Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Thinks He’s Won The Game – Will Josh Martinez Change His Mind With Christmas Abbott?

Big Brother 19 spoilers reveal Josh Martinez and Paul Abrahamian are on the same page about taking each other to the final two. However, Josh has now considered plan B, which would be to vote Paul off and take Christmas Abbott to the final two.

To recap the final week in the BB19 house so far, Paul won the first leg of the HOH competition. Josh and Christmas battled each other in the second round, and Josh took the win. So now, Josh and Paul will face off during the finale on Wednesday, September 20. The winner of Final HOH will get to choose who they want to take to the end.

Paul assumes that if Josh wins the competition that he would take him. Paul has worked overtime convincing Josh that Christmas would win the competition against him. However, Josh has shown a few times when he could decide to go against Paul and take Christmas instead.

While Christmas leads in Big Brother 19 polls, many feedsters suggest that Josh could win the game if he takes Christmas. The main reason seems to be that the Jury house would respect that he was able to do what no one else could – get rid of Paul!

Big Brother 19 spoilers indicate that Paul plans on taking Josh to the end. He genuinely doesn’t think he can beat Christmas in the end. Paul has tried to convince Josh and Christmas that they all will win in the end. Christmas will win third place and America’s Favorite Player (no she won’t, Cody Nickson or Kevin Schlehuber will). Josh will come in second and win $50,000. And, Paul is banking on the fact that the Jury will respect his gameplay and hand him the $500,000.

Is it possible that Josh will win the final round of the HOH competition, see the light, and evict Paul? Stick with CDL for more Big Brother 19 spoilers, news, and live feed updates!

Olivia Marie:
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