Beyonce’s Pregnancy Strains Jay-Z Relationship: Twins Drain Diva’s Energy, More Difficult Than Blue Ivy?

Beyonce’s pregnancy continues to make headlines and, according to reports, her twins are causing her some problems. For some women, the first pregnancy is a breeze and the second pregnancy is a lot more difficult. For others, it’s the opposite. For some, both are a breeze, and for others, both are a pain. There’s no hard and fast rule dictating the range of difficulty in pregnancies for women, just that every woman reacts differently – even women that have access to the best doctors on the whole damn planet, like Beyonce.

According to a recent report from In Touch Weekly, Beyonce is reportedly having a ‘harder time’ with this pregnancy than she did with her first one. Sources also told E!, “[Bey is having a] harder time this pregnancy with keeping up her energy.”

Well, a recent report also stated that Beyonce was spotted sneaking into spin classes, which seems like a direct contradiction of the whole low energy narrative. Oh my god, is Beyonce trying to engender public sympathy for herself?! It seems so unlike Beyonce, doesn’t it? Oh, who are we kidding. Beyonce manipulates the media the way a drunk person manipulates a piece of pizza a night after getting wasted – really well, despite unwieldy movements every now and then.

However, In Touch’s source also takes great pains to add, “She loves being pregnant. She splurges when she wants to and hasn’t taken her weight gain as a negative thing. She is a confident woman in her skin whatever size she is [and] embraces it.”

And in case that’s not enough, then the source ALSO adds that Jay-Z and Beyonce have never been happier, and that he’s with her every step of the way. Coincidentally (or not at all), that’s also what the reports about her attending spin class claimed – that he was really ‘supportive’ when taking her to spin class. You know, because a husband taking his pregnant wife to an exercise class is considered an odd sight in Hollywood, apparently.

Whenever sources go to such lengths to keep repeating certain claims over and over again, it raises a red flag – especially because historically, the opposite ends up being true when the entire story is revealed, usually a few months or few years later. In this case, we KNOW that Beyonce and Jay-Z have had a rocky past, but the way the story is making it sound, they’re perfectly fine now, apart from some pesky pregnancy troubles.

But reading between the lines, it almost seems like the pregnancy story is just a front for strategic news drops intended to publicize how *happy* the Jay-Z/Beyonce union has been. We see you, Bey (or Bey’s media team), we see you.

What do you guys think of Beyonce’s pregnancy? Do you think that it’s more difficult this time around because she’s pregnant with twins? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Image credit to Beyonce // via Instagram

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