General Hospital Spoilers: Morgan Corinthos’ Return – Played By Bryan Craig or a Recast?

General Hospital Spoilers: Morgan Corinthos' Return - Played By Bryan Craig or a Recast?General Hospital Spoilers: Morgan Corinthos' Return - Played By Bryan Craig or a Recast?

General Hospital spoilers examine the current status of Morgan Corinthos’s place in GH’s future. All GH fans know that Morgan Corinthos isn’t dead. Even if we see a body on ‘General Hospital,’ we know it means nothing. That person could come back at any minute.

Originally, the idea perhaps was to bring back Morgan with a new face and voice, something so common today – on soaps at least. Where he’s been? Okay, I’m not a soap writer but let’s try this: He woke up in a hospital and had amnesia. His face was in bandages, nearly destroyed, so the surgeons had given him a new one. Then he remembered who he was and returned to Port Charles.

Or, let’s try this: Morgan still doesn’t know who he is and is now living in Port Charles, but no one knows that because of his new face.

General Hospital Spoilers: Morgan Corinthos' Return - Played By Bryan Craig or a Recast?General Hospital Spoilers: Morgan Corinthos' Return - Played By Bryan Craig or a Recast?

However, there’s a spanner in the works. Bryan Craig, the actor who played the adult Morgan, wants to come back, according to rumors. Then his face would not be new, and how he’s walking around Port Charles with no one spotting him is difficult to make work.

So in that case, Morgan had amnesia, no surgery, and has somehow found his way back. He knows from blood tests that he was not on his bipolar medication when the accident happened, so he may be wary of people until he finds out who switched his medication.

Of course Ava’s (Maura West) storyline is intimately bound with any Morgan recast or return – in fact her every life might depend upon it once Sonny and Carly learn she switched out his meds and caused his erratic behavior that led to his ‘death.’

TPTB at ‘General Hospital’ have a habit of sending out casting notices that sound like characters on the show. The truth is that sometimes they are just seeing what’s out there as far as new talent, and at the time the person auditions, there is no role.

One recent GH casting call had a character who was described this way: “20 to 25 years old, Caucasian male. He is brooding and intense. He is complicated and troubled. Underneath his edge he is a soulful young man trying to figure things out.” It may be Morgan, but we don’t know for certain. At the time this casting call went out late last year (2016), the powers that be denied that the role was being re-cast.

There was a rumor that Joey Luthman, who played a young Luke Spencer, was going to take the role of Morgan, but Luthman denied it. Craig has said he would be “open” to return as Morgan as a recurring character. That could mean anything. He might be a ghost, a hallucination, or a flashback.

What do you think? Would you like to see Bryan Craig return as Morgan, a new recast Morgan, or no Morgan at all? Come back to CDL for all your General Hospital spoilers, updates and news!

Maria Ciaccia:
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