General Hospital Spoilers: Helena Cassadine’s Curse Carries Over Into June – Jake Breaks Down, Hospitalized – Jason Haunted

General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that while the Nurses Ball this week is the climax of the Chimera storyline, it’s not the end of Jason Morgan (Billy Miller) and Jake Webber’s (Hudson West) struggle to free themselves of the influence of their shared past with Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers). In fact, the Helena storyline and flashbacks will continue into June.

When Helena cursed Sam Morgan (Kelly Monaco) just before she died on Cassadine Island, it wasn’t some vague voodoo type of dark magic that Helena was wishing on Sam. Helena knew the curse was real because she programmed both Jason and Jake and tampered with their minds. Helena knew that long after she was dead, her influence could ruin lives.

Now, it’s critical that Jason and Jake break loose of the ties that bind them to Helena once and for all so they can have normal lives free from her evil influence. After the Nurses Ball’s violent climax, Jake has a breakdown. General Hospital spoilers reveal that his little mind can’t handle the programming he was subjected to by Helena. Jake winds up in the hospital and Jason and Liz Webber (Rebecca Herbst) are scared for their son.

On the new GH episode Friday, May 26, Jason has another terrifying flashback of Helena. The last one woke Jason from a dead sleep from a nightmare where he was in a panic because Sam and the kids were missing. Helena reminded him that she “warned him” but Jason doesn’t yet recall what the warning was and all the ways Helena messed with his mind. The next week, Jake chooses sides between his past and future.

It seems that Helena’s control over Jake is more powerful than any of the adults in his life realized. Plus, one of Helena’s minions remains in Port Charles to ensure his lady boss’s orders and schemes are carried out even though she’s moldering in her grave. Costa (Eddie Davenport) is the henchman that was beating Jason on Cassadine Island – and he’s still lurking in Port Chuck.

Costa is also the guy that masqueraded as a UPS driver to deliver the magic set to Jake. That magic set doesn’t seem to have been a gift from Spencer Cassadine (Nicolas Bechtel) at all since it contained a highly dangerous toxin. Spencer is due back in Port Charles soon and should deliver the news that he didn’t send the gift, but it’s far too late by then.

Costa will haunt Jason and rattle Jake’s cage to remind them both of their programming. Jake’s trigger phrase is “little man” and we’ll soon find out what words trigger Jason to act under Helena’s orders. Jason thinks he’s in the clear because the microchip was removed from his brain, but he’s not. That was just part of Helena’s programming – she had lots more tools to control Stone Cold.

Just what it will take to break Helena’s control over father and son is yet unkown, but what is clear is that eliminating the Chimera toxin threat won’t give closure to Jake and Jason – they need more help to break free. Share your comments below on Helena’s continued control over Jason and his son – and tune into CDL often for the latest General Hospital spoilers, news and more.

Caroline Miller:
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