How to Get Away With Murder Recap 2/2/17: Season 3 Episode 11 “Not Everything’s About Annalise”

How to Get Away With Murder Recap 2/2/17: Season 3 Episode 11 "Not Everything's About Annalise"How to Get Away With Murder Recap 2/2/17: Season 3 Episode 11 "Not Everything's About Annalise"

Tonight on ABC their hit drama How To Get Away With Murder (HTGAWM)  airs with an all-new Thursday,  February 2, 2017,  episode and we have you How To Get Away With Murder recap below!  On tonight’s HTGAWM season 3 episode 11 “Not Everything’s About Annalise” as per the ABC synopsis, “Annalise’s (Viola Davis) life behind bars is a daily struggle that tests her sanity, but her future could change following a shocking confession to Wes’ murder. Meanwhile, the Keating 4 are unnerved by the scope of the DA’s investigation.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10PM – 11PM ET for our How To Get Away With Murder recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our HTGAWM recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here.

Tonight’s How To Get Away With Murder recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

How To Get Away With Murder (HTGAWM) begins with the past when Frank (Charlie Weber) picked up Wes (Alfred Enoch) outside the police station. They drive to a secluded alley and Frank reveals his contacts told him Wes was there. Wes admits that he hasn’t said anything but he might. Wes says he would never hurt Laurel (Karla Souza) the way Frank has.

Wes confronts him with the knowledge that Frank killed his father as well as Annalise’s (Viola Davis) son. At present day, Frank is at the police station recounting those exact moments and confessing he took Wes to the Keating house and when he realized Annalise wasn’t there he chloroformed him; cut the gas line and turned the burner on the stove giving him enough time to get out before the house went up in flames. When asked why he did it, he says, “Laurel!”

Annalise is roughly forced on her feet by prison guards, who handcuff her and remove her from the cell. Annalise is placed in a prison transport van, demanding to know where she is going. She is brought to the Police Department as Frank says he lost it when he found out Laurel was pregnant, he admits Laurel wasn’t supposed to be in the house and he is confessing because he can’t take that he hurt her.

Annalise demands to see her lawyer, saying she won’t speak without Bonnie present. The detectives want to talk about Frank, and why she took him in years ago. She says everything she says is inadmissible until they bring in her lawyer. The detectives return to the interrogation room Frank is in, telling him they cannot collaborate his story so he is free to go. He tells them to check the cameras in front of their precinct.

Bonnie walks right through the precinct saying she is Annalise’s lawyer. She catches the police escorting Frank away in handcuffs. Before the police can get him out of the hall, he shouts that he killed Wes and for her to tell Annalise he is sorry.

Soraya Hargrove (Lauren Luna Velez) meets with Connor (Jack Falahee), Michaela (Aja Naomi King) and Asher (Matt McGorry) offering them all the time and help they need to deal with everything.

Michaela points out that Mike Richardson is a lawyer for the school, and says the whole support of the school spiel lost its effect when they obtained counsel for their meeting. Michaela says that Professor Annalise Keating IS Middleton Law and they should really think twice before leaving her out to dry. She is also furious that Soraya had never met Wes, nor has she planned a memorial or anything for him.

Bonnie finally gets to meet with Annalise, she informs her that she needs to be released because Frank has now been arrested. She tells Annalise to trust her because she will have her out by the end of the day. Annalise sobs saying she trusted her to get her out on bail and look how that went.

Nate Lahey (Billy Brown), who works for the DA, arrives to see the investigators who now have evidence that Frank was the last person to see Wes alive; they want Nate back on the case. He goes to visit Laurel in the hospital, and reveals Frank turned himself in for Wes’ murder. Laurel won’t say whether Frank knew she was pregnant or not, but Nate says he is there if she needs to talk.

Meggie (Corbin Reid) observes Laurel making a phone call to Bonnie, who confirms Frank confessed but Laurel never told Frank she was pregnant, making them both think Frank is lying to cover for Annalise. Bonnie hangs up to see the prosecutor, who says she will not release Annalise even though Frank confessed.

Bonnie asks Connor, Asher and Michaela for help; she also needs Oliver (Conrad Ricarnora) to hack the DA’s office. Connor refuses to involve him and angrily confronts Michaela for defending Annalise. Michaela says if Annalise goes down, they all go down. As the bicker, Bonnie takes control telling them Annalise is a mess and maybe they hate her, but it is their lives on the line.

Meggie comes to visit Laurel, asking her about the visit she had with Nate that morning. She wants to know what is going on, Laurel shuts down saying they are not friends and it is illegal for her to know about her medical care when she isn’t even her doctor.

Michaela takes control and they pay a visit to Oliver. He doesn’t want to know the details, but she says because Connor opened his fat mouth, their lives are on the line. Oliver says he understands and she tells him he has to hack the DA.

