Emerald City Finale Recap 3/3/17: Season 1 Episode 10 “No Place Like Home”

Emerald City Finale Recap 3/3/17: Season 1 Episode 10 "No Place Like Home"Emerald City Finale Recap 3/3/17: Season 1 Episode 10 "No Place Like Home"

Tonight on NBC their new fantasy drama Emerald City debuts with an all new Friday, March 3, 2017, season 1 episode 10 finale and we have your Emerald City recap below.  On tonight’s Emerald season 1  episode 9 as per the NBC synopsis, “In the first-season finale, Tip and West reach Emerald City with vengeance on their minds. Meanwhile, Dorothy faces off against the Wizard and fights to save Oz; and Glinda brings her power to the battlefield as the threat of the Beast Forever looms.”

This certainly looks like a fun new series you don’t want to miss. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Emerald City recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps and more, right here!

Tonight’s Emerald recap starts now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Emerald City begins tonight with Nahara (Mia Mountain) begging the man from inside the tree to spare her husband, Ojo’s (Olafur Darri Olafsson) life, as he can help him leave the prison of abject. He cuts the skin off a dead person and puts it on his body.

The drones show an army approaching Emerald City, as they show the video to Eamonn (Mido Hamada) he confirms they are witches; he tells the guards to protect the city at all costs. One guard says they have no weapons against magic, Eamonn says his sacrifice will be noted.

All the drones are flown out of the city and form the word OZMA in the sky, people ask what it means but Eamonn knows. West (Ana Ularu) guides Tip (Jordan Loughran) into the city where her reputation is well-known, she doesn’t like that the people fear her, but West wants them to have a taste of what it’s like.

Tip aka Ozma forces Tip to leave him alone; she does but then the guard attempts to kill her; West kills him. West says fear rules and Ozma asks if she needs to be more like her; killing anyone that gets in her way. West says how she leads is her choice but she needs to figure it out fast.

The Wizard (Vincent D’Onofrio) and his men approaches the stone giant, telling his guards to be ready as they have a war to win. Dorothy (Adria Arjona) meets with the Wizard who is shocked it was her and not him that woke up the stone giants. She reveals it was Nahara who did it after she promised to stop the war and save OZ.

The Wizard is upset she didn’t stop Glinda (Joely Richardson); Dorothy reminds him that she said she would stop a war and that is why she raised the giants. Wizard orders her to to go North and plant the giant at her doors giving her no choice but to surrender.

Dorothy sees his arsenal of guns and says he cannot kill those girls, they are just doing what Glinda tells them to do. He believes the girls are the beast forever and promises to shoot them out of the sky if necessary.

Ozma, West and their army of witches approach the castle, and the man in the Lion mask comes down, terrifying Ozma. He lays his sword in front of her, she removes the mask revealing he is Eamonn. West orders her to bleed him dry, but he reveals he let her live because he had a daughter her age and he saw himself as a coward in her eyes.

He hands her the rightful crown, West snatches it and says he made his choice now Ozma needs to make hers. Ozma orders for his family, he begs saying they are innocent.

Everyone gathers his wife and children for Ozma and he begs saying it was only him. Ozma closes their eyes and wipes Eamonn from their memories. He asks her what she has done; she says he took her family now she took away his and casts him out of Emerald City, strips him of his land and wealth saying he will wander around like the beast he truly is. The witches chase him out of the city in shame, as villagers now know him as a murderer.

West tells Ozma that when her father died she believed justice died with him; she admits she was wrong, and calls Ozma her Queen, handing her the emerald and gold crown. She puts it on and everyone bows down with respect.

Jane chases Jack who kills several of the guards before he reaches the Wizard. Jane calls out his name and Jack says for her not to ask to spare him. He tells Jane her daughter is alive, Jack asks if she has a daughter? The Wizard says Dorothy is here and she finds her behind the flags. Just as Jane approaches her, the sky goes dark and she screams “witches”.

