Chicago PD Recap 4/5/17: Season 4 Episode 19 “Last Minute Resistance”

Chicago PD Recap 4/5/17: Season 4 Episode 19 "Last Minute Resistance"Chicago PD Recap 4/5/17: Season 4 Episode 19 "Last Minute Resistance"

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with and all new Wednesday, April 5, 2017, season 4 episode 19 called, “Last Minute Resistance,” and we have your Chicago PD recap below. On tonight’s Chicago PD episode as per the NBC synopsis, “After encouraging her sister to spend a night out with friends, Burgess wakes to find that Nicole never made it home. As the guilt begins to eat at Burgess, the team in Intelligence bands together to make finding Nicole their main priority. ”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Chicago PD begins tonight with Dt. Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) waking up to her niece asking her where her mother, Nicole Silver (Jules Wilcox) is? Kim is concerned that it is 7 in the morning and this isn’t like her; she puts on a front with her niece and tells her to get ready and she will drop her off at school.

At the precinct, Burgess shares with Dt. Adam Ruzek (Patrick John Flueger) that Nicole isn’t like that; he says maybe she got lucky after a 10 year marriage with a miserable prick. Nicole calls Burgess saying she was in trouble, but nothing more. She calls her back and it keeps going to voicemail.

Dt. Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins) and Sgt. Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) both notice something is wrong; he says ping her phone and someone will go look for her, Ruzek offers to go look.

Burgess and Ruzek check the train station where the signal was coming from. She finds Nicol curled up on one of the benches. Nicole is visibly shaken, Burgess asks her if she is okay, she says she was raped. Burgess holds her while Ruzek calls an ambulance when she notices Nicole is losing a lot of blood.

Dr. Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) tells Burgess that Nicole’s bowel has been perforated, causing all the pain, she admits that everything she has seen so far is consistent with a vicious assault. Nicole says she cannot remember what happened to her and Dr. Manning says they don’t have time to wait.

Atwater brings the rest of the team up to date on what happened to Nicole. Dt. Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) shares that Nicole is going through a nasty divorce and custody battle with her ex, but tells Dt. Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas) after he asks if they looked at the husband, that Jordan Silver is flying in from Pittsburgh right now.

Burgess arrives back at the Intelligence Unit, where she informs the team that her sister was sodomized, that’s why there was so much blood. Dt. Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer) shares the tox report, she didn’t drink enough to be knocked out but she had enough Ketamine in her system to knock out a horse.

Voight orders them to get the names of all the women at the party, find the bars they hit. Burgess thanks Voight for taking the case, he says, “An attack on your family, is an attack on our family.”

Burgess and Olinsky visit Jasmine, informing her that Nicole was sexually assault the previous night and ask her to walk them through the whole night. She remembers there was a creepy guy, who kept staring at Nicole, but she can only describe him as white and wearing a hat. She went home from that restaurant while the other 5 women went on to another bar.

Ruzek and Atwater go to the second bar, telling the bartender to give Nicole’s photo a second look. He says the 5 women came alone but Nicole was trying to get away from a man, he calls his bouncer over. They watch the video, Hector, the bouncer, points him out when he asked the man to leave he punched Hector in the face; Ruzek says they will need all their tapes.

Atwater tells everyone that the man’s name is Arlen Pfister (Ned Bellamy). He has a couple priors for domestic abuse and beat a man into a coma in a road rage incident. Jasmine and the bartender identified the man as the one following Nicole, 3 of the 4 women confirmed it was an older guy wearing a hat; but they were unable to get a hold of Denise.

Voight tells them to call the State’s Attorney to get a “sneak and peek” warrant; they don’t want the Arlen to know they are on to him. The unit arrives at Arlen’s residence; before they can even go inside his house, he comes out swinging with a baseball bat at Atwater and Ruzek.

When they get him on the ground, he says he didn’t know they were police, he thought they were trying to rob him. They search the house where Halstead finds a room with photos of Nicole on the wall. Voight confronts him in interrogation about following Nicole for the past 2 weeks.

He is a bit cocky saying its not illegal to take photographs; Voight tells him that the sexual assault is a class 1 felony and it looks like he is obsessed with her. He admits he was hired by her estranged husband to dig up dirt on her. Halstead says he doesn’t buy it but when Arlen shows them a photo of the two women sitting at the bar, Halstead asks to see Voight in the hall.

Halstead shows him the photo, saying the only one who stayed with Nicole late was Denise and she’s the only one they cannot reach. Erin and Atwater talk to Eric, who says he knows something bad happened because she has left her dog alone too long and he is like a kid to her.

