General Hospital Spoilers: William deVry and Nancy Lee Grahn Share Hot Kiss at Party – Julexis in Real Life?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease there might be some heat offscreen for Julexis as well as on-screen. A recent photo posted on Twitter showed Nancy Lee Grahn and William deVry in a steamy lip lock that was not on the set of the ABC soap. Instead, it was at an Emmy party. This has some wondering if the on-screen heat between Will and Nancy has spilled over into their personal lives.

It wouldn’t be the first time soap stars fell in love on set, even when they’ve already got partners. Will has been in a long-term romance with actress Rebecca Staab and up until a week ago, she was retweeting fan posts about Julexis in support of the on-screen couple. Nancy Lee Grahn is single and has been for some time. So is there something going on between the General Hospital co-stars?

A fan shared the pic of Will and Nancy kissing and asked “Was this a rehearsal event?” She hashtagged it Julexis but didn’t tweet directly at either of the actors but did tag them in the photo. Will replied to the fan saying “Rehearsal event? No. Was at Emmy party. We can’t help it.” That’s a pretty steamy lip lock for two people that are only co-workers…

If you look at the pic, their bodies are pressed together, both their eyes are closed, and they’re kissing on the mouth. That’s a pretty hot greeting for people that aren’t romantically involved. Who else greets a co-worker like that, even if you’re accustomed to being half naked on the set together? So, is there something going on between Nancy and Will behind the scenes?

General Hospital fans know just how steamy the love scenes have been between Julian and Alexis on the ABC soap. Sometimes they’re rough, sometimes they’re tender, but they’re always hot and usually a bit over the line. There’s hair pulling, biting, holding each other down, and lots of sexy antics. It’s not your usual vanilla sweet soap sex between Julian and Alexis – that’s for sure.

But is all that passion too much for the two? Have they sparked a secret romance when the camera stopped rolling and couldn’t contain themselves at the Emmy party? In the photos from the General Hospital after-Emmy party, many of the stars had their partners there including Chad Duell who brought along Courtney Hope (Sally, B&B) and Parry Shen had his wife in tow.

If Rebecca Staab was at the party with Will deVry, she didn’t make it into the photos. Nancy Lee Grahn was caught in one other lip lock that night – with co-star Caroline Hennesy, but their kiss was much less passionate than the one she shared with her sexy scene partner deVry. Was that seemingly steamy kiss just a trick of photography or is there something more between these two?

Does it look like real life romance to you? Share your comments below on the post-Emmy kiss shared by Alexis and Julian portrayers Nancy Lee Grahn and William deVry and be sure to tune into CDL often for the latest General Hospital spoilers and news.

Caroline Miller:
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