General Hospital Spoilers: Nathan Threatens Valentin Over Cheating With Anna – Defends Sister Nina

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General Hospital (GH) spoilers say Nathan West (Ryan Paevey) has had enough of Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) messing with his sister Nina Clay Cassadine (Michelle Stafford) and goes after the Greek soon. This week, Nina told Nathan that she thinks she’s losing Valentin to Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) and the last thing Nathan wants is his sister heartbroken and off the rails again.

The last time Nina was hurt, her life was almost wrecked. Remember when Nina and Franco (Roger Howarth) split over her wanting kids and him not? Nina went a little crazy (but not as crazy as we’ve seen her) and married Ric Lansing (Rick Hearst) to make Franco jealous. Nina wound up in Shadybrooke and almost lost her fortune thanks to the scheming of Ric and her mom Madeline West (Donna Mills).

General Hospital fans know Nina also wound up framed for Silas Clay’s (Michael Easton) murder – a crime also committed by her horrible mother. Nathan knows just how fragile Nina can be even though she seems to be fine at present. Losing Valentin represents not just a divorce and loss of love but the loss of her beloved step-daughter Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez). That is too much for Nina to deal with right now.

General Hospital Spoilers: Nathan Threatens Valentin About Sneaking Around With Anna – Defends Sister NinaGeneral Hospital Spoilers: Nathan Threatens Valentin About Sneaking Around With Anna – Defends Sister Nina

General Hospital spoilers tease that Nathan decides he can’t let this stand and meddles in his sister’s life. When Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) was in town working with Nina, at least Nathan could get updates on his sister from his wife. But now that Maxie is out of town and not coming back soon, Nathan has time on his hands and will get involved with Nina’s husband and Nathan won’t like what he sees. Anna is acting strangely and not herself.

On Tuesday’s GH episode, Anna was flirting heavily with Valentin and trying to get him to come home with her and spend more time with her. Nelle Hayes (Chloe Lanier) lied to Nina and told her Valentin was alone and headed for the Wyndemere launch but she lied. He was with Anna for hours and when that comes out, Nelle will be in trouble with Nina. But that’s not the real issue – it’s Anna/Alex and Valentin.

Nathan will begin keeping a close watch on Valentin and Anna and he will not like what he sees. General Hospital spoilers reveal it won’t be too long before Nathan corners Valentin and makes accusations about him cheating with Anna. And when Anna hears this update, she will make things worse since she’s trying to drive a wedge into his marriage so she can take advantage of Valentin and uncover his secrets.

Valentin does love Nina but his past is like heavy baggage around his neck. Plus, Anna keeps throwing herself at him. If not for that, Valentin would never turn his eyes from Nina but this new Cassadine marriage seems doomed to fail. Valentin won’t like Nathan confronting him but Nathan isn’t wrong about what he sees. Can Nathan stop Valentin before he goes too far and crushes Nina’s heart? Share your comments below and tune into CDL often for the latest General Hospital spoilers, news and updates.

Regan Richey:
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