Chicago PD Recap 1/4/17: Season 4 Episode 10 “Don’t Read the News”

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with and all new Tuesday, January 4, 2017, season 4 episode 10 called, “Don’t Read the News,” and we have your Chicago PD recap below. On tonight’s Chicago PD episode as per the NBC synopsis, “The team links a string of murders to a serial killer; Lindsay decides to meet her biological father; and, when Ruzek takes an undercover assignment, Voight welcomes a new member to the team.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10PM – 11PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Chicago PD begins tonight with Detective Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) meeting her father for the first time at a bar. She tells him that her mother. Barbara ‘Bunny’ Fletcher (Markie Post) always told her he was locked up. He looks ashamed and tells her he has been out for 10 years and he is married and has two boys of their own. Erin is a little shocked and says he is a married convict with a whole lot of family.

He says that him and Bunny never had their stuff together but she turned out okay. She confirms he was her secret admirer, with the hang up calls and the flowers. He tells her he will be in town for a few days and even though he hadn’t been there for her then, he would like to be now if she’d let him. Erin guzzles down her drink tells him she is glad they met and to enjoy Chicago, she walks away.

Chicago PD’s Emma Crowley (Barbara Eve Harris) brings Sgt. Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) up to speed on their newest murder victim and since she was murdered it what was considered a safe zone in Chicago, everyone will be watching their every move.

Dt. Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer) tells him it is a rough one, the victim, Grace Johnson was 22. Dt. Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins) reveals that since there is little blood at the scene, it is believed she was killed somewhere else. Dt. Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas) says there are defensive wounds, skin under her fingernails and 3 small caliber bullet wounds. She also has marks around her neck, but the ME won’t know cause of death until they get her on the table. Voight tells Dt. Kenny Rixton (Nick Wechsler) to bag her hands and he will get forensics over to gather DNA.

As Kenny walks away the team learns he is Dt. Adam Ruzek’s (Patrick John Flueger) replacement. Voight tells them he will fill them in later. Officer Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) is shocked but Voight tells her to get the crowd under control and tells the other detectives to work the case.

When Burgess attempts to gather information from the loud outspoken woman she says she is “black and proud” and gives her a hard time, when the crowd grows restless another officer takes out his taser. Burgess orders him to put it away and orders the woman to calm down or she will put her in lockup.

Burgess pulls the officer away asking him who that was and what was that all about. He says her name is Deanna Lewis and her niece was killed a few months earlier. She yells at Burgess saying they are killing their daughters and what are they going to do about it?

Back at the precinct, Erin asks Halstead about Ruzek’s replacement; he says that is all they heard and asks her how everything went with her dad. She says she doesn’t know if she even wants this in her life. He offers to investigate her father but Erin refuses.

Voight introduces Kenny to the team saying he is assigned from the gang unit and they used to work together over there. Burgess wants to know where Adam is; Voight tells her that he has been assigned to an undercover job at his request and he doesn’t know what the case is or how long he will be gone.

Atwater produces for the team what they know so far about the murder of Grace Johnson, they have no witnesses and since it was hot outside it is hard to find time of death. Olinsky says there was vaginal tearing, asphyxiation and 3 bullet wounds and Erin finishes by saying there was no bleeding so she was raped post-mortem. Burgess says she was a receptionist at a doctor’s office and was raising her two younger sisters who are now with DCFS.

Chicago PD’s Atwater and Kenny arrive at DCFS, Atwater asks if he is okay questioning kids and he tells him half the gang-bangers they had were kids. Atwater speaks to Kimmy while Rixton takes her young sister, Devon to get some snacks.

Kimmy tells him that Grace went out to see Vincent, someone she had a different phone for. She describes Vincent as a white boy and informs Atwater that her older sister danced for Vincent not at a strip club, but a lingerie club and Grace is the only one who danced for Vincent. She says he is fancy and that is all she knows and then asks him about Grace being raped. Atwater says he doesn’t know. Kimmy tells him he doesn’t need to lie to her because when her dad was killed she didn’t cry then either.

Halstead and Erin arrive at the club looking for “Vince” and they catch Vincent taking guns and money out of safe, when Halstead grabs him he says they aren’t his.

Back at the police station Vincent is shown pictures of Grace and they inform him they know she danced for him right before she was murdered. He says he didn’t do it, he was at a bar all night and has a dozen dudes who can vouch for him. Voight interrupts him asking him if he saw Grace that night. He says he did, she came by because she owed him some money. Voight tells him to drop the street act and to sit.

Halstead asks him who did she talk to and who did she leave with. He says she kept it moving even though all the dudes were into her. Voight threatens to put him in lockup for all the guns; where the boys there might not understand a white boy selling black women. When Vincent smirks, Voight grabs his face and tells him to either get on the bus or get under it.

