Chicago Fire Fall Finale Recap 11/2/17: Season 6 Episode 6 “Down Is Better”

Chicago Fire Fall Finale Recap 11/2/17: Season 6 Episode 6 "Down Is Better"Chicago Fire Fall Finale Recap 11/2/17: Season 6 Episode 6 "Down Is Better"

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all new Thursday, November 2, 2017, season 6 episode 6 called, “Down Is Better” and we have your Chicago Fire weekly recap below. On tonight’s Chicago Fire episode as per the NBC synopsis, “After heroically saving a mother and newborn baby from a rooftop fire, Kidd receives surprising news: she’s being transferred. Severide and Casey believe something is off about the turn of events, prompting them to investigate. In other events, Otis and Herrmann discuss the possibilities of taking over a rundown bar and Dawson’s frustration with her father reaches a boiling point”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 6 episode 5 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Chicago Fire recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s Chicago Fire begins with Ramon Dawson (Daniel Zacapa) having breakfast with his daughter, Gabi Dawson (Monica Raymund), bragging about how great work is but wanting to meet with his supervisor to pitch some of his ideas for the workplace. Gabi says it is a better idea for him to keep his head down for at least a year before saying anything. He wants to use Matt Casey’s (Jesse Spencer) political connections, but Gabi shuts him down, saying Matt is done with politics now and forever.

Joe Cruz (Joe Minoso) and Brian “Otis” Zvonecek (Yuri Sardarov) walk down the street and notice a restaurant is going out of business but all the equipment is for sale, Otis says he needs to let Christopher Herrmann (David Eigneberg) know. Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) is talking to Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney) about “upping his game”, while he advises her to pay attention to herself; the alarms sound and the crews are off to a call. They arrive at a restaurant where a grease fire has gotten out of control and patrons are trapped on the roof.

They bring the ladder over, as Casey and Herrmann tell them to go one at a time. Stella is on the roof and hears a baby crying, she doesn’t hesitate nor inform anyone where she is, she rushes to get the woman, Matt takes the mother as Stella unbuckles the baby, wraps her in her coat and gets her out from the surrounding flames. She hands her to Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer), telling the mother that EMS needs to check her out; Matt smiles at her but Stella just walks away.

Back at Firehouse 51, Herrmann talks to Randall “Mouch’ McHolland (Christian Stolte) about napkins but they are interrupted by Otis who tells him about the other bar that is going out of business, suggesting he may be able to get some steals from them. Herrmann says it is bad luck, to profit from another’s pain; reminding him it took them 3 years to turn a profit on a burnt out Molly’s.

Chief Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) calls in Connie (DuShon Brown) into his office, looking for the forms from the incident report; Connie swears she put them there as Hope (Eloise Mumford) walks in with them, making herself look good. Gabi vents to Sylvie about her father causing waves at work and Sylvie sarcastically reminds her that Dawsons never make waves and she defends Ramon’s behavior. Gabi doesn’t know what to do since she is the only one in her family that is helping her dad, Sylvie tells her sometimes you just have to tell them to pick up the pieces.

While some of the crews are in the lunch room, Connie delivers an envelope to Stella, she opens it and discovers she is being transferred to the Office of Public Relations. She says she is a firefighter and not a desk jockey; Mouch says from the union point of view all she can do is file a grievance and it could take years for a review. Boden tired to make a call but informs her that it is happening already next shift, but he is fighting the transfer too. He reminds them to not let this be a distraction and when the bell goes off it is all business.

Everyone in the lunch room is in shock but Herrmann tells them they need to keep it together as he is sure Chief Boden is passionate about keeping this house together; Cruz is sure he will find a way too. The crews are asleep upstairs when Stella can’t sleep and joins Mouch who is watching horror movies. He tells her this transfer could be a blessing in disguise because working in PR makes her the public face of CFD, so she could speak up to issues that are important to her; things the general public doesn’t know about them. Stella admits she never thought of it that way but she is a firefighter, and while they were on that roof today, nothing was going to stop her from rescuing that mother and baby.

Mouch asks her what made her want to pick up that Halligan and she reveals she climbed into a car she shouldn’t have and she only got out because of the safety rescue squad and in the hospital she made the decision that she was going to rescue people out of bad places too; so that is what she does. She doesn’t want to talk about it anymore and asks for the remote.

Everyone is down about Stella being gone when Hope comes in announcing there is $900 in the petty cash fund and heard they needed a new outside BBQ grill and thought she could use it towards that. Herrmann says that is exactly the news they wanted to hear and praises her for the enthusiasm she brings to the house. Hope then approaches Severide, suggesting she is no longer intimidated by Connie and wants to hang out with him again that night; he turns her down for other plans; Sylvie watches the exchange from a distance, clearly not pleased.

