General Hospital Spoilers: Sam Haunted by Visions of Helena – Costa Infected Sam with Chimera Toxin After Jake Failed

General Hospital Spoilers: Sam Haunted by Visions of Helena – Costa Infected Sam with Chimera Toxin After Jake FailedGeneral Hospital Spoilers: Sam Haunted by Visions of Helena – Costa Infected Sam with Chimera Toxin After Jake Failed

General Hospital (GH) spoilers indicate that Sam Morgan (Kelly Monaco) is channeling the psychic vibes of Olivia Falconeri (Lisa LoCicero) because she soon starts having terrifying visions of Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers). Sam is deeply scared for Jason Morgan (Billy Miller) as he tries to crush the last of Helena’s influence over his son Jake Webber (Hudson West).

Sam knows Jason can take care of business, but her visions are traumatizing her and she can’t get a grip on herself. General Hospital fans know Sam has never been one to preach to Jason about avoiding violence if he thinks it’s justified. Sam is very supportive of Jason and always has been – even when he turned his Stone Cold anger on her after she sat by and watched while Jake was abducted back in the day.

Sam is Jason’s ride or die and the love of his life, so for her to be this concerned about him, it’s a big deal. Too bad Jason won’t listen. So why is Sam having visions out of nowhere when she’s never had a psychic moment in her life? General Hospital spoilers say it all ties back to the Chimera Project. Helena had that toxin in her custody for decades and GH fans know the Cassadines are obsessed with sick science.

General Hospital Spoilers: Sam Haunted by Visions of Helena – Costa Infected Sam with Chimera Toxin After Jake FailedGeneral Hospital Spoilers: Sam Haunted by Visions of Helena – Costa Infected Sam with Chimera Toxin After Jake Failed

Who’s to say that Helena didn’t pop the top on that silver tube of viral toxicity and pour herself out a little helping. Why would Helena waste the whole of the weapon taking down Port Charles when she could have had her evil scientists replicate the toxin in the secret labs on the island of her Greek lair? Cassadine Island had lots of science equipment and experiments going on all the time.

Helena knew it was possible that both Jason and Jake would fail her and break the shackles of her brainwashing. No way would Helena set this plan in motion without having a contingency in place in case it failed. Helena’s loyal henchman Costa (Eddie Davenport) is in charge of the Plan B. General Hospital spoilers tease Costa infected Sam with some Chimera toxin to punish Jason.

Helena knows from having Jason beaten repeatedly that he can take anything physical that Costa can dish out. But what Jason is really scared of – the only thing he’s scared of, in fact – is his family coming to harm. While Jason is following up leads that take him to Costa, it seems that Costa has already lashed out to punish Jason on Helena’s behalf by infecting Sam – and that’s why she’s having visions.

When Jason finally catches up to Costa, the henchman will gloat that it’s too late, Sam has been infected with the toxin and there’s no cure. General Hospital buzz says the visons she’s having are symptoms of the poison! It might be time for Jason to call in Robin Scorpio Drake (Kimberly McCullough) since she worked in Helena’s secret labs and might be the only person to know how to find a cure to save Sam.

Also, if the Chimera is contagious, Sam’s infection could spread to the rest of the family and all across Port Charles. GH loves a good pandemic story and this might be the start of a hot summer plot that could prove fatal to the residents of our favorite soap city. Share your comments below on Sam’s infection thanks to Helena’s final revenge plot and tune into CDL often for more General Hospital spoilers.

Regan Richey:
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