He shows them a video message of Denise and Nicole, around 1:30 a.m. saying they are going to a party in Wicker Park and will be home right after. He says Denise never came home.

Halstead updates everyone saying they may have a second assault victim. Ruzek reveals after Jinx they went to Thirsty Raven, where they did the video message at 1:42am. On the video, there is a vehicle and someone motioning them to get inside, but it isn’t Arlen, as his alibi checks out.

Voight says to put a missing person’s report on Denise and contact DMV to get a list of all black Audi Q7s in the region and run it against known sex offenders. He says Nicole was attacked and left for dead, they can only hope her friend is still out there.

Atwater says there is a ping off Denise’s cellphone, it is strong and not moving; they are told to hit it. Unfortunately Ruzek and Atwater find her phone in a dumpster with no sign of Denise.

Nicole begins to tell her sister about what she remembers. She says there were 2 men in their 20s or early 30s, one was blond the other had dark hair; they invited them to a party; the one thing she distinctly remembers is all these balloons. She says its like a nightmare she can’t remember.

She wakes up sick and there were sparks in the sky, coming from the train; Denise was screaming, that is what woke her up. Nicole says she couldn’t move, but Denise ran away and insists Burgess speak to Denise. She tells Nicole that Denise is missing, and they can’t find her. Nicole calls herself stupid and Burgess says she isn’t stupid, she was drugged and assaulted!

The IU go over what they have, Halstead talks about the train sparks and a spot close to where they found her sister, has a spot like that. Erin has 18 vehicle owners and one was accused of aggravated rape last year, Rex Goldwin.

Ruzek says he is the guy who teaches other guys how to get laid. He has the same MO as the guy they are looking for now. Voight wants them to dig up everything they can on him and he wants to pay him a visit.

Voight arrives at one of his seminars and hears him telling men that “NO” doesn’t mean the game is over, it means the game has started and his program will break a women’s resistance and bring her to a desired state of consent.

He takes a break and meets with Voight, who begins the conversation as man to man, but it quickly becomes an interrogation of sorts. Rex quickly offers his keys to Voight, and when he shows him the photos of Nicole and Denise, he says he isn’t into cougars. Voight asks for a pamphlet, thanks him and leaves.

Burgess returns to the precinct with no luck, Nicole couldn’t pick Rex Goldwin, because she can’t remember any of the faces. Halstead shows there were calls from the train station about a distraught woman wandering around at 3:22 in the morning, when patrol arrived she was already gone, there isn’t a lot of surveillance in the area because it is all warehouses, but there was one camera that caught Denise wandering, but that is the last shot of her.

They begin to search the area she was last seen at a scrap yard, Erin finds her dead body, under a blue tarp between a couple of cars.

The ME informs the IU that Denise Miranda was not sexually assaulted, there are no defense wounds but like Nicole, alcohol was found in her blood and high levels of Ketamine; she died from hypothermia, the Ketamine knocked her out and she simply froze to death.

Erin shares that she has been reading blogs about this; it all ties into Rex Goodwin. Many women reveal they have been victimized too, taken to apartments, drugged, their phones disappear and after they are sexually assaulted they get dumped at subway stations.

Erin believes Goldwin may not bein directly involved but he has taught an army of men how to do this at his seminar. Voight believes her, that these men are following what Goldwin has taught them. Sgt Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) comes up to tell Burgess that Nicole’s husband, Jordan has arrived.

Burgess literally attacks Jordan when she sees him, she is very angry that he hired a PI to see if Nicole was having an affair. He continues to say that Nicole isn’t a saint, look what happened to her last night, going to bars; he claims no mother would put herself in that position.

Burgess orders him to get out, and when he says he is taking his daughter, she says Zoe is staying with her and she has 85 cops in this building who have her back. She storms back upstairs as the officers prevent him from coming after her.

Ruzek and Atwater went through the forums from Goldwin’s seminars. Ruzek says a lot of it looks like bluffing but there is one guy who brags about being at the Thirsty Raven at closing time, cougars running wild, pulled a drunk one, dragged it back and took her anal virginity. They all feel he is talking about Nicole. Voight tells them to get a warrant and find this guy.

Erin and Halstead arrive to see a man named Harry, she informs him they are Chicago PD and they need to talk. He says they can leave a card and he will get back to them; when Halstead asks if this is how he really wants to play this? Harry says he went to law school and knows his rights, and returns to his phone call.

