Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Week 3 Nomination Ceremony Results – Christmas Breaks Down – Jason Wants To Save Jessica

Big Brother 19 spoilers tease the results are in for the week 3 nomination ceremony and Alex Ow (current HOH) is ready to make a move and take a shot at someone who is a real threat to her game. Christmas Abbott was discharged from the hospital and returned to the BB19 house. The house prepared for a chaotic night, especially if Alex’s nominations are as shocking as she claimed.

Much of the day, Big Brother 19 fans have been talking about Christmas Abbott and why CBS is allowing her to stay in the game. She was supposed to return to the BB19 house before the live show on Thursday. Apparently, the surgery was more complicated than the doctor initially thought, which is the reason why it took her so long to be discharged.

Big Brother 19 spoilers reveal that Christmas was in tears about the condition of her foot. The doctor told her that she broke 10 bones and dislocated 4 more toes. She tore a ligament and may never gain full mobility. In short, she explained that this injury is career-ending and it could take her a year to completely recover. If that’s not bad enough, she had a rough time after surgery with pain control, and it took some time for the doctors to figure what meds were most effective.

The Big Brother 19 house had to wait for Christmas to return to have the week 3 nomination ceremony. Apparently, they expected her a few hours before, so it put the meeting a few hours late. However, as soon as she returned, the live feeds shut off for the highly-anticipated nomination ceremony.

As predicted, Alex nominated Dominique Cooper and Jessica Graf for eviction. Jason Dent didn’t want Jessica to go up on the block as he felt she was an easy target. He pushed for her to put Matt Clines up, but Alex wanted to target Dominique this week.

If Dominique wins the week 3 POV this week, Alex claims she will put Christmas up. If she can convince the Big Brother house to evict Christmas, it would be a huge game move for her. Christmas may not be a physical threat, but she is certainly the brains behind her alliance. The week 3 Power of Veto competition will be held on Saturday, July 15 and could save Jessica or Dominique from going home.

Do you think Alex made the right decision by nominating Dominique and Jessica for eviction? Don’t forget to come back to CDL later for more Big Brother 19 spoilers, news, and live feed updates!

Olivia Marie:
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