Blue Bloods Recap 10/20/17: Season 8 Episode 4 “Out of the Blue”

Tonight on CBS their hit drama starring Tom Selleck Blue Bloods airs an all-new Friday, October 20, 2017, episode and we have your Blue Bloods recap below. On tonight’s Blue Blood Season 8 episode 4, as per the CBS synopsis, “Danny and Baez work the case of a detective who was gunned down prior to testifying against a career criminal. Meanwhile, Frank personally investigates when Garrett is attacked by a S.W.A.T. team outside his home; and Erin brings in a confidential informant against Anthony’s wishes.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET! for our Blue Bloods recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Blue Bloods recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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As a man, Dt. Arthur Hines (Luke Lesko), leaves for work, his wife, Carol reminds him that he forgot his coffee, as he walks towards the sidewalk, he hears a gun cock but when he turns around he is shot several times; his wife rushes out to him screaming for someone to help him, but he dies a few seconds later.

Dt. Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) and Dt. Maria Baez (Marisa Ramirez) arrive on the scene, learning there is no physical evidence. Danny feels it’s a professional hit, as they have the best case in history to put away a career mobster and their star witness is Arthur, the fallen police officer. Baez reveals Arthur’s last word was “Coffee”, seemingly to confirm Danny’s suspicions.

Garrett Moore (Gregory Jbara) hears a noise when he is sleeping, orders his wife to stay in bed, gets his gun and heads down the stairs. He comes out the front door, the police surround his house, taking him down as his wife freaks out and is being held down by the police on the sidewalk; Garrett screams for them to get off her.

Police Commissioner, Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) arrives at the hospital, Garrett is furious that his wife is in the hospital bed rattled and that the police officers had his boot on his head; Frank reminds him he had a gun in his hand. Frank takes him to get some coffee as he explains that he got “Swatted” when someone called 911 saying he was holding his wife, Cynthia hostage, had a gun and was threatening to kill her.

Garrett says someone could have gotten killed on a prank call. Frank says calls like this are usually about revenge and wants to know if someone has an axe to grind. He confirms that he never had an affair while they were separated and no, Cynthia doesn’t have a jealous lover either. Frank tells him to take care of Cynthia and he will take care of this.

Danny and Baez come to see Carol, sorry for having to come with questions but she says it is okay as this is what Arthur would have wanted her to do. She says she heard the shots and the list is probably long for his enemies, but her husband didn’t talk about the job. She does remember that Arthur was working the big Robert Coffee case, he didn’t say anything, but she saw this case had him “out of sorts.”

She knew something was nagging him, there was this two-bit clown, an associate of Robert’s that was trying to spook him; she didn’t understand what he meant and cannot describe the man.

Erin Reagan (Bridget Moynahan) is working out at the gym when Anthony Abetemarco’s (Steve Schirripa) friend, Jimmy Pierson standing on the treadmill beside her. She continues to work out, realizing he isn’t there to work out telling him she has an office. She tells him to take a hike when even Anthony wouldn’t take anything from him. He tells Erin that he has something she needs – another chance to put the Tomassi family away.

Danny and Baez come to question Arthur’s partner about the guy who had threatened him. Dt. Patrick Ogden (Jake Ventimiglia) admits that Arthur talked to him about the threat and it was Robert’s right-hand man, Victor Lugo. They go to watch the videos from outside the precinct when Danny sees the man walking by from behind, he feels it could definitely be Lugo.

Anthony arrives at work, wondering why Jimmy is there when Erin informs him that she is putting him on the payroll as a confidential informant. Anthony isn’t pleased so Erin chases after him wanting to know what is going on. He tells her that what Jimmy has is only good for himself; Erin says this is an opening she cannot walk away from. Anthony doubts what Jimmy knows and says nothing is foolproof with Jimmy; he refuses to help her, but she orders him to do it anyways.

Frank learns his son caught the case, he tells Sid Gormley (Robert Clohessy) and Abigail Baker (Abigail Hawk) to give him whatever he needs. Garrett comes in, surprising them, Garrett isn’t there to work but Frank tells him they need all-hands-on-deck; he asks Baker and Sid to leave so he can talk. Garrett doesn’t know how long he will be gone but Frank brushes him off telling him to do what he has to do and says he has a dead cop and needs Sid and Abigail back in the room.

Erin talks to Jimmy, who says he only works with Carlo, he is told to mention the money and to make sure he mentions where he stole the car from and he needs it on the wire. Anthony and Jimmy argue as they exchange places in the car.

Baez and Danny arrive at a barber where Victor Lugo is getting a shave, who wants to know what they want. Danny says they will escort him to the squad room when he refuses Danny starts to ask him questions there. Lugo tells Danny to ask his wife where he was that morning; Danny grabs him and whispers in his ear if he ever disrespects his wife again, the blade will go through his throat like a stick of butter. Danny says they think he killed a cop, he says he isn’t saying anything else without a lawyer. Danny laughs and hands him the phone.

