Elementary Recap 3/12/17: Season 5 Episode 16 “Fidelity”

Tonight the CBS series Elementary airs with an all new Sunday, March 12, 2017, season 5 episode 16 and we have your Elementary recap below. On tonight’s episode called, “Fidelity” as per the CBS synopsis, “Part two of two. Joan and Kitty try to prove that a string of murders, stemming from an old case Holmes and Kitty solved in London, is connected to an international government conspiracy with the Defense Intelligence Agency at its center. Meanwhile, Sherlock and Kitty’s relationship is strained after she shares life-changing news.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Elementary recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Elementary news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

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Holmes is questioned by Agent Gephart and told he needs to stop investigating the Kotite murders, if he doesn’t Gephart will arrest him on trumped up charges. Holmes meets up with Watson and says they have to figure out what Gephart is up to. Kitty returns home to find Watson searching for listening devices in their home. She doesn’t find anything and they discuss Holmes reaction to meeting Archie. Kitty says he basically ignored the baby. Holmes has a theory that all of the dead men were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Watson goes to interview Cy’s widow while Holmes and Kitty meet with Mr. Garber. Mr. Garber thinks their theory the Kotite’s lawyer, Sawyer, didn’t kill himself is crazy and won’t help them. Cy’s widow shares all of Cy’s records from his last few trials. She thinks there might be information about his death. Watson listens to one of the recordings and hears Sawyer rambling about government conspiracies. She thinks this may be the clue they are looking for.

Holmes, Kitty and Watson listen to the tapes again and realize that the stenographer who took the notes from the pre-trial is also dead. The team now knows that what Sawyer said on the tape is the reason everyone has been kill. It is all attached to Venezuela and Gephart. Kitty realizes that their house is being watched. The team decided to re-interview Mr. Garber since he is one of the few involved in the case that is still alive. They believe he knows more than he is letting on.

Holmes decides to lead their tail on a wild goose chase while Kitty and Watson go to meet with Mr. Garber. They confront him about the bombing in Venezuela but he denies everything and calls for security to escort then out. Just then a motorcycle enters the parking garage and opens fire on the group. Fortunately, they are all able to escape injury.

Garber changes his tune now that he almost died and tells the team everything. He was in charge of the Fidel files related to everything Castro was trying to do to over throw the government. Garber gives Holmes a USB drive that contains all of the Fidel files. He reports that Gephart was the master mind behind the plan. Gephart sends a video to Watson. On it he admits to his guilt but said he did it to save the country. The team thinks he is up to something but can’t figure it out.

Holmes and Kitty argue. She thinks he is angry because of the baby but he is mad because she just disappeared without a word to him. He thought they meant more to each other than that. As they argue a clip plays on TV that shows Iran has nuclear bomb capacities that could lead to war. Now they know what Gephart is up to.

Holmes realizes that the tape is a hoax. Gephart is trying to provoke a war and the media is falling for it. Holmes has to get to Gephart and force him to admit that the tape is a fake or World War III is inevitable. Holmes arrives at Gephart’s house but he refuses to cooperate. Holmes searches the house and finds the evidence needed to prove the tape is a bogus. He turns the files over to the Intelligence Agency and war is averted. Kitty apologizes to Holmes for leaving the way she did and says they are family. Archie is baptized and Kitty asks Holmes to be the baby’s godfather. He is honored.


Heather R Brueck:
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