Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Claire Freaks Over Tape Exposure – Hope, Abe and Theo Hurl Harsh Accusations

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Claire Freaks Over Tape Exposure – Hope, Abe and Theo Hurl Harsh AccusationsDays of Our Lives Spoilers: Claire Freaks Over Tape Exposure – Hope, Abe and Theo Hurl Harsh Accusations

Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers tease that Hope (Kristian Alfonso) and Abe (James Reynolds) will stumble across something that leaves them in shock. They’ll end up with Theo’s (Kyler Pettis) laptop and that’s going to cause big problems. Hope and Abe are about to see a tape featuring a couple of familiar teens!

Claire (Olivia Rose Keegan) forced Jade (Gabrielle Haugh) to delete the footage, but it seems she didn’t do a very good job. Days spoilers state that Hope’s jaw will drop when she spots Claire hitting the sheets with Theo. She’ll plan on giving Claire a stern lecture over this alarming video.

Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Claire Freaks Over Tape Exposure – Hope, Abe and Theo Hurl Harsh AccusationsDays of Our Lives Spoilers: Claire Freaks Over Tape Exposure – Hope, Abe and Theo Hurl Harsh Accusations

Since Shawn (Brandon Beemer) and Belle (Martha Madison) are in Hong Kong, Hope feels especially obligated to watch out for her granddaughter. Now that Ciara’s (Vivian Jovanni) gone, Hope has more time to devote to Claire anyway. She’ll be prepared to dish out some tough love this week.

Abe will be equally concerned by this startling sex tape. DOOL fans know that Abe is quite protective of Theo due to his high-functioning autism. Days spoilers say Abe may feel like Claire pushed Theo into this scheme. Of course, Theo is going to be just as stunned as his father. He had no idea he was being recorded at the Salem Inn.

Days of Our Lives spoilers say Hope and Abe will determine that Theo is innocent. They’ll quickly shift all the blame to Claire. Naturally, she’ll contend that she’s not responsible for this mess either. Jade orchestrated the whole thing against Claire’s wishes.

Since Jade doesn’t have the best track record around town, Abe and Hope will probably buy Claire’s story. Still, they’ll likely remind Theo and Claire about the risks of their behavior. They’ll want to make sure the teens are using protection,

Claire and Theo will promise their loved ones that they’re being careful. Once Hope and Abe leave, there could be some tension at the loft. Even though this was Jade’s fault, some drama could emerge for Theo and Claire anyway. They could easily face some intimacy issues now. Theo will definitely be on edge after all of this.

Days of Our Lives viewers can expect more difficulties for this couple soon. We’ll give you updates as other news comes in. Stick with DOOL and don’t forget to check CDL often for the latest Days of Our Lives spoilers, updates and news.

Heather Hughes:
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