Code Black Recap 1/25/17: Season 2 Episode 14 “Vertigo”

Tonight on CBS Code Black airs with an all new Wednesday, January 25, 2017 season 2 episode 14 called,  “Vertigo” and we have your weekly recap below! On tonight’s episode, season 2 episode 14 as per the CBS synopsis, “Mario (Benjamin Hollingsworth) risks his life to save two brothers at a construction site who are trapped on a crane 300 feet above the ground. Meanwhile, Leanne (Marcia Gay Harden) treats the wife of an orthopedist from Angels Hospital who is brought into the ER with mysterious injuries.”

This is definitely one series that you don’t want to miss. Don’t forget to bookmark this page and come back between 10PM – 11PM ET for our Code Black recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Code Black recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Code Black recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Unfortunately, someone thought that it would be a good idea to put pepper spray in the classroom’s heater at a school and all that led to were injuries. There were kids that couldn’t see, kids that had been trampled over in the panic, and also a teacher that apparently had asthma attack brought on by the pepper spray. So the whole “joke” went horribly wrong. There were just too many injuries and not enough doctors to see to them all in a timely fashion. But Rorish had tried to make do with what she had and she hated that she was short two doctors because Campbell had decided to send Willis offsite again.

Though Campbell didn’t mean to short-change anyone and tying up a second doctor had merely come as consequence. Willis had decided to take Mario with him because Mario had said that he was free however the two had been sent to a construction to deal with a pair of brothers that found themselves in trouble forty stories up. So it was kind of too late by then for Mario to back out because he didn’t want to be seen as the “wuss” that couldn’t handle heights and so the doctor pushed ahead to his own detriment. Mario’s fear of heights didn’t go away and actually it got worse once he realized that he was going to have to climb out onto the crane to see the patients.

So Willis had to repeatedly ask his second-in-command whether he could handle what they had to do and so Mario tried to focus on the job. The patients were Robbie and Jorge. Jorge had gotten hit by the wire and so his brother had tried to stop the drop from taking Jorge over the edge of the crane. However, Robbie’s arm had gotten caught in the drum and his arm was being crushed yet the one thing that the guys couldn’t do was cutting the wire. Cutting the wire would dragged Robbie over the side and also could worsen Jorge’s internal bleeding. That is if they were sure if he had any and not just taking a guess. And so the doctors chose divide and conquer.

Mario was to check on Robbie’s arm and, from his end, he was also to check on the drum. The drum was still technically dangerous to anyone within its path. Yet, Willis had chosen to stay with Jorge. Jorge was pinned underneath one of safety checks that was supposed to hold the wire in place and it was pressure from that instrument that could sever Jorge’s body into two. So the guys had to make a quick decision and they chose to amputate Robbie’s arm because that would free Robbie from possibly being carried off by the drum and allow them to get both men transported to the hospital, but an amputation was risky.

The guys were essentially performing surgery in the worst sort of setting though they had to go ahead with it because there wasn’t that much of an alternative. But there was an accident as they were amputating Robbie’s arm. Mario had been moving around and he had forgotten to double secure his wire so he fell off the crane. He hadn’t fallen far because thankfully his one wire had been strong enough to hold him up. So Willis had unharnessed himself to get Mario back up on the platform and together they were able to finish the surgery. They took Robbie’s arm, freed his brother, and then had to do their best to keep Robbie alive during transport.

Robbie profusely bled from the amputation and so he had lost conciseness in the ambulance. Though the guys had made it back to the hospital in good timing and then Willis had benched Mario. Willis had said that Mario needed to sleep and so he ordered the young man to step away however seeing Angus step into his place and then be the one to save Robbie’s life had been hard for Mario. So that had created a shift in Willis and Mario’s relationship and not that surprisingly Willis had seen what he had done. He just didn’t know how to go about fixing it and so he chose to be pursely honest in the end.

Willis had told Mario that if he wasn’t trying to be great all the time that he would know his limits and could actually become great. However, Mario had been trying to push himself after two back to back shifts and he should have known when to rest before he made another mistake. So Willis told Mario what he needed to hear and that had been good for Mario in the end. He admittedly that he was capable of being great so he chose to lead with that more than anything yet Angus hadn’t done so bad himself. Angus had worked the school situation and he had correctly which of the students had put the pepper spray in the heater.

Yet, Angus and Jesse chose to let Emma confess to her teacher on her own time. They knew that she had to do it of her own free will it and it turns out she had did it because she thought her teacher Mr. Hazelton was mean. Hazelton had recently taken her cell phone when he spotted her and another girl texting in class, but they thought they needed a lesson once he decided to read some of those texts out loud. So it wasn’t until Hazelton’s daughter pointed out to the girls that her father was hard on them because he knew popularity wouldn’t matter in the real world that both Emma and her friend felt bad.

So Emma sat on her decision to talk to Hazelton for a while and she had seen her teacher almost die because of what she did though what made her go and speak to him had been Jesse. Jesse had noticed that all the other parents had collected their kids and that Emma’s mother didn’t want to leave her party to pick her daughter and so he told Emma that he could see the struggle. The struggle between a girl that doesn’t feel loved at home and who created this tough alpha girl persona to protect herself. But after Emma apologized for what she did to him, she realized her teacher probably knew her better than her own mother and was even more forgiving.

And so Rorish who had been on her feet for no end and had even had to step in when she noticed that a young woman was abusing her elderly parents, had thought her day was done until an old face showed back at the hospital asking for her help.


Kristine Francis:
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