General Hospital Spoilers: Jason Still Under Helena’s Control – Explodes at Nurses Ball, Loved Ones in Danger

General Hospital Spoilers: Jason Still Under Helena’s Control – Loved Ones in DangerGeneral Hospital Spoilers: Jason Still Under Helena’s Control – Loved Ones in Danger

General Hospital (GH) spoilers reveal that Jason Morgan (Billy Miller) is still a monster underneath it all and this was revealed on GH this week when Jason was back on Cassadine Island. On Wednesday’s GH episode, Franco (Roger Howarth) taunted Jason after he chained Jason up and beat him to trigger his memories. Jason handled Franco’s stunt pretty well until he was loose.

Jason told Franco that he recalled Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) telling him that he killed on her orders. It was very clear that Helena was confident she had control over Jason. We saw in the past that Helena ordered Jason to kill Sam Morgan (Kelly Monaco) and he resisted, but since the General Hospital writers are reworking Jason’s past extensively, who knows how much they will change.

It’s true that Jason had a microchip in his brain that Dr Patrick Drake (Jason Thompson) removed but that doesn’t mean that was the only thing tethering Jason to Helena. General Hospital fans remember Helena has had others under her mind control powers before without a microchip – including Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson). Plus, Helena said in the flashback scene on Wednesday that she “bought” Jason from someone.

General Hospital Spoilers: Jason Still Under Helena’s Control – Loved Ones in DangerGeneral Hospital Spoilers: Jason Still Under Helena’s Control – Loved Ones in Danger

That someone was the wicked Cesar Faison (Anders Hove) who is a master hypnotist and has greater mind control skills than even Helena, as we know from General Hospital history. It could be that even without Helena’s microchip, Faison’s mind control programming is still in there and waiting for someone to trigger it. It could be Helena herself since General Hospital spoilers indicate an old enemy shows to the Nurse’s Ball.

If Helena was only in flashbacks and is really dead, it’s quite possible it could be Faison that turns up to wreak havoc at the Nurse’s Ball on Helena’s behalf. Fake Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) talked on the phone to someone on Wednesday’s GH that she’s reporting to and General Hospital spoilers hint it’s Faison. Fake Anna already told Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) that Faison hypnotized her.

That’s what she blamed for her behavior when she seduced him and stole secrets, so Faison has been name dropped several times recently which hints he could be back. No matter who it is – Faison or Helena – that’s back for the General Hospital Nurse’s Ball, Jason is key to their plans. We all know Jason can take out a room full of mobsters or hired thugs, so a ballroom full of doctors and nurses is no challenge at all.

GH spoilers tease Jason’s mind control will be activated by one of his former keepers, Helena or Faison, at the big event and Jason’s family – and many others in Port Charles – will have their lives in danger. The bad guys could attack directly but it’s always been more fun for Helena to use her victims’ loved ones against her. This is the curse that Helena spoke to Sam on her deathbed.

Helena knew Jason would be activated after Jake Webber’s (Hudson West) birthday because she set it up. So Sam and everyone she loves will be at risk like Helena promised. The curse must be broken and the control over Jason must be shattered for everyone to survive. Share your comments below on Jason’s coming rampage and tune into CDL often for the latest General Hospital spoilers and news.

Regan Richey:
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