Gabi comes to see Matt who is just ending a call with Chuck Davis from the 66th Ward, learning he got a call from Ramon using Matt’s name, asking for a zoning favor. Gabi promises to take care of it while Matt says he is trying to keep Stella there but instead is fielding calls from an angry Alderman.

Otis goes to Mac’s bar, where he meets Lily, the daughter of the owner. She has been to Molly’s and tells Otis if he can find a home at Molly’s for anything there, to let her know. Meanwhile, Gabi continues to call her father, leaving several voicemails. Stella is very drunk and Kelly says it is time to go. As they walk back into their place, Stella kisses him but Kelly stops her saying “not like this.”

Stella wakes up on the couch and Severide informs her that he brought her home as she is shocked she doesn’t remember anything passed Molly’s; instead of embarrassing her, he offers to make her some eggs.

Chief Boden and Captain Casey meet Chief Huffhines (Michael Hayden) about Stella and the position of in Public Relations. They learn he did not request for Stella Kidd personally and stopped trying to figure out the mechanisms of the CFD a long time ago; he excuses himself to go to his son’s basketball game.

No one is happy with the replacement they have for Kidd as Otis comes in and drops a proposal in front of Herrmann; he suggests instead of taking their equipment that they should partner with it. Both Gabi and Herrmann are impressed with his work and presentation, telling him they will think about it. Otis comes out to see the owner’s daughter, telling her it isn’t a done deal but asks that her dad doesn’t sell anything else until he closes the deal.

Ramon comes to see Gabi at work, informing her he is on probation at work as his attitude is a red flag for them. He again begs for Matt’s help but she snaps on him, saying he always walks himself into these problems not caring whose name he uses, and it is fair game as long as he gets what he wants. She stands up and informs him she is sick of it. He gets up, says he understands, apologizes again and leaves.

Stella Kidd arrives at the CFD Public Relations office where Topher (Jon Matteson) shows her around, saying they monitor internet use and the other ins and outs of the job. Stella is immediately told to go with Chief Huffhines, he says she is to talk about how good the CFD is with minorities and women. He tells her to be subtle and then suggests she wear her hair down instead of up. She is brought right into a press conference, where she has no idea what to say.

Back at Firehouse 51, the crews return to see the new grill Hope had bought. Matt asks the new guy, Freddy where he was before 51 and he mentions at least 6 other firehouses. Hope is all giddy as they work on putting the BBQ grill together as Matt and Herrmann go on a mission. They want to see the transfer order for Stella Kidd, they see the signature on it is Chief Mullins (John Gatins). Herrmann isn’t sure about what they are about to do, but Matt brings him the transfer papers and has questions.

Hope happily walks down the firehouse hallway when Chief Boden calls her into the meeting room. Matt wants to talk to her. Captain Casey presents the transfer papers to her that was signed by Chief Mullins, who is standing right beside him. The signature isn’t his, as he signs the whiteboard, showing how different the writing is. Matt shows her the list of supplies she wrote for Connie and the writing is identical; Hope is stumped for words, then says she didn’t know who to come to with something like this and asks to explain first.

Boden orders her to stop talking and save everyone there a lot of time. He orders her to empty her desk and she stalks out of the room. As she comes around the corner, Connie already has all her things in a box and hands it to her, taking the files from her and giving her a dirty look.

Sylvie takes a breath in her car before she spots Hope sitting outside. Hope apologizes, saying she knows her and this was blown way out of proportion; even blaming Connie. Sylvie snaps saying she almost ruined everything for her there in Chicago; these people have been there for her and the best and most important relationships she has and she attacked them. She orders Hope to take all her stuff and lies and go back to Fullerton. Sylvie leaves Hope standing in the streets.

Otis brings Herrmann and Gabi with him to Mac’s bar, where he explains that they own Molly’s and would like to give him a proposal. Stella comes home, as Severide smiles saying they get to carpool again. He tells her she brings a light to the firehouse and an odor! Stella teases him saying the kid on the playground usually likes the girl.

Stella and Severide walk towards the firehouse where everyone hugs her and welcomes her back as Sylvie watches from her car. Chief Boden welcomes back Stella Kidd back to the firehouse in their meeting. Before he begins assignments, Sylvie asks to say a few words. She apologizes for her part in bringing her former friend to the firehouse and would never knowingly jeopardize what they have there, she loves all of them and feels terrible for what happened. Everyone looks at Stella, who looks down and doesn’t say anything. Gabi grabs Sylvie as they are called out on a call.

The ambulance arrives, and they rush up the stairs to the train platform, the deranged man is escorted off after he stabbed a man multiple times. Gabi and Sylvie turn the wounded man over and she realizes it is her father, Ramon!


Cristie Geroux:
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