Danny is pushing the IT technician to fix the image when Baez walks in and says Victor Lugo is there. Danny learns he came with his lawyer, he reveals he has signed affidavits that swear under oath that Danny physically assaulted his client and two doctor reports saying he came close to killing him. Lugo will be filing a formal complaint with the department; Danny says this is trumped up and his client probably did that shaving this morning.

Danny reveals he has a video of Lugo threatening the detective that will put him away for life. His lawyer informs them that Lugo was at the gym at the time of Dt. Hines’ death, showing them a photo with him at the gym with a timestamp on it. Lugo says, “Later Defective!”

Jimmy arrives with the Porsche 911, he wants more money. He tells him he lifted the car from the airport and gets the money in his hands when the police raid the chop-shop. Jimmy smiles as they get arrested.

Danny returns, and the IT tech is able to show in the video there is a tattoo on the man’s wrist; he asks her to tell Baez he will be back and rushes out. Meanwhile, Erin is thrilled that Jimmy did such a great job. Carlo Tomassi’s lawyer, Mr. Dale Quinn arrives talking about Carlo’s girlfriend, Grace who used to be Jimmy Pierson’s girlfriend and Erin realizes he is going to make it seem like her prosecution is biased because of Jimmy, especially since he is now an employee of her office. Erin tells Anthony not to say a word to her, walks away and slams her door.

Garrett comes to see Frank after he was called to be there. Frank asks how Cynthia is and apologized for his attitude earlier. Garrett shouts at him to not patronize him; Frank says he has limited ways to show and express his feelings. Garrett says he is a civilian, saying this happened to both him and his wife. Frank yells for him to stop and asks him, as a friend, to sit down.

Frank says the guy who did this knew how to hide and is certain Garrett knows who it is. He tells him to shut up, telling him to empty the room then demands to know who it is. Garrett flinches and Frank says who is it; he says it’s Adam Caseer, a 16-year-old blind boy. Frank is confused.

Danny comes to see Dt. Ogden, saying Lugo has an alibi but he insists Arthur Hines told him it was Lugo who threatened him 100%. Danny says something isn’t adding up, they checked the surveillance and the problem is it isn’t Lugo in the video because the guy in the video has a tattoo. He shakes Ogden’s hand and exposes the same tattoo on his wrist and demands to know what is going on.

Anthony finds Jimmy at a bar and tells him it is time to have that man-to-man talk and brings him to the back of the bar. Danny tells Baez about the tattoo, revealing it’s a Marine Corps tattoo, but Ogden lawyered up and won’t talk anymore. He says they are going to go through his phone records to see if he called Robert Coffee right after the hit to say it was done.

Danny and Baez go to see Carol again, revealing they think Dt. Ogden had something to do with her husband’s murder. She says they bickered like a married couple, but nothing serious. Baez says a neighbor told them that morning was the first time, Carol ever brought out a coffee to her husband. They have a theory that his briefcase was in his left hand, leaving his hand free, but she put the coffee in his right hand, so he couldn’t go for his gun; she says this is ridiculous and orders them to leave.

Danny says the word “coffee” made them think it was Robert Coffee who set him up until they realized it was her that set him up. Baez plays a video of Ogden confessing to having an affair with Carol and that the two of them plot to kill her husband. She says he is lying but Danny says they think she is a cop killer and are taking her in.

Anthony arrives at Erin’s office, who is upset that he was out all morning. She says they have to cut Carlo loose, but he says he was taking care of things. He says they are not doing anything; she says they have to. Anthony says they can’t make it appear if they helped Jimmy if he is locked up too. Anthony confirms that Jimmy is in jail as of this morning after he confessed to fencing the cars to Carlo, making him a co-defendant.

Erin asks why Jimmy would do that, but Anthony says not to ask and offers to take her out for pizza or meatballs. Garrett is in his suit and sits with Frank as they watch a video of Adam, who confesses to “SWATTING” Garrett and his wife. Garrett doesn’t regret turning the kid away and says he is back to work as Cynthia feels worse when he is home. Frank congratulates him on his first collar.

Dinner at the Reagan home, they talk about going to church for one hour a week. Danny tells them to be respectful. Danny says he is doing fine, even though they acknowledge he has a lot of his plate. Jamie Reagan (Will Estes) says it is bugging him that the wife almost got passed him. Jamie says to forget it but Danny demands him to finish and should feel free to say it. Danny says he is fine, but everyone knows he isn’t as Henry (Len Cariou) asks for the potatoes; Frank looks on concerned but doesn’t say anything.



Cristie Geroux:
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