Z is into Raven, and Demario and Corinne had a good time together earlier in the day and he spent the night with Lacey yesterday. Since the girls have the power this week, the guys are already thinking about who is going home.

Lacey joins Iggy on the beach, saying she didn’t sleep well since she had an irrational fear there were crabs in the bed. She got a call that her grandfather passed away and she is leaving but wanted him to know that she wasn’t just leaving. He says it sucks but he understands. He hugs her and offers his condolences and says he will try to stick around until she comes back. She cries that she wishes she had a boyfriend right now and hopes she doesn’t come back and everyone is in a relationship.

Iggy shares with everyone that they didn’t break up, she had to leave because her grandfather died. Iggy isn’t sure he’s getting a rose tonight and talks to some of the guys because with Lacey gone there is one less rose to win and he hopes no other guys come because as it stands 4 guys go home already.

Robby, 28 from JoJo’s season arrives and is welcomed by Chris and says he spent the past year with some personal growth. Chris hands him a date card and says its possible for him to leave these gates an engaged man. The guys are worried that the ratio of guys to girls really isn’t good at this point as its 12 guys to 8 girls.

Robby says he has the date card which says find a person you like and get ready for your first date! He talks to Corinne first, who says she has faith in him; then he spends time quickly chatting to the other women; all of them wonder how he gets his hair to stay like that. Raven and Robby seem to hit it off and says he is excited he got to meet her and it was a hot minute. Robby chooses Raven for his date card and she accepts it.

Robby admits it was hard for him not to pack his bow ties, pocket squares and lapel pins but he brought a bathing suit for every day with different patterns on each and doesn’t think he will disappoint in paradise. He hopes this date is a well-rounded day to get to know Raven. Danielle tells Jack she is looking for a husband and he says she sends off good vibes and energy. She likes talking to Jack but can’t tell if he is interested in her or not.

Raven says her Spanish is really bad, she isn’t feeling really well but says she is going to power through it. Robby helps her put on her life jacket and they go jet skiing; he thoroughly enjoys that she is bear hugging him. He is very attracted to Raven and says there is nothing more that needs to be said.

Ben is determined to have a one-on-one with Raven as soon as she gets back saying a lot of people are intimidated by Robby because he has abs and beautiful white teeth. Ben says he is going to take a chance and is the polar opposite of Robby where he’d prefer to have a beer and barbecue while Robby seems like a wine spritzer on the beach kind of guy.

Robby says Raven is a very attractive girl and has an attractive voice which is his weakness; the Southern drawl pulls at his heart strings. She says she wants a big family with the huge holidays where she is having a nervous breakdown as all the kids are running around. Robby loves their chemistry and sees similarity between the two of them and if they are on the same page than what a better way to start their relationship; they run hand in hand into the ocean and kiss in the waves.

Some of the others are playing volleyball on the beach and Demario says he wants to get to know Alexis more as she is like one of his homies. He would love to get to know her more because he is looking for love.

Robby and Raven return and share that they had a good time, the date was fun and went jet skiing. The guys talk about it and he says it was a good start while Raven tells the girls it was a lot of fun. Raven says he is a very nice guy but doesn’t have any spark with him.

Raven says she can’t go on another date with someone who has prettier hair, skin and abs than her. The girls laugh when he says he is an influencer and says she will take a drink every time he brushes his hair. She says its not going to work because he’s prettier than her but isn’t sure he understands what she’s feeling.

Jasmine and Matt are having a drink at the bar but Nick feels this isn’t going to change his game plan and would like to receive Jasmine’s rose. He says he has something planned to see how it goes tonight; he thinks he found a real connection with her and calls her over to join him. They lay down beside each other and tells her exactly how he feels about her, just when he thinks they have a moment another date card arrives.

“Matt, pick your queen!” He asks Jasmine and she accepts but Nick doesn’t feel good about it. He feels if she has a good time with Matt there is a good possibility that St. Nick is going home. Matt and Jasmine go to Puerto Vallarta, they walk arm in arm and she doesn’t know what to do on a private date in this “world”; she hopes Matt can let loose because he’s a bit reserved.

Matt and Jasmine’s date is at a Drag Bar, its a little different and says he is in the construction business and this isn’t where he takes clients for lunch but he is curious if they could have a good time and he has a sense its going to be a lot of fun. Jasmine volunteers Matt to join the act and says if he gets in trouble to smack him and choker him too. He says Jasmine is worth going all in for. When he comes out in a pink gown, red heels, make-up and hair, Jasmine stands up and cheers and he had a great time.

Nick is stung by Matt asking out Jasmine and her accepting his date card but all he can do is hope that when she comes back she has a stronger connection with him than with Matt but Adam feels Santa did not get his wish today.

Jasmine said she was so proud of Matt and that it took a lot of balls for him to dress in drag. He says he wants to seize the moment and she kisses him saying the date was so much fun and didn’t expect it to be that amazing. She wants what she feels right now to continue; never thinking she would fall for the penguin guy.

The guys and girls walk to the first rose ceremony; and Raven says to bring it on. Several couples are kissing and some have solidified who they would give a rose to but producers arrive and ask if they can steal Corinne for a minute. Demario is then called by producers, saying they need to talk in private.

No one knows what the problem is but realize both Corinne and Demario were pulled away and the cameras are told to cut and put their cameras down. Suddenly they look around and there is no crew and its awfully quiet; everyone is very confused. Production has come to a halt and everyone is chilled by the unknown.


Cristie Geroux:
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