General Hospital (GH) spoilers from a new video promo for Monday, February 13 reveal that Julian Jerome (William deVry) is in big trouble with his big sister Olivia “Liv” Jerome (Tonja Walker). Julian has disappointed Liv time and again and it will be his fault when Sam Morgan (Kelly Monaco) becomes her next target.
The new video kicks in right after Julian leaves the PCPD where Ava Jerome (Maura West) is in custody for the bomb death of Morgan Corinthos (Bryan Craig). Ava’s circumstance is all about mistaken identity since she’s the only Jerome sister they know of – Julian could have alibied her out, but he did not, which leaves Ava shaken and suspicious.
Julian reports back to Liv that the cops have a photo of the two of them and a recording and that’s when Liv attacks. Julian knows she’s unstable but he has no idea what he’s messing with when she puts her hands on him. Liv gives Julian a killer slap and then verbally assaults him for failing her again. She’s had enough of his tricks.
GH fans know that Liv has been bossing Julian around for months and pulling his strings. She blackmailed him resulting in his attempt on Alexis Davis’ (Nancy Lee Grahn) life and when things didn’t go the way she wanted, that’s when Liv ordered Winston Rudge (David Lee) to assassinate Julian and Buzz (Don Swayze) was hired to plant the bomb.
The interesting thing about this twister sister dynamic is that now that Julian survived the car bomb, Liv has decided not to kill him. Instead, she is toying with people he cares about which has him much more scared than if it was just his life on the line. Liv has threatened to take out everyone around him and leave him alone and miserable – like he did to her.
We finally got a peek into Liv’s motivation when she raged at Julian last week over ordering the assassination of Duke Lavery (Ian Buchanan). Liv was angry that Julian shot her back in the day, but she always had that fantasy about Duke to keep her going. But once Julian had Duke murdered, that brought everything crashing down for Liv.
GH spoilers for next week reveal that Julian realizes his past actions have consequences – and it’s all back to killing Duke and incurring the wrath of his unstable big sister. Liv will now set her sights on Sam to punish Julian. Sam is the perfect target since she’s pregnant. That means if anything happens to Sam, it’s a double tragedy.
Julian has no idea how many revenge schemes Liv has in play. Another recent promo revealed she has six targets in mind and Sam and Alexis are on her list. Liv needs Julian alive to complete the task of buying GH so she can close it, tear it down, and turn it into condos. In order to make sure he follows through, threatening his daughter is smart.
On Monday’s episode, we’ll see Liv creeping around GH and in Dr Kelly Lee’s (Minae Noji) office for info on Sam. This is all part of her plan to ensure Julian follows orders. If he doesn’t, it could very well be Sam and her unborn child that pay the price for Julian betraying his big sister yet again.
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