Vincent coughs up the name Ricky Barnes and he might have send him some stuff on texts, and that is why he had the guns; in case he found him. Voight wants to know who Ricky Barnes is and is told Ricky is Grace’s ex who was angry that she was dancing for him and Grace went to cool him down and he thinks Ricky killed her and he is next.

Burgess informs the team that Ricky Barnes has been arrested but not charged as an adult and was a violent kid in and out of the juvenile system. They don’t have an address for him except for his parents’ place which is two blocks from where Grace’s body was dumped. Voight tells Erin and Halstead to hit it but before they leave Burgess brings up two other murders that make it a pattern. Olinsky says if that were true homicide would have caught it, Erin says it could have slipped through the cracks and Voight tells Burgess to chase it down.

Erin and Halstead visit Ricky’s parents who are somewhat helpful. They are concerned that the police want to speak to their son about text messages and when they ask if he has a gun, neither one of them seems to know. When Erin asks if she can search his room, his father says no. He is willing to help them speak to his son but that is their home. Halstead tries to reason with them telling them they knew Grace and she was murdered, his mother asks if they think he did it and Erin says they don’t but he might know who did and the longer he hides the more he becomes a suspect.

Burgess and Atwater visit Mrs. Lewis and tell her they are determined to figure everything out. She softens to them being there. She brings them a file she has been building of 10 girls who have been murdered in the area and everyone thought she was crazy, saying a killer comes back to haunt. Atwater asks her what she means about “comes back”?

Chicago PD’s Intelligence unit review the information Deanna Lewis gave them. Burgess is certain she is on to something but Olinsky isn’t so sure. He wants to know why he stopped and started again. Kenny says back in 2008, homicide didn’t call these serial killings because Chicago was in a bid for the Olympics and suggest HQ buried it. Burgess is concerned they are stepping on toes reopening these cases, Voight tells them they did really good work and makes a call.

Voight meets with Arnold, telling him he doesn’t want his job and this just fell into his lap, he hands him a file. Voight asks if he can compare all their ballistics to his and Arnold asks him if he wants to take all these homicide cases? Voight tells him if it will stop killing girls. Arnold tells him they have no ballistics because they lost 6 years of information due to moving and a software update.

Burgess and Olinsky goes to see a man named Walter, who opens the door and asks if he is there about the girls. Burgess pushes her way in after Olinsky told her to stay back. Walter complains about taking the buyout from the paper and now he is only a blogger; Olinsky reminds him he was a suspect in 10 murders back then. Walter pours himself a drink and when he is asked about his files on all the murders, he says he liked those girls and why should he help Chicago PD now?

Olinsky says to prove his theory. Walter begins to tell them a guy raped a woman and got away with it, and it was never reported. Walter continues to say he believes there are up to 40 women in this case and the more they dig the more bodies will turn up and he insists he can help. Olinsky tells him he already has and asks for the files. He tells Burgess that she seems nice and he doesn’t know why he is with Olinsky.

The team review the case so far. Since they have no ballistics from the previous deaths they don’t have anything to go on but they do have DNA evidence in storage but the offender isn’t in any database. Halstead says they spoke to Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) and he told them to expand their search to have a familial DNA search and possibly someone in the offender’s family has been pinched.

ADA Steve Kot (Chris Agos) arrives and tells them if they get the warrant any good defense attorney could rip it to shreds. Kenny says it is the only way to catch him and the ADA is hesitant to do it. He wants to know where suspect Ricky Barnes is. Voight tells him they have 13 families who want justice and asks if he is going to stand in the way.

Burgess comes to see Sgt Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) and asks about Adam and Trudy asks her if she thinks Adam left because of her. She nods and Trudy tells her that Adam made a conscious decision and she needs to decide whether she is a member of the Intelligence Unit or mother hen. Ricky Barnes arrives with his mother to see Dt. Erin Lindsay and Burgess arrests him.

Voight meets with Ricky telling him he has a big problem and he can place Grace in his bedroom three nights ago and asks Ricky what happened. Ricky said he loved her and she broke his heart and when he found out that she was killed he was going to do something about it, but didn’t. Voight asks him where the gun and his car are. Ricky says they got bad information.

ADA Kot arrives with Crowley to arrest Ricky Barnes and charge him with murder, he reveals that Ricky’s DNA was 98% match on all 10 of the cold case murders and the newest ones. Voight protests but Kot continues by saying they had his DNA from gun charges three years prior. Kot enters the interrogation room and arrest him for 13 murders. Olinsky observes that he was only 16 when he committed his first murder?

Deanna Lewis confronts Burgess and Erin in the lobby of the precinct. Burgess tells her they can’t comment on an ongoing investigation and Lindsay says they took everything she has told them very seriously and their entire unit is focused on that. Burgess asks her to allow them to follow the evidence and figure it all out. She says she is trusting them and leaves.

