Gillian Anderson Fights For Gender Equality On X-Files Set: Deserves Same Pay As David Duchovny!

Gillian Anderson Fights For Gender Equality On X-Files Set: Deserves Same Pay As David Duchovny!Gillian Anderson Fights For Gender Equality On X-Files Set: Deserves Same Pay As David Duchovny!

Gillian Anderson has been through a lot to get where she is. However, one of the first things she ever had to confront was equal pay when she found out that her male co-star on X-Files was making more than her for the same work.

So Gillian fought for to be paid the same as David Duchovny and even had to fight the studio because they had also wanted her to stand behind David at all times, but in the end, Gillian walked away with an accomplishment because she continued to demand equality until she eventually got it.

Gillian was always considered fearless. Her character, Scully, may battle the supernatural, yet it was Gillian that basically told the studio “look, I’ve been nominated and have won several awards so when are you guys going to take me seriously”. But after all she did to get that far, the revival of the hit show then tried to pay her less than David again!

Gillian Anderson Fights For Gender Equality On X-Files Set: Deserves Same Pay As David Duchovny!Gillian Anderson Fights For Gender Equality On X-Files Set: Deserves Same Pay As David Duchovny!

That time they had wanted to offer her half his pay however Gillian didn’t stand for that and she’s not backing down from critiquing the show. At least not when it was recently reported “that the upcoming 11th season of The X-Files had hired an all-male team of writers”! So Gillian’s response to this latest controversy had been a tweet that hit home for a lot of people. Including myself.

The tweet read: “And 2 out of 207 eps directed by women. I too look forward to the day when the numbers are different.”

But how long must women wait to get taken seriously? It’s like one step forward and two steps back yet the success of movies like ‘Wonder Woman’ should have showed that women can be the star, they can direct, and they can write their own dialogue that doesn’t sound like they’re always the sidekick – so I too look forward to the day when the numbers are different and hopefully that will happen soon!

Check back with CDL for more Gillian Anderson news and updates here.

Photo Credit: Instagram

Kristine Francis:
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