Halstead grabs his badge and calls for the attention of everyone in the room, asking if they were out with “manslut” last night. Harry finally hangs up the phone and agrees to speak to them. He acknowledges that he met Nicole and Denise last night, but he only got as far as offering to buy them a drink. He says he was at the bar with his personal instructors named Keith Tasker (Thomas E. Sullivan) and Andrew Latimer (Brian Muller) and they will be at the Thirsty Raven tonight.

Anna Valdez (Monica Barbaro) arrives, and Voight say the States Attorney’s office is up to speed. She admits the whole case turns her stomach but with alcohol involved, its hard to prove. Anna looks at Voight, he tells Erin to ask Platt for a female officer to go undercover with her asking the team to prepare for tonight.

Burgess wants to be with Erin undercover; he protests but she says just because Nicole is her family doesn’t mean she can’t do her job. He tells her to go home and get changed.

Voight preps them at the last moment, saying they should not take a sip of anything, they cannot arrest them until they cross the line of consent. Burgess chooses the safe word of “Bluebell” as its her sister’s favorite ice cream. Platt gives them lipstick weapons as back up.

Atwater is at the door as bouncer and Keith and Andrew have just arrived, Ruzek and Halstead are drinking and preventing them from connecting with any other women. At last call, they leave with the 2 men, who bring them to an apartment they claim to be sharing with friends.

As they get comfortable, the men take away their phones and offer Erin and Burgess a drink. Burgess takes the drink, Ruzek gets upset but Voight holds him back, telling him to wait on his order. Burgess asks for the bathroom, but walks into the room filled with balloon wallpaper.

One of the men follow her into the room, locks the door. She tells him no and she doesn’t want this. He grabs her anyways. She reaches in her pocket and grabs the lipstick knife and stabs him in the shoulder.

Erin has arrested the guy with her in the living room, when Olinksy and Ruzek barge into her room, they watch as she continues to beat the man. Voight watches from the doorway. Olinsky grabs Burgess, who says she needs to go to Chicago Med to get her stomach pumped. Ruzek stares at the bloody guy.

In the interrogation room, Keith Tasker tells Olinsky and Voight he is going to sue them for being stomped by a police officer. He then says they were both drugged and drunk, and just because she regrets the rough sex doesn’t make it rape. He then says he wants a lawyer.

Andrew Latimer feels they did nothing wrong with Nicole and Denise. He said taking their phones was a joke. He was drunk but didn’t hurt anybody. He says he served them Kamikaze, and women like them. Erin asks if the women asked to be drugged? He says the women came back with them to party and wants to know what is going on.

Halstead tells him Nicole was raped, he immediately puts the blame on Tasker, saying he didn’t touch either one of them and all he did was drive her home. Halstead asked if he was sure he drove her home. He tells them they were going to drove Denise off at the train but she jumped out of the car.

Halstead informs him Denise is dead. Erin says that he is not only looking at accessory to rape, he is looking at murder. Andrew says he didn’t do anything; Erin gets angry screaming at him after he said, “She wanted…”

She yells, “She wanted what? She wanted to be kidnapped, She wanted to be drugged without her knowledge. What she wanted was to get away from you so badly that she died!” Halstead pulls Erin away from him. He says it was just supposed to be fun.

Nicole is shocked to see her sister in a wheelchair and in a hospital gown too. Burgess says its a really long story, but they got the guys who attacked her; promising they will never hurt anyone else again. Nicole cries asking what she is supposed to do now. She asks how she is supposed to take care of her daughter when she is afraid to leave the house? Burgess promises to get her through it. Zoe comes in and hugs her mother.

Rex Goldwin runs into Voight under a bridge. Voight tells him they have caught 2 more of his disciples, Goldwin says that has nothing to do with him. Voight says he teaches men how to rape; but Goldwin says he teaches men to find their power and apparently these guys took it too far.

He then says its how men are wired, to conquer women, its their animal instinct and that is how their species endures. Voight grabs him in a chokehold. Goldwin calls for help, but Voight says, “This is how I see it, men and women endure because we care for each other. We need each other. When we see predators who seek to prey on us, we eliminate them!”

He drops Goldwin out of the chokehold then grabs him by his shirt warning that if he teaches another rape seminar in his city, he will find him and they will settle it like animals.

Burgess comes to Voight’s office, where he wants to know what she was thinking out there; she directly disobeyed him. She said they were getting suspicious and she needed to do something that would ensure no lawyer could save them. She did what she had to do. He praises her, saying she thinks like a cop who belongs up there.

Burgess shares that Nicole had always looked out for her, as a big sister and now she is all Nicole has and she needs to step up to take care of her now. Voight tells her she can take all the time she needs. Burgess thanks him and leaves the IU floor.


Cristie Geroux:
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