Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Week 4 POV Meeting Results, Jessica and Cody Blindside Planned – Josh and Ramses Remain On The Block

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Week 4 POV Meeting Results, Jessica and Cody Blindside Planned – Josh and Ramses Remain On The Block Brother 19 Spoilers: Week 4 POV Meeting Results, Jessica and Cody Blindside Planned – Josh and Ramses Remain On The Block

Big Brother 19 spoilers tease another epic blindside is in the works for Week 4’s eviction. To recap Week 4, Jessica Graff, the current HOH, nominated Josh Martinez and Ramses Soto for week 4 eviction. Cody Nickson won the Battle Back competition which allowed him to enter the house to play again. Jessica won the POV and decided not to use it to save either nominee. Big Brother 19 live feed spoilers suggest that there could be a huge shocker when the house decided to keep Jessica’s intended target, Josh on Thursday night.

Flashback to 12:10 p.m., Josh and Kevin Schlehuber chat briefly about the POV ceremony. Big Brother 19 spoilers indicate that Kevin is certain that Ramses will be voted off, leaving Cody and Jessica shocked. Kevin thinks the vote will either be 6-4 or 7-3, depending on Elena Davies’ vote.

Josh revealed that if he wins HOH next week, he wants to put Mark Jansen on the block. He thinks he would crack because he will be on slop next week. Kevin and Josh agree that they need to get Mark, Elena, Cody, and Jessica out of the BB19 house.

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Week 4 POV Meeting Results, Jessica and Cody Blindside Planned - Josh and Ramses Remain On The BlockBig Brother 19 Spoilers: Week 4 POV Meeting Results, Jessica and Cody Blindside Planned - Josh and Ramses Remain On The Block

Many of the Big Brother 19 fans are excited about this blindside. It seems to be the same scenario was Week 1 when they targeted Christmas Abbott and sent Jillian Parker home instead. Jessica should have pulled Ramses off the block and nominated Mark or Alex Ow.

Up in the HOH room, Jessica tells Cody that she wants a 10-0, voting out Josh on Thursday. Big Brother 19 spoilers state that Cody tells Jessica she made the right decision, but Jessica can’t shake a feeling that the vote could flip and keep Josh. Jessica points out that Christmas told her that she is voting Ramses out and cannot vote Josh out— he’s her friend.

Flashback to 1:21 p.m., Paul points out that he thinks it will be a seven to three vote to evict Ramses. Kevin agrees with him, depending on Elena’s vote. Paul adds that he’s getting a “weird” vibe from Christmas and thinks she may be playing both sides of the house.

Paul goes to talk to Matt Clines and Raven Walton about Jessica. Big Brother 19 spoilers suggest that Jessica will start to get paranoid since she decided not to use the POV. Matt agrees with Paul, adding that they will tell Jessica and Cody that they are voting Josh out.

To be perfectly honest, if they can keep the blindside a secret, it will be entertaining to see Josh, Mark, and Cody blindsided once again. Jessica will regret not pulling Ramses off the block. Are you surprised that Jessica did not use the POV to save Ramses from eviction?  Don’t forget to come back to CDL for more Big Brother 19 spoilers, news and live feed updates!

Olivia Marie:
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