The sky fills with locusts and attacks everyone on the ground. Dorothy forces them to stop with her magic; within them Glinda appears. Glinda is not only shocked that Dorothy is still alive but that she was the one who awoken the stone giants. Glinda produces Sylvie (Rebeka Rea), and says even though she loves the little girl despite her magic, stone still crumbles.

Sylvie begins to crumble the giants and Dorothy fights to stop her. One of the giants stabs the a fountain hurting Glinda; bringing all the witches out in the open. The Wizard shoots and kills Sylvie as his guards begin killing all of the young witches. Jack looks for Jane, as they shoot him repeatedly and chop him apart.

Glinda says everyone is dying because of Dorothy and her choosing the Wizard’s side. Dorothy’s hands turn to rubies and gold as she furiously chases The Wizard; she throws every guard away between her and him. She orders him to call off his men or she will kill him with his own gun; he threatens if she does that she will be stuck there forever.

As she holds the gun on him, all the witches arise and return to Mistress Glinda; she says only a witch can kill a witch. Glinda calls the Wizard a fool, saying the witches are not the beast forever. He says, then what is? As the man from the tree, screams and wings spring from his back.

Glinda and the witches return to OZ to discover that West had taken over Emerald City. She says they are on the same side and no fight left in the city; she reveals that Ozma lives. Meanwhile Dorothy forces the Wizard to get her inside his castle. West says side-by-side they can rule Emerald City; Glinda asks if she will be the one to stop her.

West says she will not let another one of their kind die, just as they are about to join hands, there is a loud rumbling. Jack who lay broken in the field sees a shadow of a huge monster flying towards the city. The Wizard is stalling and Dorothy says he has a choice, he can stay here and let Glinda kill him or he can come back with her and live his life out as Frank.

He taunts that she was nothing back home. He tells her that he killed Karen Chapman but her real mother is Jane. Dorothy thinks he is lying and as he tries to smash the machine he gets shot, but not by Dorothy but Jane. Dorothy tries to get Frank to start the machine, but Jane’s bullet killed him.

Jane says its been 20 years since she saw her face and gave her to Karen; and now its time for them to go home. Dorothy isn’t sure if she can trust her; but proves that she gave her a 5 point tattoo as a child on her hand. Jane wants to answer all her questions, but says they have to go before its too late. Dorothy wants to know why she left her. Together they work to get the machine functioning so they can go back.

Both Eamonn and Lucas see the monster heading towards Oz. Dorothy goes into the machine and Jane promises to come in right behind her. She closes the door leaving only Dorothy inside and she tells her she made a promise to always protect her and she will until the day she dies. The monster flies over Emerald City.

Dorothy lands beside the destroyed mobile home Karen lived in. She runs for the storm door and finds a horribly injured Karen inside. She wraps her in a blanket while she listens to sirens.

Dorothy sits at her breakfast table, looking at the rainbow art in the window and the 5 dots on her hand. She gets up wanting to talk to Karen; but her Aunt Em (Holly Hayes) tells her to sit, and she needs to take care of herself. Dorothy tries to convince her that she is fine, but her aunt is worried.

Dorothy needs to go to the police station to make a statement. She says she went to check on Karen, she was hurt, Dorothy went to get help and was swallowed up in a twister and 10 minutes later she wakes up where she left. She says that is all she remembers.

Em says when she is ready, they will be happy to have her back at work and she can check on Karen as much as she wants. Em’s finger tips are all black and she tells Dorothy that after all these years you’d think she’d know to wear gloves when cracking walnuts.

Dorothy goes for a walk. She walks past the scarecrow and finds a German Shepherd dog sitting in the empty field. She calls him Toto and he lays down beside her; she turns around and Lucas is standing right behind her. She swears she is dreaming. He promises he isn’t going to hurt her and her mother, Jane sent him to her.

She demands to know where Jane is, and he says she is in the prison of the beast forever. She asks him to bring her back; he says he is there to bring her home; another tornado begins to form in the sky.


Cristie Geroux:
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