Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Worried Josh Martinez Will Beat Him – Practices Final Two Speech, Knows Jury’s Bitter

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Worried Josh Martinez Will Beat Him - Practices Final Two Speech, Knows Jury's BitterBig Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Worried Josh Martinez Will Beat Him - Practices Final Two Speech, Knows Jury's Bitter

Big Brother 19 spoilers reveal that Paul is starting to worry that he may lose the game for the second year in a row.  Paul knows that he did everything he could to make sure he made it to the final two, but his newest stress is if he did everything to make sure he wins the game. As Paul rehearses his speech, he realizes that Josh Martinez could win the game.

To recap the week so far, Kevin Schlehuber was evicted and became a member of the Jury. Paul won the first round of the HOH competition. Christmas Abbott and Josh faced off against each other in the second round. Josh won and will battle Paul for the power to decide who to take to the final two.

Paul and Josh chatted about Christmas’s position in the game. Josh revealed that Christmas said that they should do what’s best for their game, even if that is getting rid of her. BB19 spoilers suggest that Paul said that’s perfect as she won’t have any ill feelings toward them. Paul suspects that Big Brother 19 Jury is extremely bitter this season.

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Worried Josh Martinez Will Beat Him - Practices Final Two Speech, Knows Jury's BitterBig Brother 19 Spoilers: Paul Abrahamian Worried Josh Martinez Will Beat Him - Practices Final Two Speech, Knows Jury's Bitter

Big Brother 19 spoilers indicate that most fans believe that Paul got an unfair advantage this season with the help of Big Brother producers. They think his three weeks of safety helped him align himself in the BB19 house.  Imagine how different the game would have been if Cody could have voted Paul out in Week 1?

With only a few days left in the game, Paul is starting to feel nervous about his chances to win. He knows that Josh has a case to make to the jury to win the game as well. Paul hasn’t considered taking Christmas to the end as he believes she would beat him easily.

It looks like Paul will continue to practice his speech and perfect it over the next 24 hours. He wants to make sure he sounds natural and sincere. Paul believes he lost last year because he didn’t sound as sincere and relaxed as Nicole Franzel. Do you think Paul Abrahamian can win Big Brother 19? Do you think Paul is sincere about anything other than his desire to win Big Brother 19? Stick with CDL for more Big Brother 19 spoilers, news, and live feed updates!

Olivia Marie:
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