As the unit regroups, Olinsky brings up what Walter had told him of a witness who survived a bullet wound to the chest after she was raped. Voight tells the team to find her even though they only have her street name “Cherry”. Halstead goes down to the records room and they find out who Cherry really is. Before he leaves, Halstead decides to ignore Erin’s wishes and wants background on her father Jimmy.

Atwater and Kenny arrive at “Cherry’s” work. She begins to cry saying she doesn’t think about that day and doesn’t see the news. She admits that she was too high to see the guy and she couldn’t testify to that. She cannot have children of her own because of what he did to her. Atwater offers his sympathy and asks if she can look at some photos. She begins to tremble when she sees a picture of Ricky Barnes’ father. Atwater and Kenny are shocked.

Cherry recounts the story to Voight, confirming it is him and that all the girls on the corner knew he was killing them off one by one. She mentions that he wanted pictures. Voight asks why he let her go; why was she different than the other girls? She firmly tells him that he didn’t let her go, he drove her to some garage and shot her twice. She blacked out and woke up while he was still on her, she played dead and he left her to die in an alley.

Erin comes in and says he is running, his wife hasn’t seen him in 12 hours and his phone is off. Voight says to do a garbage dump and Erin says they need to get Ricky out of lockup; Voight tells her to do it quietly. Voight reassures Cherry that she did the right thing and they will find this guy because of her, after she says had she come forward these other girls wouldn’t be dead.

Atwater learns Mr’s Barnes doesn’t know where her husband disappears to and sometimes he is gone for a couple days. He finds a can for DNA, knowing the husband is the only one who drinks from it. Kenny says something doesn’t add up and he reviews the case so far. There was no evidence of Grace being in the house and they search the side of the house to find smaller door going into a crawl space. Kenny says she probably never made it inside.

Inside the small room, Atwater and Kenny find a secret door and they find blood and a photo. Kenny says wherever he is he is ditching evidence. Halstead and Erin come to speak to Ricky, Halstead asks him his father killed 13 girls and how could he not know. Ricky says 10-minutes ago they were blaming him and now his dad? Halstead pushes Ricky to the breaking point and he cries.

Erin asks him where his dad would hide out and Ricky says his uncle’s shop where they drink and his dad has a key. The rest of the team arrive and arrest Franklin Barnes as he is burning the photos. Voight picks up one from the ground and he tells them to get him out of there.

Voight and Olinsky want to know why he stopped and then started again, he evades the questions. Olinsky says he sounds like the 911 caller, he says that wouldn’t be intelligent to call on his own crime scene. Voight questions whether he is an intelligent guy after he left his DNA in 13 girls. Voight wants to know what kind of man would let his son take the fall for this? He insists this is one big misunderstanding and Ricky will get over it. Franklin tells them a story about a man who sat beside him in a bar telling him how he tricked girls into his car with 5 bucks or loose cigarettes; then he tells them it was this man who gave him those pictures they found; calling him sick!

Olinsky asks about the man, he says he was a big guy but someone everyone would walk past. He says he killed over 100 girls and that must be some kind of record.

Voight leans forward and says he isn’t going to lay a hand on him because he doesn’t want to jeopardize his case but to believe him when he says where he is going is going to be hell and he is going to make sure of it. Franklin smirks.

Mrs. Barnes cries as her son Ricky comes out of lockup telling him she didn’t know and she is sorry. Trudy tells them to come with her and go through the side door because there is too much press out front.

Burgess goes to see Deanna Lewis and tells her on behalf of Chicago PD she would like to thank her and if she can take some comfort in that she would be so happy. Deanna cries and says okay. Meanwhile Erin stands in front of the white board full of missing woman.

Kenny stands up and tells them he will see them tomorrow. Erin tells him he did a nice job and he heeds Olinsky’s warning and says it was a team effort. Lindsay asks him if Olinsky busted his balls, he says yes but they can be assured he won’t make the same mistake twice.

Halstead asks Erin if she wants some good news and tells her that her father is financially stable. She is shocked he investigated her father but he tells her at least they know he isn’t there for money. Erin says since he is so interested, Jimmy is buying dinner tonight. Halstead says he will have the lobster.

Bunny and Jimmy join Halstead and Erin for dinner. Bunny tells him that all of Erin’s childhood pictures are gone but Jimmy says he saved all the ones Bunny sent him and he shows Erin one of them. Jimmy informs them that him and Bunny are buying a salon for Bunny. Bunny and Jimmy leave together and Halstead asks if he can run a DNA test in case this is all a fantasy. Erin says no and if its a fantasy she wants to live in it for a minute.


Cristie Geroux:
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