Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Sulking and Bitter – Not Taking Loss To Josh Martinez Well – Refused To Attend Wrap Party

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Not Taking Loss To Josh Martinez Well, Refused To Attend Wrap Party - Sulking and BitterBig Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Not Taking Loss To Josh Martinez Well, Refused To Attend Wrap Party - Sulking and Bitter

Big Brother 19 spoilers reveal that Paul Abrahamian is not handling his loss to Josh Martinez well. He thought he had the win in the bag, so when it didn’t happen, he was devastated. Of course, Abrahamian hasn’t figured out why he lost the game yet and blamed the jury for voting for Josh to spite him.

If his reaction to his loss weren’t so sad, it would be hilarious. The California native lost with the same vote (5-4), wearing the same shirt, and sitting in the same chair as he did on BB18. You’d think after losing to Nicole Franzel last year, he’d deem the shirt unlucky. However, he didn’t and decided to wear it to the finale again.

In a chat with E Online!, Paul admitted that his flaw was poor jury management. However, he pointed out that he did everything he could. He believes that there was really nothing more that he could have done and calls Josh’s jury management gameplay “shady.” Now isn’t that hilarious? The biggest liar on Big Brother ever calls Josh Martinez shady!

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Not Taking Loss To Josh Martinez Well, Refused To Attend Wrap Party - Sulking and BitterBig Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Not Taking Loss To Josh Martinez Well, Refused To Attend Wrap Party - Sulking and Bitter

One of the things that sealed Paul’s fate in the jury’s eyes was when he refused to explain his game. He failed to accept responsibility for planning and executing evictions and pushed the blame at Josh’s feet, which simply isn’t true. This helped Josh’s case to win. It certainly didn’t help Paul that he was making faces at Josh as he explained why he deserved to win. It made Abrahamian look petty and childish.

According to social media, Paul refused to attend the CBS wrap party. He had a small private party with people he trusted – both from BB19 and his friends. He invited Christmas Abbott, Elena Davies, Mark Jansen, and Kevin Schlehuber at his party.

Big Brother spoilers state that Paul wanted to avoid the crowds. He couldn’t believe that he lost for the second time in a row, to someone that he put up to do his dirty work. Sources close to the BB19 alum stated that Paul was not handling the loss well and isn’t feeling the friendship towards Josh anymore.

Hopefully, in time, Paul will realize his gameplay was flawed, and none of it was Josh’s fault. Do you think Paul has a right to be mad at Josh? Do you think Paul will ever play again? Stick with CDL for more Big Brother spoilers, news, and updates!

Olivia Marie:
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