General Hospital Spoilers: Nelle’s Endgame Revealed – Bobbie Discovers Secret Agenda – Carly Stunned

General Hospital Spoilers: Nelle’s Endgame Revealed – Bobbie Discovers Secret Agenda – Carly StunnedGeneral Hospital Spoilers: Nelle’s Endgame Revealed – Bobbie Discovers Secret Agenda – Carly Stunned

General Hospital (GH) spoilers reveal that Nelle Hayes (Chloe Lanier) endgame is about to be exposed and everyone in Port Charles will be stunned. So far, we know little about Nelle other than she’s missing a kidney, has a silver rattle engraved with “Caroline” and has an interesting letter from her dad.

All her motivation will be exposed in winter sweeps. Here’s a look at what is revealed. Michael Quartermaine (Chad Duell) will keep trying to get closer to Nelle and she’ll keep holding him back. Michael is falling for Nelle and her playing hard to get makes it more interesting for him.

If Nelle turns out to be his sister and Carly Corinthos’ (Laura Wright) daughter – as GH spoilers have hinted – he will be devastated and disgusted by the manipulation. He’ll feel played and that’s hard so soon after losing Sabrina Santiago (Teresa Castillo). Is hurting Michael part of Nelle’s plan or is he collateral damage?

General Hospital Spoilers: Nelle’s Endgame Revealed – Bobbie Discovers Secret Agenda – Carly StunnedGeneral Hospital Spoilers: Nelle’s Endgame Revealed – Bobbie Discovers Secret Agenda – Carly Stunned

Bobbie Spencer (Jacklyn Zeman) soon notices how close Michael and Nelle have become and flips out. When Nelle called Bobbie out as a hooker, Bobbie said she saw the “real” Nelle. Bobbie is suspicious of Nelle over Carly but the out of town chick messing with her grandson is too much to take.

Bobbie plans to find and air Nelle’s dirty laundry. GH spoilers reveal that Bobbie investigates Nelle and digs up dirt. Will Bobbie break into Nelle’s apartment? Bobbie might be law-abiding now, but she has a criminal past and she’s a Spencer – and they ignore the law when they must.

Will Bobbie find Nelle’s box of secrets? The rattle was likely given to Carly when Bobbie gave her up for adoption. Bobbie would be shocked to see the rattle in Nelle’s possession and will assume Nelle stole it from Carly. Bobbie will figure out Nelle’s secrets, but not all at once.

Soon, Carly comes back from Australia with concerns. Nelle encouraged Carly to pick up Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy) because Carly and Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) were getting close again. Nelle is clever and knew getting Carly away from Sonny would cool things off.

When Carly comes back, she reconsiders reuniting when she sees Sonny’s violent tendencies boil over with the new mob threat. Sonny has had enough of Nelle and doesn’t trust her motives. Next week, Sonny is done playing nice with Nelle and tries to put a scare into her – will it work?

There’s also the question of who is Nelle’s father and is he alive? The letter Nelle carries around says “you owe me” but is it from her biological father or an adoptive dad? What power does he have over her and is Nelle being forced to torment Carly? Maybe it’s a little bit of both.

Nelle told Michael that coming to Port Charles “definitely lined up with some of my long-term goals.” We know she means revenge against Carly. By the end of the month, a GH spoiler indicates that Bobbie calls for help. Is that because of her investigation into Nelle? Is she caught?

Nelle’s endgame is wrecking Carly’s life and ruining her marriage, but there’s more to it. Carly and Sonny can always get back together. Is Nelle holding a trump card that will take down Carly in some horrible way? What else is she hiding about her past and her ties to Carly?

Share your comments below on Nelle’s ultimate plan and tune into CDL often for the latest General Hospital spoilers and news.

Regan Richey:
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