The detectives visit the ADA’s office, who says she needs to think about what they are telling her. Nate interrupts their meeting but says Laurel didn’t reveal anything to him. He asks to speak to Frank and is denied. ADA Rene Atwood (Milauna Jackson) visits Frank insisting he is lying for Annalise because she has controlled him for so long.

At the prison, the women are given 15 minutes to shower, several inmates are yelling at Annalise, who is trying to take a peaceful shower. They demand to know why she killed that boy, she denies doing it. Meanwhile, the ADA wants to know from Frank why there were hours between him picking up Wes and the house exploding. He says he is done with the interrogation.

As the inmates continue to harass Annalise, she raises her hand and tells them to get off her before she beats in their faces. Her cell mate tells them to back off her, while they taunt her about running off and tell her to sleep with one eye open. Back in the cell, the only one willing to protect her, asks if she is trying to get herself killed, and attempts to hand her a razorblade.

Annalise is called out because she has a visitor, it is Soraya. She tells her about the meeting with her students; Annalise is fully prepared to be fired but Soraya says she came to make sure she was okay, nothing else.

Michaela and Connor continue to argue, as Asher admits how scary this all can be and offers support to Oliver. Oliver gets into ADA Atwood’s computer, some of the stuff is about Frank but most of it is about Annalise, there were a lot of information about a Jane Doe found in the woods, the Jane Doe is Rebecca (Katie Findlay).

Bonnie arrives at Oliver’s asking to know if they found anything. Nate comes to see Frank asking him to tell him the truth. Nate informs Frank that Wes didn’t die in the fire, and the only reason he is confessing is to fix up his screw up with Annalise. Frank says, “not everything’s about Annalise”.

As they discuss Rebecca’s death, Oliver reveals they have a lot more on Annalise than just Rebecca. There are several other murders they are investigating Annalise on, as Oliver names everyone off, Asher looks to Bonnie to explain.

Bonnie returns to see Annalise, telling her the ADA is not going to stop, even if they believe Frank because they are after her for Sam (Tom Verica), Rebecca and everything. Bonnie tells her to put everything on Frank and to ask for a deal, saying Frank was a sociopath and that is why she didn’t say anything. Bonnie says Frank knows he owes her that and it is her only shot.

Connor, Asher and Michaela come to see Laurel in the hospital, and let her know everything they have learned. As they discuss escaping the country, Laurel tells them Meggy is acting sketchy and Michaela wants to know how they all could have been that stupid.

Bonnie and Annalise meet with the detectives and the ADA trying to make an immunity deal for Annalise. ADA Atwood attempts to break Annalise byt talking about Wes as an abandoned child, growing up in the foster care system, trying to make something of his life.

Bonnie attempts to stop her from antagonizing her client, even tries to end the meeting while she throws pictures of Wes’ burnt body in front of her. Annalise snaps, begging them to uncuff her. Atwood stand up, leaving with no deal.

Everyone is in Laurel’s room, watching Golden Girls when Bonnie arrives asking to speak to Laurel alone. Bonnie tells her, she can fix this. Meanwhile Annalise is returned to her cell, she wants the blade, her cell mates watch as she cuts all her hair off like a crazy woman.

Asher brings in a plate of candles while Enigma plays in the background. Michaela asks him to stop, he apologizes and says all he was trying to do was thank her for taking charge. She tells him she only wants a massage. Connor comes to see Oliver, who begs him to say this is all a terrible joke.

He cries asking Connor how he has been doing this, and pretend how things can be normal again. Connor says now he knows why he begged him to go to the police; he also says it is his fault for not leaving Oliver a long time ago but he needed him. Oliver says he needs him too and asks him to spoon him and to not let go. Connor promises not to.

The police detectives come to see Laurel, who tells them about her relationship with Frank and how complicated her life became between Wes and Frank. Laurel admits to seeing Frank last week and revealing she was pregnant with Wes’ baby. She says she wouldn’t have told him if she knew he would hurt Wes.

When asked if Bonnie has seen her, she says the drugs have warn off and she remembers seeing Frank in the basement before the explosion, running out of the storm door. She says Frank did this!

As Frank sits in the interrogation room he flashes back to Wes telling him Annalise uses him and she will get rid of him when she is done. Wes asks about Rebecca’s murder and Frank says she ran away, offering for them to look for her together. The detectives return and arrest Frank for Wes’ murder.

Frank is led away as Nate argues with the ADA saying they both know Frank didn’t do this because Wes died before the fire, telling her to do a second autopsy. She then says maybe Nate is the one who did this for Annalise, telling him he is asking the wrong questions.

Frank recalls Wes exiting his car. He places a call to Bonnie saying they have a puppy problem and he knows Rebecca is dead. Bonnie tells him to keep following him and to not lose him.

Annalise is brought to Bonnie who tells her they have charged Frank as her co-conspirator. Bonnie cries that she thought she could do this, Annalise says it is fine as she deserves this.

End of episode

Cristie Geroux:
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