Big Brother 19 spoilers reveal that Paul Abrahamian and Christmas Abbott may have kept their showmance a secret the whole season. CBS aired some footage on Friday’s show that suggested that Christmas may have deep feelings for Paul. She said that he makes her happy and smile. While that could be all about friendship, most of the BB19 fans assume that she wasn’t talking about friendly feelings.
A few days ago, Twitter noticed some under the covers action between Paul and Christmas. Apparently, Paul was allegedly touching Christmas under the covers in an intimate way. It only lasted a few minutes, then they rolled over and went to sleep.
On Sunday, Josh told Paul when Christmas was in the diary room that Christmas has a “thing” for him. Paul said that he adores her as a friend, but he has a girl back home. Umm, what? He has a girl back home? Then what was that finger gate business the night before?
Big Brother 19 spoilers state that Christmas told Josh that if he wins the final round of the HOH competition, to take Paul and send her to the Jury. She whispered that she feels as if they have done “more” and deserved to be in the final two.
Josh felt bad and cried. He told her he wanted to be in the final two with her. However, he promised to respect her wishes and take Paul to the end. Of course, the live feeders know Paul plans to send Christmas out and take Josh to the final two.
Do you think Paul and Christmas had a showmance this summer? Do you think Josh will take Paul to the final two as Christmas suggested? Stick with CDL for more Big Brother 19 spoilers, news, and live feed updates!